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𝑍𝑢𝑟𝑖 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑛 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑠

"That's wild he put you on punishment for that shit" Saiyor said as i vented to her. I was at my Uncle Triggs cookout and it was a lot of people here. It was kind of like a family reunion but not everyone was blood but we treated eachother like it.

"Yeah" I shrugged eating my burger. With nothing on it preferably.

"He should've whooped yo lil ass" Yasir said scrolling on his phone.

"You the one picked her up nigga" Saiyor said.

"I know what the fuck i did" He said mugging her.

"Who's got your panties in a bunch Yasir?" She said as she returned the same look.

"Y'all i don't have time for this today." I said rolling my eyes.

"Who got you mad nigga?" Yasir asked me.

"No one" I said dryly.

"Awe is it Quinn ugly ass?" Saiyor asked.

"Nope" I said.

"He told me he was on his way bout 20 minutes ago..." Yasir stated

No one replied and we just sat in silence for a while.

Where y'all niggas at?


A couple moments later he walked in the backyard with a white tee on with jeans, white airforces and a chain. And he got his hair done. After he told me he would let me do it.


"Hey Quinn" Saiyor said once he walked over.

"Wassup" He said to her plopping down beside me.

I just stared at him while he took his stuff out of his pockets.

He looked up at me and bucked. I just rolled my eyes turned away.

"What y'all been up to?" Saiyor asked noticing how he sat extremely close to me.

"Nun" He replied.

"Mhm" She said turning up her chin.

"How long you been here?" He asked me talking low like he always does. 

"About 2 hours" I said.

"Mm" He replied.

I watched as he scrolled on his instagram which was oddly dry.

"Let me see" I said holding my hand out.

He sighed but handed it to me anyway.

I didn't like the way he sighed when i asked so i just handed it back. If you didn't want me to have it you really could've just said that.

I rolled my eyes slyly and just leaned back enjoying the view of Uncle Triggs beautiful back yard.

"You good?" Quinn asked tapping my thigh.

"Yeah, you?" I asked.

"I'm straight, why you not talking to me?" He asked still not looking at me.

"Mm m" I shrugged.

"Aw" He nodded and just continued doing what he was doing on his phone.

"Y'all, my friend having a hotel party tonight, y'all wanna come?" Saiyor said breaking the silence.

"Nah" Quinn and Yasir said at the same time.

"I wanna go" I said sitting up.

"You don't even like parties" Yasir said mugging me.

𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙒𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜Where stories live. Discover now