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"Danny can I ask a couple of questions about your ghost form though?" Froppy asks staring at me with her big wide green eyes. Even my own heart couldn't say no to her adorableness.

"Sure go ahead." "Well this time when you changed, your hair was in its normal hair style and your eyes were green, but when you lost control last time. You hair was in silvery white flames and your eyes were a deep crimson red. You had this sinister feel to you that you didn't have before. Why is that?" In that moment my heart dropped and a blue wisp escaped my mouth. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and goosebumps go up my arms and across my neck.

Something sinister was right behind me. I recognized it, but at the same time it was different than what I remembered it being. Guessing from the looks on everyone's faces they were as scared as I felt. Please tell me its not who I think it was. Slowly turning around I gulp.

My worst fear had come true. Dan phantom stood before me with that sinister smile of his. But what terrified me most was the fact that the time master lay on the floor with a deep wound heavily bleeding green ectoplasm. Midoriya glares at him ready to attack. "Wait midoriya don't. You won't live if you attempt to fight him."

I glare at Dan noticing the small differences about him." Well, well, well look who's still alive and kicking. Surprised the G.I.W haven't killed you yet." I glare at him." How did you escape the thermos and the ghost zone Dan? We had you locked away deep in the ghost zone."

He laughs." You did, until someone holding even more power than both you and I released me. Even allowed me the chance to beat the shit out of this bastered." Dan says kicking clockwork who groaned, switching from his young form to his old form." I glare at him.

"You do know that now that I know you've been unleashed from your prison I wont let you go. Dan phantom by order of the ghost prince and future king, I will hearby carry out your long coming death sentence." He smirks. "Before you do, you should know that I didn't come alone. He points behind him. And I all but gasp. A purple portal had opened up revealing dani in a cage surrounded by blood blossom. She looked weak and terrified. Green ectosplasm seeping from her mouth as she desperately tried to cover her nose and mouth with her already soaked blue hoodie. I looked to Dan." Im going to kill you in the worst way possible." Dan tsks at me throwing clockwork into a corner. Now that he's no longer needed I can safely say that if you try to kill me now she won't live. But if you come with us she may have a chance.

" Don't do it Daniel, I've seen the future. It won't be just the demise of you, but everyone you care for." Clockwork says trying to crawl over to me. He looked so helpless. I had never seen him like this. He was almost begging me. I was stuck if I dont go ill lose dani. The last good blood relative I have. But if I do, something more horrible could happen.

Looking clockwork in the eyes I smile." I'll find a way, I always do." I look to Dan." Fine ill come with,but you have to promise non of the students will be harmed or the deals off and I WILL KILL YOU where you stand." He smirks. I like you much more when you let your evil side out. I glare at him walking forward. Walking past Dan and clockwork." Daniel please, dont do this. Nothing will be the same once you walk through that portal. You won't be the same you as before." I didnt know what he meant by that.

"You always speak in riddles clockwork. From the moment I became a halfa you've been there for me and im sorry that this whole thing has happened. It's because I neglected my job as future king. No matter how hard I try everything always goes wrong. I wont let someone else that I love die. Even if it cost me everything. " I say making Dan smirk again. "Your just as weak as the day you came to my timeline. Those pesky human emotions are holding you back." I glare at him. Walking forward all the while clockwork begging me not to go.

I had no choice though. It was dani or me and I chose her. I take a step forward into the portal but gasp as soon as I pass through. The stench of blood blossom reeks making me dizzy wanting to grab onto something. That something just happend to be Dan, who stood there mask over his face. I could see dani." Dani sweet heart im here for you." Im stunned when Dani suddenly turns into a man wearing a black suit.

I stand there stunned turning to Dan who grabs me. I struggle to break free, but the flowers were doing a lot more damage than anticipated. I could tell Dan was smirking at me. "We killed that brat long ago. You should have heard her as she screamed and begged us to let her go. It was fun until we killed her. The look of horror on her face as she realized she was melting away to nothing without getting to say goodbye is one of the best things I've ever seen. When she realized she was in fact never getting away from us."

I felt sick. Turning to the side I vomit blood and everything in my stomach. It was becoming harder and harder to breath." Here this might help." He suddenly jabs me in the neck with a syringe injecting its contents into me. In seconds I felt tired and sleepy. Having no strength left I fall forward into Dan feeling him catch me. The last thing I hear was strange. I mustn't have heard him correctly because it almost sounded sad." I'll take good care of you."

I want to hear from you guys. What do you thinks going to happen next? What do you want to happen next? Comment and vote to let me know what you think of the story so far!!

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