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You pointed an accusing finger at the teenager, still slumped against the couch next to Quackity. Purpled weakly raised his head and groaned at you before staring back at your fish tank.

Quackity stood up and shushed you, coming over to talk to you. "He's too weak to move, Y/N.. He hasn't tried instigating anything. All he's been doing is staring at that fish tank, watching those fish swim by."

"What?" You question, staring back over at the ash blonde boy. He didn't move... Not even an inch. He just stayed still, eyes following a tropical fish's every move. He barely even seemed to acknowledge you or Quackity in the room.

"I've been sitting here next to him writing.. He hasn't even looked at me," he responded, leaning against the back of one of your chairs. "I'm worried that you may have hit him a bit too hard."

You laughed and rolled your eyes, patting his chest. "Q, you hit him. Remember?"

"I rephrase: I'm worried that I may have hit him a bit too hard," he restated, grinning wider at you. You laughed and rolled your eyes.

"You can..." Purpled's voice was quiet, but he was looking at you now. "Stop talking about me. Please?" He seemed as though he was sick of people staring and whispering; sick of the same thing over and over again. "Can I just go to bed?"

You walked over to his side and slowly eased the blanket off of him, then laid him down across the whole couch. "Good night, Purpled. There'll be breakfast in the morning, alright?" You whispered while laying the blanket back across him. He nodded before turning towards the inside of the couch.

You turned towards Quackity and gestured for him to follow you to your room, which he'd never been inside of before. "So, uh, why am I being led to your bedroom, Y/N?" He asked quietly, obviously curious, but also somewhat flustered by the whole ordeal.

"Because you can't sleep on top of Purpled. Plus, I don't have a guest room," you explained, smiling over your shoulder at him. You knew your cheeks were a bit more pink than usual.. He was going to be sleeping in your bed after all.

"Right," he coughed and looked away. You opened the door to your room and held it for him. "Uh, I can sleep on one of the living room chairs if you want?"

"Negative. There are too many people that want you dead. If they see you through the windows, they'll show up and kill you," you expounded somberly.

"But, Y/N... Don't we have a day until you kill me anyways?"

"What?" You startled, staring wide-eyed at the man you'd befriended over this time. "Q, why would I kill you?"

"That was your plan all along with Techno. Purpled told me everything early on, before he got distracted by the fish," he admitted with a sigh. "Honestly, I want you to kill me, Y/N. I've lost everything I've ever cared about. And, if I'm dead, I don't need to fulfill that deal I made with Schlatt's ghost. I won't have to torture Dream anymore, Y/N."

You froze, locking eyes with him. He was serious. Deathly so. "Are you... Telling me to choose the Syndicate tomorrow? To prove my loyalty to them by—"

"By killing me." Quackity confirmed, his eyes not once leaving your own.

"Okay... I've made up my mind," you reply, then crash into the bed. Quackity quickly followed and wrapped his arms around you.

"I'm sorry for suddenly saying this..." He whispered into your hair.

"It's okay, Q! I'm glad you said you wanted that... I was seriously considering choosing you for a while..."

"Huh," he whispered, seeming lost in thought. "Hey, before I go... Can I get a kiss?"

You blushed and pulled back in his grasp. "A kiss?"

"Yeah— I, uh," he looked away, face bright red. "Ah, nevermind! Sorry—"

You turned his face back towards you and kissed him gently, then pulled away. "There you are, Q! Your kiss."

He squeaked and buried his face in your shoulder. After a short while, both of you were asleep... Unprepared for the next day's events.


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