Chapter 10: Goblin Versus Hero 2.

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In the Elven country, the Elvestia Kingdom. It was located westward of the Great Forest of Strom, bordering the forest and the Anaheim Kingdom.

As one to expect in an elven country, the houses and other infrastructures were built on a tree and if not, near a tree. Looking above, you can see tree houses and bridges connecting from one tree to another. Where on the ground, there was the other facilities such as mercantile districts, bath houses, and place to eat. There are also Inn and pub located in both upper and lower part of the kingdom scattered around, but majority of these are located on the lower part which is the ground.

The reason is that, simply put, is it is hard to deliver supplies up in the trees which was way taller than average.

So majority of the buildings above are residential households.

And below of the tallest and biggest tree was a huge building-- mansion or even castle?-- made of magically strengthened wood and stone was located. It was large, rivaling the castle of Anaheim Kingdom.

There was where the High Elves-- the royalty-- resides. It serves as place to stay for the royalty and as well as their office where they do their administrative duties.

On a large room, surrounded by bookshelves and other furniture ranging from study table, office table, chairs, cabinets containing documents, and other things related in office works; there was the Chief-- which is equivalent to a king-- seated on his office table.

Big piles of unfinished documents stood above the table.


The Chief sighed heavily in exhaustion. He rubbed his temple to alleviate his headache. This past few months, problems keep piling and piling to the point that he had no choice but to reduce his sleep into two hours a day.

"Here's tea dear, you're working too hard. Why not take a short break?" His wife, mother of Latina took some of the documents and put it away to create space for the tea.

The Chief, Elwood Halifenas, put down his pen and took a sip on the tea his wife-- Livynea PaleArk Halifenas-- brought.

"This is soothing....." He said as he enjoy the taste and aroma of the tea.

"How's the situation on the east?" Livynea asked.

The east was where the Forest is located. The Elvestia Kingdom is seeking to expand its territory and conquering the part of the Forest and succeeding until past few months, but a problem occurred.

"It is so terrible.... Some of the territory we conquered in the forest was reclaimed by those monsters... And there are talks about the prediction of monster invasion in the kingdom."

One of the improvised fortress in the borderline of the conquered territory was attacked by monsters and had fallen. The casualties are great but didn't warrant any attention from the chief. He decided that it was just unfortunate circumstances that a concentrated number monsters coincidentally wandered near the fortress and attacked by instinct leading the fall of the fortress.

But the next news left him shocked. The day after the fall of the fortress, a new report arrived. Telling that another fortress had fallen and by the information given, it fell on the same time as the previous one.

At this point they became alarmed. Week passed and another fortress had fallen, greatly reduced their territory. This was the time the Chief declared that the monsters are reclaiming their territory.

Or worst case, invading. That was the unsaid thought of the Chief back then.

"Our resources which was commonly coming from the forest are reducing.... I considered forming trade partnership with other countries but the pride of the elves was making it too hard."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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