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She blew out a a breath that she could see in the crisp winter air. Four months ago she'd received the last note from Dear Heart. Josephine was still not found and it was seemly like she didn't want to be.

She stood with the ladle in her gloved hand as ahe spooned the steaming soup into bowls and

offered a sweet hello to the many who unlike herself had slept in huddles against the bitterness of the cold that surrounded them.

What started as a project she was required to finish for her end of school grade had quickly become something she gladly chose to do.

An old man with a coat so torn dropped a piece of blue paper on the table in front of her.

"People throw away the darndest things" were the only words he spoke before picking up his bowl and walking away.

My Dear Josephine,

I sit here and find my mind drifting to the thoughts that have long since embedded in my mind. Those that belong to a memory you have created.

Generosity Josephine. Generosity is the warmth that those you help have received. You wish not for yourself and in doing so you are completely and fulfillingly loved by those you touch.

Until next time my love,

Your very own,

Dear Heart xxx

Notes For JosephineWhere stories live. Discover now