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She jumped to the side as the dirty street man walked to her side.

"Oh I'm sorry. You scared me."

The man looked at her with sadness and an almost bitter expression.

"I'm not judging you" she said softly "if anything I admire how you cope with what you need to do to survive."

He regarded her for a moment and nodded once to show he believed her words.

"Can I help you with anything?" To know how blessed her own life was almost shamed her in front of this man.

He grinned an almost toothless smile and pointed to the travel cup of coffee in her hands that she'd just bought.

Quickly she held out the hand it was in and the man reached out and she felt the rough texture of his skin as his fingers brushed hers.

"I don't take charity. I'll pay you with this."

Her eyes dropped to the piece of blue paper he held out to her and she nodded swiftly.

My Dear Josephine,

Oh my dear love, I wish I were able to walk hand in hand with you and tell the world that you are my love. However, that time is yet to be.

Blessings Josephine. Blessings are that which many take for granted and which others long for. There are some who believe each day a blessing and for myself that is most certainly true.

Until next time my love,

Your very own,

Dear Heart xxx

Notes For JosephineWhere stories live. Discover now