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The thought of what Quackity could've done to cause such an enemy loomed over you until you were past the nether and was finally in your treehouse in the middle of a spruce forest. It was then where the horse was fed and watered, that Quackity woke up.

"Did it leave?" He asked, getting off of the horse. You nodded and helped him up the wooden ladder that led up to the actual treehouse.

You made sure he wasn't hurt badly before going down the ladder again to tie up the horse. Once the horse was tied up, you figured that you should get the house chores done that needed to be. That included looking for spices, and food. You grabbed all the things that you would need to hunt and gather; then you headed out into the forest to begin hunting.

Since you had been gone for a while, all of the animals were a lot closer than normal; since it only took you a few minutes to find a few rabbits. On your way back however, you ran into a dirt path that led from the crater, to what looked like maybe the other crater of Las Nevadas. You heard someone coming and hid in the bushes. It was a woman riding a white horse in a trot down the path.

She had black hair with dark green eyes while wearing all black clothing. She stopped the horse and looked down the path. "I can hear you breathing. I suggest you step out of the rose bushes before you either get a knife through your throat, or a thorn through it. Your choice," she snapped. not even looking back at you. You came out of the bushes, cautious of the strange woman.

"What do you want?" You spat at her. Only then did she turn her horse around and stare at you with her merciless dark green eyes.

"Oh. I didn't realize who I was talking to. It feels good to know you got my letter without someone catching it on fire." She responded happily, a bright smile appearing on her face, all looks of harm gone. You stuttered a lot of questions, none of them coming through in an understandable way, until you finally could get a single sentence out.

"Why did you do what you did?"

"Why did I do what now?" She responded, her smile beginning to fade.

"Why did you blow it up and nearly kill Quackity!?" You yell at her. A stern expression appeared on her face for a second, then a smile that was different for a reason you couldn't understand replaced it; then psychotic laughter came from her mouth.

"You think I'm going to say anything? You think I'm going to stoop that low?" She chuckled. You looked at her in disbelief and swore that her eyes flashed red, nearly the same as Techno's.

"I think that maybe you should think about how you treat people." You spat, you figured that it would be best if you took out all your anger, maybe then you might learn her name at least.

"You forgot who you're talking to, and how I would normally do things like this." She laughed in response. You confirmed to yourself that her eyes were blood red. She was about to leave you there with your thoughts when another weird creature flew past you and to her; there was a piece of parchment tied with a ribbon that looked as if it was infected with a purple glitch.

"Oh, well look at that. I guess I should take my leave." She said openly, opening the ribbon carefully. "Good day, Y/N, and I hope that you remember your new pen-pal!"

You remembered the woman's name now: Rosemary Dawson. You couldn't understand what she had said after that and disappeared into the same purple glitch type as Zalkhain once did.

You headed back to your house, confused on how all of this is happening without anyone else knowing. Heading up the ladder, you realized how long you had been gone. You checked the guest room to find Quackity asleep once again, and Zalkhain was there waiting for you to come back.

"Hi Y/N, having a nice time with Rosemary?" They asked, floating above the ground with a playful smile.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" You demanded. They turned themselves upright and landed on the ground.

"I would tell you, but the person who is really persuading Rose wouldn't want me to, so I can't." They answered. A neutral expression on their face as they explained their reasoning.

"Starting to think that you're better than her. She said she wouldn't stoop that low." You chuckle with them.

"Oh, well right now Rose is enjoying not having to be stuck doing stuff and being free. I'm enjoying our conversations anyway!" They responded, leaning back on their arms while still floating in the air. A somewhat giddy laugh escaped them, and they looked down at you in anticipation.

"What?" You asked, eyeing them somewhat angrily. They shrugged their shoulders and flipped around, their feet swinging dangerously close to Quackity's head. "What do you want!" You shouted, causing your dark-haired friend to stir slightly, before comfortably settling back down into sleep.

"Woahh!" Zalkhain teased, freezing and staring at you. "Temper, temper, Y/N!"

"Oh, shut up," you snap, putting your hand on your hip. They giggled again and dropped to the ground in front of you. You stiffened more each step closer to you that they took.

"Whaaaaat? Are you afraid of me?" They jumped at you, eyes frighteningly close to you. You flinched slightly, and they grinned from ear to ear. "Oh, you are afraid!"

"I have no reason to be afraid of you," your response was dry and dismissive, but you still had a cold twinge in your eyes. They looked back at you with raised eyebrows. "Truly, your capabilities and even magic are nothing to cause me fear. My closest friend is Technoblade, after all." You leaned in and whispered the last sentence, adding more effect.

Zalkhain's eyes widened and they began sporadically glitching. "Techno?" They asked, voice barely registering through their static. "You're friends with Techno? Do you know what he did?"

What he did.


"DO YOU KNOW?" They screamed, voice glitching in and out, like an old television show. Quackity shot up across the room, but you were more focused on Zalkhain, watching as they covered their ears and dropped to the ground. "Do you know, Y/N? Do you know what happened?"

"No," you replied, kneeling down with them. "No, I don't. Please, Zalkhain.. Tell me what—what do you mean? What happened?" Your voice sputtered and dropped in pitch and volume, your hands on their shoulder, creating purple glitches to form on them.

"He—" Zalkhain shook more aggressively, the memories only seeming to trigger something. You tried rubbing their back to comfort them, but they were gone within an instant. The only remaining bit of their presence being the glitchy, purple mist.

"What happened?" Quackity asked, staring at you in disbelief of the past events. You stared up at him, eyes wide and slightly afraid.

"I don't know..."


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