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"You what?" Zalkhain hesitated. You looked at both of them with a confused expression.

"I only have one (1) life, Zalkhain." Techno repeated, standing up to face them squarely.

"Hold it right there, Technoblade. I need to make sure that this is real information, and that you aren't playing a dumb game." Zalkhain demanded. You both stood still until they returned with Rosemary, who looked like Zalkhain dragged her through without any explanation.

"Zalk you better have a good reason." She swore at them as she regained her balance. She took one look at her surroundings, and then back at her accomplice. "You better have a very good reason, Zalkhain."

"Turn around." They answered, crossing their arms against their chest. Rose did the same before turning around at both of you, you saw that she had the merciless look in her eyes.

"Y/N. Leave, now." Techno commanded, you headed towards the door.

"They don't have to leave, why should they?" Rosemary argued. You stopped in your tracks, knowing better than to disobey either of them.

"They don't need to listen to either of our-" Techno began, Rosemary cut him off.

"Our problems? Our problems? Are you serious?" Rosemary asked sarcastically. She turned back at Zalk. "This is the best reason, I hope you know that."

"Somewhat." Zalk agreed, taking a few steps back.

"So you moved on?" Techno questioned. You saw Zalk motion for you to follow them as you made your way towards the door.

"You didn't without a motion? Wow. Nearly like you wanted to feel bad for yourself," she answered. You were nearly at the door when she looked directly at you. "Zalk, I'd rather not talk about my dating history, what's the real reason?"

"Techno said he has only one (1) life. I'm not sure I believe it." They answered in a stern tone.

"And, what do you want me to do about it?" She replied sternly.

"Rose, please, let me explain before Zalk starts p-"

"You have it wrong already; we'll point fingers. Besides, I asked a little much earlier anyways." She cut Techno off again. A small smile appeared on Zalk's face.

"What happened to you?" Techno yelled at her, a small tear coming down his face.

"You shouldn't let a monster out of it's cage. Then it'll torture the people who call themselves monsters and kill them all until there's nothing left. We aren't holding ourselves back anymore, maybe you should do the same." She answered, then looked at Zalk. "Did you send Purpled out for Q before I got here?"

"Yep. I'm sure Quackity is having a wonderful time." Zalk answered. You froze, turning towards them in astonishment.

"What?" You asked quietly. Zalkhain hummed and looked back at you curiously. "What is happening to Q?"

Zalkhain laughed, almost maniacally, and Techno gave you a weird look. "Why, my dearest Y/N... While you were enjoying yourself within our presence, your precious little Q has been dealing with one of our weapons!"

"He's a mercenary," Rose pointed out, her eyes more satisfied now. "Sure you know him. Or his brother, at least. Both of them are really good at what they do, I must say!"

"Purpled is with Quackity?" You asked softly. The silence that followed answered you louder than anything else could have. You backed away from Zalkhain, eyes somewhat frantic, before turning around and kicking the door down. You stomped through the snow, miraculously reaching your horse in no time.

Luckily enough, he had been inbred for speed, and was almost a super horse. Similar to Carl, yet you'd always say that Honey was better. You threw yourself onto the lightly colored horse, instantly snapping the reins to set him off. He moved faster than you'd ever seen him before, his golden mane smacked furiously into your face, but you didn't care. You had to get home before something bad happened.


"Q!" You shouted, hopping off of Honey as quickly as possible. That beautiful horse—he deserved an extra special treat for that ride. Shoving the door open almost breathlessly, you see Purpled's sword at your new best friend's throat. "Purpled, get away from him!"

"'Ey, Y/N!" Purpled grinned before staring back at Quackity, death in his eyes. "How've ya' been?"

"Get away from him," you restate, glaring at him. He rolls his eyes and points his sword up at you. He was kneeling on Quackity's arms, making it impossible for him to push the younger man off of him.

"Y/N," Purpled sighed, staring up at you, remorseless and cold. "I ain't gotta do anythin' you tell me to."

"Why do you insist on ignoring me?" You ask, stepping closer to him. You'd known this kid for a bit, you knew how to hit him hard. "Are you really trying to live up to Punz's legacy? Unlettered and blind."

His eyes darkened more, an unbridled rage behind them.

"What did you say about my brother?" His usual dialect died for a moment. That had happened many times before. It was always whenever Punz got insulted in some way.

"You heard me."

He shot up, completely forgetting about his original mission. You looked down at Q as he gasped for breath, and before you had even noticed Purpled's approach, his sword was almost upon you.

Instantly, you dropped to the ground, ducking under the blow, and pulling out your own sword to defend yourself. His sword wasn't netherite. That was something you noticed regrettably late. It was dark in color, and didn't shine with the brightness of ores.

He slammed it onto you, grinning as you struggled to keep him at bay. "It's pretty strong, right?" You only grunted in response, crafting an even larger grin on his face. "It's blackstone. Aztalkia's specialty."

"Is this Aztalkia—" you wheezed as his sword pressed against yours harder. The pressure would have snapped your weapon in half if it weren't as enchanted as it was. "—Is it like The Egg?"

He froze and his force slackened. "Like... The Egg?"

"Yeah!" You breathed out, taking advantage of the lessened vigor. "Is it some sort of cult? Is there a reason you're as influenced by it as you are?"

He gave you an odd expression, almost like he didn't understand. In the background, you watched Quackity stealthily stalk towards you and the purple cloaked alien.

"Influenced by it?" He asked, staring down at you and putting his sword back. You nodded, head spinning furiously at the speedy motion. "I ain't influenced by it! 'S just, ah, a country. Like Las Nevadas, yanno?"

"I know, but," you took a deep breath. This path was risky, and you weren't even sure why you weren't treading it carefully. "But what if you didn't notice its influence?"

He glared and raised his sword again. "You're just tryna convince me that lies are true!" Suddenly, he was hit in the back of the head, and flopped to the ground. Out cold.

"You need to try and use your words less," Quackity's voice was soft, and he knelt next to you. "Not being able to use the right words can and will get you hurt, cutie."

You blushed and rolled your eyes, pushing him away. His axe swung up as his arms flailed, which was pretty funny, too. "I'm not cute, you weirdo." He cocked an eyebrow and smirked, waving the idea off dismissively. You deadpanned before helping yourself up and hoisting Purpled onto your shoulder.

After a struggle, he was on the couch. You collapsed on the chair next to that and stared, prepping for another Zalkhain visit.


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