Chapter 5: Hugo Alth Anaheim

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It was a week since the opening ceremony, everyone from class 1-A are forming their own circle of friends. And everyone are starting act friendly with each other.

"Gooood morning Schwarcchi!"

Latina entered the classroom with her usual vigor. Shcwarcchi or Schwartz looked at her and greeted back.

"Good morning Latina, full of energy again huh?"


She walked and took her seat and looked at her seatmate.

"Good morning Ana!"

"Morning Latina."

Latina and Anastasia became a good friend in the span of a week. At first, Anastasia was unapproachable. But she gradually became softer after she persistently tried to talk to her.

"Good morning pal!"

"Morning Krem, don't shout early in the morning. Geez."


"Schwartz g'moring. Fwaah~."

"Yo, Arnold. Try not to sleep late for once in a while."

"Morning Schwartz."

"Oh yeah, Good morning Laylaine."

All of the students are finally seated by the time their professor came. She was with a man, who looks like on his mid thirties. He has the same hair and eyes color as Schwartz, in fact, they look splitting image of each other.

"Good morning class. Today, we have a guest. Pay respect, he is Hugo Alth Anaheim. The first Prince and the current Hero."

Everyone looked at the Hero with awe and respect. He was famous worldwide known as Hope Of Humanity. He defeated countless of ferocious and dangerous monsters ranging from Minotaur to Dragons.

He became Hero at the age of 19.

Seeing him in front of the class, Schwartz blurted out.

"....Elder Brother?"

"That's right Lil Bro, big bro is here!"

"S-Stop it! Don't treat me like a kid!"

Hugo was a doting brother, he always dotes on him on every occasions. He was busy with his Hero works so he was rarely at home. So he tried treating him with care every time he's at home.

But he sometimes go overboard and embarrass Schwartz.

"Ahem. Sir Hugo is here to give some advice and tips for you lot. So better listen to him."

Everyone nodded vigorously. Meeting the esteemed hero was once in a lifetime experience, they would not let this chance to slip by.

"Alright, I should first introduce myself. I am Hugo Alth Anaheim, a pleasure to meet all of you."

He introduced himself befitting as a Royalty. Prof Cecily move to the corner of the room, giving him the spotlight.

"I was requested by the current principal to attend here, and I was told to teach you. I'm not really a great teacher but... I hope you guys can learn from me."

Then he took a whit chalk and write on the board.

Question time!

"Ask me question, I am glad to answer it."

""" Ooh!"""

The class grew noisier. The idea of asking a hero about his deeds seems fired the whole class. It was Arnold who raised a hand first.

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