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They get off the bus staring up at the house. They all take notice of the run-down building and the creepy camera that was watching them. On the way the town was pretty lively, but now. It's as if the street itself had nobody living on it. Every house looked abandoned. " Aww, I'm glad you made it safely." A blue ghost flies down transforming. I recognized him as vlad. He smiles, waving his hand at the house." This is Danny's house. The house resides in his name, but I don't know if he plans to ever come back here. There are too many painful memories.

He says, staring up at the house. He turns back to us." Whatever you do, just don't touch anything. Danny's parents made a lot of weapons to fight ghosts. Not all of them are harmless to humans. Everyone nods gulps." Let hurry this the fuck up so I can talk to the clock guy!" Bakugo says. Vlad nods, phasing his hand through the door to unlock it. The door makes a click, and he pushes us in. Nothing could have prepared us for the state of the house.

It was in total disarray. The couch was flipped over with scorch and claw marks. Parts of the carpet weren't there anymore from previous fires. The walls looked no better." What happened here? It likes a war broke out." Vlad frowns.

"This is the result of Danny's parents' work. Danny's parents didn't know Danny was half ghost, so all of their inventions would react to him and go off." They gasp." Why didn't Danny tell them.

Vlad frowns." Danny parents were obsessed with ghosts and not in a good way. Would you tell your ghost killing parents their invention turned you into the one thing they hated the most?" Everyone looks away knowing they would have done the same if they had been in Danny's place.

Vlad leads them to the basement." Danny's portal is down here." He says, pushing the door open to see a dark, dusty lab. Vlad flips the switch lighting the room up.

I watch as he walks across the room to a small panel on the wall. The room was big. Some car thing sat in the corner with much room to spare. There's a curse as vlad sighs." Alright guys when Danny shut the portal down he took out the power source. It's a small glass vial full of green ectoplasm. I can't activate the portal without it!

Everyone starts looking through cabinets and drawers trying to find the small item.

I look underneath in one of the cabinets. All I see is broken glass cups and a rat hissing at me." Fuck off!" I say slamming the cabinet. Something underneath the the cabinet catches my eye. Reaching under I grab the item.bit was a pair of red and grey goggles." Found it" I hear dunce face scream. Looking up I have just enough time to see dunce face fall and the vial smack against my face. The wet substance gets into my eyes and it's as if they were lit on fire. I scream, trying to wipe my eyes.

I'm pulled by the arm as I'm suddenly doused in a cold shower. I wipe my eyes again. I could open them somewhat, but they were blurry. I continued wiping my eyes for a good 20 minutes before they felt ok enough to turn the water off.

I'm handed something soft making me realize it was a towl. I hold it against my face. After a few minutes I open my eyes looking around the room. It was a little blurry still." Let me see your eyes." Vlad says looking at my eyes. An unreadable expression crosses his face before he smiles." I think you'll be just fine." He says getting up.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Danny is going to kill me. I'm so done for. That vial the kid dropped wasn't just ectoplasm. It was Danny's ectoplasm. I'll just have to keep an eye on the kid for a while. Make sure he's actualy ok.

After the whole ordeal I find another vial will normal ectoplasm. I wonder why there was a vials of Danny's in a drawer?

I put the vial in the devices control mechanism and boot it up. It takes a moment, but soon the doors open, and a neon toxic green portal can be seen!

"Whoa, that's so cool!" Kaminari says, making me snicker a bit." Ok so this is something called the specter speeder. It allows us to transport things of large quantity into the ghost zone without getting hurt. That being said though. You have to wear these special made suits. Theirs no air in the ghost zone, and for a human, the atmosphere is toxic. I say grabbing the suits and passing them to each student. Once I know there all securely in place we get on. I transform powering up the specter speeder.

It purrs to life and we zip off into the ghost zone. The moment we enter the portal all the kids are at the windows. "Vlad where are all the ghosts?" Uraraka asks." There fighting in the states right now. So not many ghosts are here right now. They nod.

20 minutes into the trip, I look in the mirror, seeing a sick looking bakugo. His skin was paler than usual, and he was sweating a lot. Oh, I am so dead when Danny finds out. I recognized the signs. They were the signs i went through when i started my transition. Wegott to clock works tower. Getting out, I help the kids out as they all stare up at the tall purple tower." Alright kids, you wanted answers. Well, if anyone knows them, it's this guy."

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