𝑍𝑢𝑟𝑖 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑖𝑑"All these bitches don't even know my damn son" Maj said sitting on the bench outside the church his funeral was held. He has been going through it today. Like bad bad.
"Then this bitch coming over here, if she say something to me zuri, imma steal off on her" He said staring in my eyes.
"Please don't" I whispered.
"I swear i will-"
"Hi, I'm so sorry for your lost Murk" An older lady said coming over.
why are people calling him Murk???
"Bitch didn't you try to get my son aborted? I should-" I grabbed his arm and sat him back down since he stood up.
"I- I just came to give my condolences, you need help" She said then shook her head and walked off.
"I should kill that hoe, and everybody out here." He said then looked at me. "Nobody believed in me or my son man, now they wanna act all sad and shit" He said then a tear slid down his face.
"Don't cry" I said wiping his tear as tears came down my face as well.
"Im rey to go" He said staring forward.
I stayed silent and watched all the people converse.
Trent, Ja, Summer, and Skai came over and stood near us.
"Who all these folks cuh?" Ja asked dapping up Maj.
"Ion even know"
Summer came up to him and hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. "I love you Majai, i'm always here for you" She said sniffing.
"We all is" Trent said.
"Preeshate y'all" He said pulling away from Summer and she kept her arm around his waist.
Carter also came over. He gave Maj a tight hug and i saw tears on both of their faces.
I walked off because i couldn't be around all that crying at the moment, I went over to all the pictures they had of him.
He was smiling in all of his pictures, he looks like such a happy baby. I don't know why God took him so early and it's messed up he did. No kid deserves to pass so early.
I looked at the picture closely and the name of his mother. I recognized the name as the name of his old foster sister. The one who accused him of rape.
I'm not focused on that right now though, i looked around more at the pictures.
Sahn's mothers side of the family went out to eat after the funeral, they invited Maj and he cussed them out. Saying that it seem like they're celebrating his sons death by going out to eat right after the funeral.
He dropped me off at home after we left the church and i got in the shower and pulled out my homework.
"How was it?" My dad asked coming in my room.
"Sad" I said. "I feel so bad that i don't know how to comfort him though"
"Some people just need space, that's how they heal, have you asked him how you can help?"
"No" I said looking up. I never thought about it.
"Try that" My dad said then walked out and closed my door back.
I called him.
"Hey Majai" As soon as the call connected.
"Wassup" He mumbled.
"Whatcha doing?" I asked him.
"Nun" He said.
"Are you crying?" I asked because i heard little sniffles.
He didn't say anything.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.
"Ion know why you always asking me what's wrong like my son ain't just die" He mumbled.
I didn't say anything. He's kind of right but that hurt my feelings.
"Sorry" I said.
I heard him hang up and i made a shocked face.
I called him back and it immediately went to voicemail.
did i say something?
"I just know.." I said checking instagram and he blocked me on there too. He's quick.
I went to whatsapp and called him on there.
"Who the fuck is this?" He spat answering the phone.
"Why did you block me?" I asked.
"Because yo stupid ass keep asking the same questions bruh, you too young fa all this shit man, just do you, i'll do me, but ian fuckin witchu nomo" He said.
"Wait, what? I- huh?" I was in shock.
"You can't hear?" He asked.
"I can but like why? I know i'm not the best at comforting you, but i'm trying my best, and stop doubting me because i'm young, i can do anything anyone your age could do."
"Except that damn math" He mumbled.
"Why are you being so rude all of a sudden? I've done nothing to you?"
"Bye b" He said then hung up.
I charged my phone at the wall and it shattered on the wall.
My bestfriend just...broke up with me.
I'm in shock right now, i don't know what to do, think, say, or anything.
God wake me up, i'm dreaming..right?

𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙒𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜
Romancekind of a sequel to poetic pain but you don't HAVE to read it to understand what's going on. 🫶🏾