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You sent a letter to Rosemary once again through the strange hippogriff creature. You figured that you should give Techno knowledge that you're alive and see just what is going on between the Syndicate and Aztalkia. You made sure that Quackity would be alright before you headed back on the trail towards what was the Antarctic Empire.

You were certain that nothing too bad could happen while you were traveling, so your mind finally felt at ease.

That was until you heard someone else on the trail with you.

You heard them getting closer to you as you began to mentally try and comprehend who it could be; no answers came to mind however, since the horse was only still in a trot.

"Oh, well now isn't this a surprise, right?" You heard from behind you, and knew that you either were going to die, or get a reason.

"Why are you following me?" You interrogate, wanting to know why Rosemary had conveniently come down this path at the same time you were.

"I was simply going for a stroll, am I not allowed to do that?" She reasoned. If you didn't know better, you'd've mistaken her for a friend.

"Did you get my letter?" You continue, hoping to get an actual answer this time.

"Oh, that? Yes I did, I didn't know you had nice handwriting." She replied happily. You were beginning to think this woman was trying to demoralize you.

"So the reason?" You forward, hoping that she would get to the point. You got a reply that was straight forward.

You couldn't understand it, not at all. It made no sense how she spoke with such a serious tone in a language that you didn't understand.

"Do you speak english?" You respond in a way that nearly seems funny. Rosemary laughed in a way that you hadn't heard: friendly.

"No actually, what you just heard was the reason in my main language." Rosemary answered. You were confused on how many mood swings this woman had.

"What even is it?" You asked her.

"That's a different story. You wanted to know why I'm doing this anyway right?" She answered. "Quite simple really: I made a deal with someone and they let us not stay in the country itself and actually socialize with people like you."

"Who are they?" You ask, glad enough that you got an actual answer, but wanted to see who might be behind all of this.

"I'd break the deal if I told you." She answered with a tone that made her seem sorry for you. You looked around and saw that you were coming on the brink of Techno's sight from his house. "This is where I stop, good day."

Rosemary turned her horse around, and headed back the way you both came. You figured you wouldn't call her a friend, but she was no longer an enemy for now. You made your way through the snow and tied your horse next to Carl. You knocked on the door, Techno opened it and found a sigh of relief.

"You, inside, now." He demanded, you couldn't react before he dragged you inside and set you on the couch.

"I'm fine! I hope you know that!" You yelled at him as he went down the ladder to get supplies.

"Really? How large was the crater?" He yelled back.

"Enough to swallow Las Nevadas and the van near it; it also killed two (2) people." You answer. Technoblade came up the ladder still somewhat concerned for your well being.

"Was Quackity one of them? Someone moved the corpses—if there were any—so that I couldn't find any." Techno questioned.

"No, Quackity is alive. I think he's living near Kinoko, I just haven't been able to find him." You responded, hoping that your lies would be enough to convince him. "I do have a question for you though, and it involves the Aztalkians."

"Oh, those people? I wrote not to worry about them." Techno responded harshly.

"It sure sounds like you did something to them, even dated one (1) of them at some point." You forward, hoping that you could get a just answer.

"Look, I killed one (1) of them, I dated another one (1) of them, big deal." Techno answered. You wanted a more reasonable explanation.

"They're the ones that blew Las Nevadas up."

"Correction, Wilbur did that. Rose couldn't harm a fly." Techno reassured.

"That's what you think. I ran into her on many occasions, and she was very willing to kill me and anything that came within her senses." You argue, remembering your first (1st) actual encounter with the woman.

"No, no, that's Theodore. Rose is friendly and is sometimes so occupied with life that she won't even come out of her castle."

"Techno, stop bein' so dumb!" A now familiar voice mocked from the wall. You and Techno turned towards it as psychotic female laughter glitched through the purple portal. There was Zalkhain, their eyes a bit red, sticking their torso through a passage in the wall.

"Zalkhain," Techno snarled, stepping forward. His hand instinctively found the hilt of his sword and Zalkhain shied away somewhat.

"Technoblade," they replied, deriding Techno's statement. They rolled their light colored eyes and turned toward you. "Hey, Y/N! How are you?"

"You threatened to kill Quackity," you responded, ignoring their question. "Plus, you were stalking us yesterday while we were eating."

"Woaaah, Q deserves death, though?" They responded, rolling their eyes. Rose shouted a 'yeah' from the portal.

"No one deserves death—" You tried shouting, but Zalkhain cut you off.

"If no one deserves to die, why did I?" They shout, stepping completely through the portal, the purple dissipating behind them. "Hm, Y/N? Why did your little Technoblade decide to kill me?" You froze and looked over at Techno, who was stiffened straight. Zalkhain grinned, but it was more pained than anything else. "Of course, no answer."

"Zalkhain, I'm sorry," Techno said quietly, his eyes trained intently on Zalkhain's pale face and dusty hair. "I'm sorry for killing you. You're right, you didn't deserve it. You were one of the only people I was afraid of overpowering me. I knew you were strong enough to do it, so... So I was scared."

"You killed me out of fear?" They responded, almost above the possible belief that the piglin man meant that. "That's rich, Techno. You killed me three different times, none of which had correlation to each other! If I killed you once, you'd still have two lives and no one would have been able to carry on!"

They threw their hands at Techno's shoulders, shoving him back. The tall man stumbled and fell onto the ground, only staring up at Zalkhain. You took a subconscious step forward, almost wanting to stop their fight, but feeling powerless to even attempt to.

"You would have been fine! But, instead of that, I spent seven months in purgatory!" Their eyes looked tear filled as their voice raised more in volume. "Besides, Techno, you were one of my best friends!"

"I only have one (1) life!" Techno shouted, pushing himself onto his elbows.


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