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It'd been a couple of days since 'The Zalkhain Incident', and you hadn't seen them back since. You had, however, started getting closer with Quackity. The days spent within your home laughing at almost nothing seemed to be the only days you liked remembering. And obviously it was for good reason.

"Hey, Y/N, you have a letter?" Quackity stated, staring down at the sealed envelope in his hands. You took it from him slowly, thanking him and turning away, staring down at it.

The wax seal was an emblem you remembered well, which now reminded you somewhat of a cult. A raised fist holding a sword, and a banner in the background. The banner was blank, but you knew what it was meant to have written on it. The Syndicate.

"Of course he sends a letter," you sigh, rolling your eyes and tearing it open carefully.


So, what in the name of this forsaken server happened in Las Nevadas? It's nothing but a crater now! Did you do something? Oh, by Philza, what if you were in the country? Did you know Tubbo died? I wasn't even able to apologize for the past.. Anyways, I hope this got to you safe and not while you were dead. Cool? Cool, okay, so... Is the plan coming along? Is he getting along with you, or are you just screwing us over while not sending messages?

Also, I've recently been informed that you've gotten... 'In contact' with a few old buddies of mine. Don't pay attention to them. They were part of Manburg, and I ended up killing them. Nothing too-too big. I literally blew Tubbo up with a rocket launcher and he wasn't as upset about the whole ordeal as they were.

Just stay safe. Don't be dead.



Of course he wrote to you while you very obviously could have been dead in that explosion... And of course he said "oh, by Philza"... You sighed and stared down at the parchment, rereading the sentence about the plan.

Of course his main concern is the plan.

"So, who's it from? Rosemary again, maybe?" Quackity questioned. You folded the letter back carefully.

"Nope, just from an old friend." You answered. A smile comes on your face as you put the letter on a shelf; however, before you could think, another mysterious creature flew inside. It landed right in front of you.

"I jinxed it, great." Quackity announced to himself. You chuckled and took the letter from its beak, it stayed put.

    Great job Y/N. Great j̶o̶b̶ . You've brought back Zalk's trauma. Now I can't get them to do anything as they normally would for their own good. Now I'm going to send you a few friends of mine. I hope you know that this isn't over until Quackity is dead. Maybe instead someone you might recognize. If you want to come and try and get a reason to me write back within the next three (3) days. I hope you know that my ex has probably also written to you, don't listen to him.


                        P.S. The bird type thing that mailed this will stay for the time period. It's a hippogriff for your information.

It was written in a similar blood ink type as the first. You saw that some of the ink made the fourth (4th) and fifth (5th) words illegible as it bled through the page. You looked at the weird small 'hippogriff' as it moved towards Quackity. The creature dropped down to the floor and fell asleep near him.

"That's adorable, I don't care what you say." You confirm in response, a thought of needing to eat crossing your mind as you head to the kitchen.

"I'm not going to disagree with you on that." Quackity responded. You figured that it would be best if you had duck roast.

You lit the fireplace and headed down the ladder to get a duck from the pond. You found that rather than a flock of ducks sitting in the pond, it was empty; maybe you could have fish instead. You looked down in the murky water and saw that there was still healthy wild salmon swimming close to the surface. You unsheathed your sword, took your aim, and stabbed a salmon through the water. You pulled your arm out of the water, and saw the fish dead on the edge.

Nodding in satisfaction, you pulled the fish off of the sword and searched for another catch.


Zalkhain watched you and Quackity, almost in contempt. They were sent to watch you again by Rosemary, hoping you'd write a letter back. Quackity took a bite out of his salmon, made some sort of joke about Wilbur, and then you both laughed. Zalkhain only sighed.

"They look much happier, Rose," they sighed, vision clouding and blurring. "Like you 'n' Techno way back when..."

Their memories returned for a moment. The fight between their best friend and practical sibling... Techno and Rose's first date... Days where they had annoyed Purpled until he spent actual time with them...

And Doomsday. Doomsday was a day Zalkhain would never forget. It was when they had lost their last life at Technoblade's hand. Purgatory was pretty sucky, too, but that was something they always regret admitting. They hadn't even been in that horrid place for long, yet...

The void still haunted their feeble memories.

"Crap," they whispered, wiping new tears from their eyes. They stood again, staring forward at the open window. "Unto which you have given to me, I shall inflict upon you. As Technoblade had once said, all that time ago in New L'Manburg... 'and those who treat me with injustice; who use me, who hunt me down, who hurt my friends? I shall repay that injustice one thousand times over.'"

They sighed again and their eyes glitched more than before. "Zalkhain," Rosemary's voice rang in their head, her face appearing in their mind. "We have a new mission. Help Dream escape."

"We have to what?" They asked, eyes widening, voice almost tripling in volume. "Why do we need to help him escape? Why do you expect me to be able to help, either?"

"We need to help him because it's part of the deal. He got a message to me today, stating that I had to invoke my part of our agreement." She replied, voice utterly serious.

"What deal?" They shout, beginning to pace around the bushes. "What deal did you make with him?"

She sighed and the vision of her glitched slightly. "Zalk, I just need you to distract Sam."

"You aren't answering my question, Rose!" They shout again, paces stopping suddenly. "Why do you feel the need to keep me in the dark, and then force me to help you?"

"Come back to Aztalkia, and I'll answer your questions," she replied, lightly grabbing her nose bridge. "I'll be waiting."

The vision of Rose flickered out completely, and Zalkhain could see again. The window they had been looking through was dark and closed, and the groans of mobs echoed eerily around them. "Screw you, Rosemary Dawson." They whispered, then disappeared into a cloud of purple mist.


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