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After Y/N went out in a panic after Quackity, Techno pulled out his sword and pointed it at Zalkhain.

"What did you do?" He questioned. Rose pulled her swords and put them in front of her friend. The two (2) began to circle in a spar-like fashion.

"We simply followed our part of the plan. You did as we all predicted, that's all." Rose replied, laughing maniacally.

"What plan? What in the world could you have planned?" Techno yelled back, a confused look on his face. Rose was about to respond, when Philza Minecraft walked through the door.

"Hey, mate. Oh, are you and Rose getting back together?" Phil asked cheerfully, then realized what was happening. "Why do you have your weapons out?"

"That's none of your concern, crow man." Rose spat at him. Techno looked at her and Phil with fear. "I'd suggest that you get to Y/N; they might not last long against him."

Techno rushed out of the cabin and Phil looked at the Aztalkians with a confused look.

"What happened to you guys?" He questioned.

"The monster was let out of the cage; I'll see you at the prison, Phil!" Rose answered happily as she and Zalk turned around and disappeared into a purple mist.


You were looking out over the forest as the sun set when you saw Techno coming towards you on Carl. You went back inside to get Quackity hidden.

"Techno's coming here, you need to hide." You stated bluntly. You both were in a rushed panic when Technoblade came up the ladder.

"What is this?" Techno interrogated. "Why is he here, Y/N?"

"Sometimes things need to be done to let the plan continue." You reason.

"That is not a reason!" Techno argued. "Why is he here?"

"I needed to help him, right?" You argue in return. "The plan was to befriend to deceive."

"And you've deceived him and me enough." Techno finalized. "Choose a side. The syndicate, or Quackity."

"How can you expect me to choose between you guys? You are all my fr-"

"You have one (1) day."

You looked down at the ground in guilt. Techno exited much slower than he had come. You couldn't even look at Quackity, knowing that you would have to explain a lot.

Before you could, Zalkhain decided to pay you a visit.

"Techno came by, right?" They assumed. A few glitches appeared on their body due to the mentioning of their killer. You nodded slightly in answer. "Oh, well what choices do you have?"

"Syndicate or Q." You answer blankly. You felt your eyes start to water.

"Those aren't choices, those are demands." Zalk responded, putting their hand on your shoulder. "Do you want help deciding, or not?"

"I don't know." You state, walking back towards the balcony.

"You sound like you need help; well lucky for you, I can help with that. Or at least, Rose can help with your situation." They said before you went through a purple mist and felt the balcony disintegrate.

You looked around and saw that you were in a kitchen with utensils and pans on every shelf, and a large wall covered with ovens and other baking items. The walls that were visible were out of pure blackstone bricks, and you saw Rosemary mixing something in a bowl. She looked up and saw you.

"Oh, Y/N! What are you doing here, last I checked you were heading to Qua-" She cut herself off. "Oh, did Zalk send you here?"

"Yeah, I don't even know where I am though." You responded, looking around the room again.

"Welcome to Aztalkia, or at least, the kitchen for the queen. Anyways, what's the situation?" She cheerfully responded as she put the bowl down.

"Techno or Q, one (1) day." You stated, it felt like you were teaching a class of two (2) year olds.

"I take it Zalk said I could help?" She assumed. You turned your back to her.

"Yep." You sighed, getting tired of being treated lowly.

"Do you want me to help?" Rose continued.

"I don't know, alright?!" You burst. Rose flinched backwards.

"Come with me." Rose demanded. You followed her out of the warped wood door.

The door led to a large set of archways that created a corridor, all of it was blackstone bricks. She led you down the corridor, past other people, some of which looked familiar. This included a blonde girl with bright blue eyes which slightly smiled at you. You tried to return the gesture as you passed her, then looked past Rose to see a large throne made of pure blackstone and netherite. She took your hand and guided you to the right of the structure.

"I rarely ever sit on that thing, tempted to tear it down, but nearly everyone else argued." Rose commentated as the throne crept out of sight.

Rosemary led you to a large spiral staircase made out of a type of blackstone variant that you hadn't seen before. She let you go and began her way up the spiral staircase. You followed her, struggling to keep up. Once you reached the top, there was a separate staircase heading to what it looked like was a balcony, but instead you headed towards an open ledge that had small pipes that stretched from the ceiling; you couldn't tell where they went, but you could easily reach them with your hands above your head. Rose put a solid iron pole that was nearly the size of your arm.

"What is this?" You question. Rose smiled.

"Follow me, 'kay?" She answered. You nodded.

Before you could mentally process what she was planning, she put the iron pole on top of the pipe, grabbed the other side, and jumped off the ledge. You realized that this was just a zipline into darkness. You followed her motion and felt the air on your body. You looked around as best as you could and saw that there were other 'ziplines' going to other places. The pipe turned to your left and you began to see a wall appear in the distance. You followed Rose's motion of jumping off of the pipe and landing on the platform; you just didn't land as safely as she did. You realized that you still didn't know where you were going.

"Where are we even going?" You ask, hoping to actually get an answer rather than another statement.

"Come with me and you'll see." Rose answered. Your hopes of getting an answer were now as good as Rose and Techno getting back together.

You followed her to another corridor and to a large crimson wood door. She opened it and you saw that it was a room about as big as the kitchen. There were cushioned stools and seats with a midnight purple fabric. The room itself had a dark purple wallpaper and the floor had a soft carpet.

"Please, sit." Rose asked, you found a comfortable chair as she sat across from you on a stool. "This is where Zalk and my sister send me when I stress myself out; except this time, I'm not the one who's stressed."

"Still, why are you helping me? Last I checked you wanted me dead." You respond snidely.

"We're friends, aren't we?" Rose answered. "That isn't the point anyways."

"Why would we be friends?" You questioned, trying to keep the conversation going.

"You've helped me not be a stressed maniac, and now I'm helping you with a life changing decision." Rose answered truthfully.

"Okay?" You respond, letting yourself relax as the thoughts of the choice you must make flood back to you.

"Let's begin what Zalkhain calls 'Rosemary Therapy', but please call it whatever you want. I really don't care." Rose laughed, and the doors lightly shut.


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