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Guysss it's meee! Your very consistent writer!

I'm really really really ..... Bussyyy??

Cuz, my boards are like nearing and pre boards are going on!

So yaa, I know I'm fucker to announce it again but yes my book is going on hold again!

Thanks for all the love guysss!
I hope I complete it soon...

I love and appreciate the response you all have given in this bookkkk!

I seriously Can't, CAN'T explain the happiness and gratitude I feel when I see my book reaching 9k! And that too without asking much for votes? I mean I did ask sometimes but few has been with me from start to end, so freakin grateful for them.

Love you all!

Curse me how much you guys want!

I will try to come back very freakin soon!

I genuinely miss writing but, you know it doesn't give me that inspiration anymore!

As I have even mentioned in the starting I only want best for the book! I'm just gonna write it once after all!

I completely understand your choice- to continue or not!

But I'm happy, I'm happy that I had you till here! And I'm happy that you were a part of my journey to complete 8k views and 1.4k votes! I'm happy that you were there when I ranted and you were there when I updated!

I'm happy that I had you all till now and might also in the future!!

I shall be back soon!

But whatever, I seriously sound so cheesy rn, but trust me guys all my love for you just want to come out. But guess I can't pour it all out at once!

Be the way you are- amazing, bad, okay or just you!!

With love,
Yours one and only,
J ❤️


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