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You woke up (hopefully) about an hour after the sunrise. An unopened letter sat next to you on the bedside table (with the Syndicate's seal), and a hyppogrif with a second envelope (with Rosemary's seal on it). You grabbed for the Syndicate's first, scanning the parchment for any important information. All you'd caught was 'Three o'clock (3:00) on the dot; be right outside that daggone prison. We will be there waiting. Make your choice.'

You took a deep, straining breath, then set the letter down. Your mind was already made with them. You were going to kill Quackity. No if-and-or-buts about it. It was his request, and you follow the requests of those you love—

Love? No, you didn't love Quackity. In fact, it was the opposite. He was... your enemy. One that would fall to your hand today. Just the thought of felling him made you sick, but you ignored the sickening feeling inside of you.

You picked up Rose's letter and read it calmly rather than the frantic writing you'd done with Techno's letter. The handwriting was different. It wasn't the gorgeous, flowing cursive handwriting you'd seen before. Now, it was sloppy, typewriter print.

    My friend Y/N,

You seem to be in quite the predicament today, huh? Well, I sure hope that the counseling you received yesterday did you good enough. Hopefully, you'll make the right choice, you know? Either the people forcing one of the hardest decisions of your life onto you, yet they still are your practical family... Or the one dude who's obviously in love with you and doesn't really seem to want to do anything to stress you out ever.

That seems like an easy choice to me, man, I don't know!

Besides that, your little break up with one of those two options isn't the only big event today! I hear you're gonna be near the prison, right? You'll see first hand what Aztalkia is made of, then! I mean, I may die again, but that's about it. No one really cares for me, right? Right. No, I was only brought back because Rosemary couldn't find any of Kid's remains...

Ah, anyways, I wish you much luck today! Do see to it that Purpled is brought home eventually. He's a sweetheart, and I'd really appreciate you being kind to him okay? Okay, good, that's settled.

Again, anyways, I don't write much. Especially not letters to those who have threatened to kill me before. Well, that's not the point. Just know that if you hear something loud—some note blocks, you know?—don't sweat it. Nothing is happening, I swear. :)



"Zalkhain wrote that letter? Well, that would explain the change of handwriting..." You muttered to yourself, reading through it again. "Why did they say no one cares about them? Who is 'Kid'?"

"Y/N?" Quackity's voice came through the door, followed by a knock. "It's one (1) in the afternoon. You up?"

"IT'S ALREADY ONE (1)?" You shot up from the bed. He opened the door to spot you in a flurried panic, shoving Zalkhain's letter into your pocket and handing Q Techno's. "Read." He turned around and read, you pulled on some sort of outfit and nodded in a form of satisfaction.

"Outside the prison?" Quackity asked. "Why there of all places?"

"Who knows, Q," you replied, standing next to him and rereading the letter past him. "It's Techno. He has the weirdest meeting places. He might have some ulterior motives, too."

"Some extra plans?" You nodded and reached over for a coat. He grabbed his from the other side of the room. "Why are we getting ready already?"

"It's an hour and a half horse ride, so I mean... We've gotta go." You responded, opening the door wider and stepping from the room. Quackity quickly followed and waved to Purpled, who was now in the kitchen, fixing lunch.

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