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You figured that you would take him to your house that was farther away, so you decided to travel through the nether instead. You were making your way through a warped forest when you felt the grip on your waist lighten and a sudden weight appear on your left shoulder. You attempted to look at what it was, when you turned your neck a small amount to find that Quackity had fallen asleep.

Looking around and deciding that nothing could bother you if you both fell asleep, you slowly got off the horse and made sure that Quackity was stable on it, and started to gather wood. Once the wood was gathered you built a small shack into the side of a netherrack mountain.

You found a large field of twisted vines and figured that those could work if they were twisted together. Grabbing as much as your hands could carry and headed back to the shack to begin twisting the vines. When you reached the shack, you opened the small door and saw a set of weird purple static dissipating around Quackity.

You stopped in the doorway and waited to see if it was just your head, or an enderman with weird particles. You sat down and began twisting the vines when the particles returned and something came out of them. It looked at you with grey eyes, and an expression that looked human.

"W-What are you?" You interrogated. A large smile appeared on its face.

"A person that has things to do. Including," they replied playfully, "traumatizing this man!"

"Why; what did he ever do to you?" You question in response, they begin to laugh.

"A lot of things, Y/N. A lot of things." They answer hysterically.

"Like what?" You extend, hoping that you could get a good answer.

"That's a story for another time, but for now, I'll have my fun." They chuckle. They said something in a weird language that you couldn't understand. "Bye."

The purple static came back and enveloped both them and Quackity. You knew that they were up to no good, so you ran out of the shack, and began looking for them on your horse. After looking around for a while, you saw them floating in the air above Quackity, who was now awake and having a mental breakdown. You got your horse into a gallop and made your way over to them. You grabbed Quackity by the arm and pulled him up onto your horse.

You galloped away from whoever was trying to hurt you or your friend. You figured that since you really couldn't go back to the shack, you could continue your way to your destination. You felt goosebumps on you back as Quackity held on and the horse began to show its worth in speed.

It wasn't enough though.

By the time you had cleared the forest and you were in a soul sand valley, a purple static began catching up to you and you saw their gray eyes once again, except this time, they were filled with anger. You tried to get the horse to gallop faster, and thankfully, the horse obeyed your wishes, galloping faster than they moved. You looked behind you and saw them standing there, a look of anger on their face as the soul sand settled.

You slowed your horse down into a trot as they drifted out of view. Quackity had fallen asleep once again, and you knew better than to attempt to make a camp. Not long after you had seen the ends of the valley, a small horse with wings that looked like a mythological creature flew towards you and landed on your horse's head. There was a small roll of parchment in its beak tied with a small purple ribbon. Taking it from the bird, you opened it and read it.

Dear Y/N,

I know that you probably weren't expecting any mail as you made your way across the soul sand valley, but different times call for different measures. The person who you just encountered was a very close friend of mine whose name is Zalkhain. They are making sure that who you are supposed to be watching carefully, pays for what he has caused for us and our people. This may need to include you if you continue to interfere with our plans, so I suggest you chose wisely.



It was written in fancy cursive with an ink so red it could be mistaken for blood. You looked up to see whether or not you could try and trace the letter's source, but the creature had already flown out of sight. You figured it would be best if you continued your path quickly, so that maybe this Zalkhain person wouldn't find you for a while.


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