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"'Go and see how he acts' he said." You begin to imitate, annoyed at Technoblade—who is the one who sent you here—for not giving you a decent horse to get there. "'Go and see how he plans things, and try and befriend him' he said. Well maybe you could give me a decent way to get there!"

You kept on complaining until you reached a clearing from the large sand dunes that surrounded the rest of you. You decided to stop complaining and try and do what you were sent to do. You trotted your horse—that was slower than a panda without bamboo or cake—down the faded gravel path towards a giant pit of what looked like a country.

There was someone sitting near the wreckage, you couldn't identify them. You made your way towards them as knowingly as possible so as not to disturb them as much. You got off of your horse, and began making your way over to them when they turned around and looked you in the eyes.

You could tell that they were male. He had black hair that was covered by a beanie which was covered in dust. His eye color was hard to see, due to the very noticeable scar that set very clearly on his left (your right) eye. He looked at you with those dull eyes of his, fear pertaining to every ounce of him.

You looked past him at the wreckage and saw a giant pit of nothing but sand, sandstone, and a body- wait. You rushed past the wreckage and kneeled down near the corpse. They were male, had blonde hair, goat horns and ears, and a green button-up top that was covered in blood. He wasn't breathing. You felt sad if anyone was related to him, he looked like he had a nice life.

You sulked your way back to the first person you had seen, and he was still there looking down at either the wreckage or at half (½) a pair of glasses. You keeled down by him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"What happened?" You question. You hoped that you could get an answer before he began crying, having a mental breakdown, or he ran away.

"It. It blew up. He's gone. I lost him. It's gone. It did it. I need to escape it." He muttered in a pattern that made no sense to you whatsoever.

"Look, I think that 'it' might only hurt those that it has to." You replied, trying to relax him.

"It'll do anything to harm me, it killed him and Tubbo. It'll kill and destroy anything to get to me." He disagreed, adding it into the mix of phrases that he kept repeating.

"Does 'it' know where you would go once this happened?" You ask, still trying to relieve him of the after trauma of whatever happened. You didn't get a reply. "I'm Y/N, I'm willing to help you if you let me."

"Quackity. Leader of Las Nevadas, or now the second (2nd) crater of a country." Quackity answered, looking you in the eyes again. His voice had cracked slightly and his eyes were watery... It made you feel sick.

You knelt next to him and hesitantly wrapped an arm around his shaking shoulders, squeezing him a little bit. "It'll be alright, Quackity. I'm here, and I want to help," you whispered to him, before slowly bringing both of you to your feet. He shook more and took a few strangled breaths, attempting to hold his tears back.

You then led him back to that slow horse of yours, now somewhat grateful for the speed it bore. He pulled himself up onto the saddle and slid back a little bit. You followed, sitting in front of him and grabbing the reins of the black and brown steed.

"So, ah," he whispered, reluctantly putting his arms around you. He seemed to be new to that idea, from what you could tell. Hesitant to trust, hesitant to allow people near him... yet you figured his current situation—the sadness, the death, the horror—was blinding his mind to recognize that he did not know who you were.

"So, why were you coming to Las Nevadas?" He asks finally, his voice no longer breaking every word. Slowly, you pulled your horse away from the wreckage. "Did you have family, friends...? Business with someone, perhaps?"

"No," you replied quietly, certain his head was pounding from that explosion he had endured. It brought the question of who blew up his country to your mind, but you quickly pushed that away. "I was actually planning to join Las Nevadas. Kiniko just wasn't the right place for me, I suppose. Las Nevadas definitely seemed more promising."

Though your voice was calm, your hands gripped the reins tighter. What if Quackity had ties within Kiniko Kingdom? You worried, Friends who lived there, people to tell him that I never lived there...

"Oh, I see," his voice was quiet and somewhat prideful. "Well, Las Nevadas was quite the promise." He confirmed, his grip on your waist now seeming a bit more comfortable. "I've heard great things about Kiniko, though. Just wasn't good enough, huh?"

"No," you laughed, shaking your head furiously. "Kiniko was... pretty bad. Constant fights, random nonsense that made no sense ever, they," you sighed and rolled your eyes sarcastically just at the thought of them. Sapnap, George, Karl, and Tina. "They were kinda ehh."

"Ehh?" He questioned, raising a brow and laughing at your response. "Honestly, I understand that whole-heartedly."

"Good, you better!" You replied, giggling madly. He laughed quietly with you and moved closer to you on the saddle. Honestly, you thought you were doing extremely well on that 'befriend him' bit that Techno assigned.


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