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Every around stood and listened to what the tall suit of armor had to say to the young teen with glowing white hair. It was clear how dire the situation was and how dark the air became in a matter of seconds. If from the conversation nobody could tell that something was wrong then the aurora the young king started admitting would have been a dead giveaway.

The boy's feet suddenly start lifted from the ground and his eyes took on a crimson. Green mist started forming around his body.

Everyone waited for the boy to make a move.

He suddenly turns to two boys named Kirishima and bakugo. It's clear the boys were concerned and wanted to help. They just didn't know how.

"Kirishima, bakugo. Tell Aizawa I won't be able to make it to the exam. I need to handle some things." The two boys could say nothing as a dark look crossed the teen's face. Even bakugo was nervous to say anything.

Turning around again with a flick of the wrist. A dark green portal opens up. Fright night gets back on his horse. Walking through the portal. Danny walks through and right before the portal closes you see a toxic glowing green crown appear on his head.

Creating a portal. I walk through in front of doras Castle. Instead of seeing the newly revamped kingdom that was flourishing. I see a demolished town. Every building was in shambles. Everything was destroyed. The only thing I could see that still stood was pandoras castle. We both take off flying to the castle. The town guards are quick to usher us in. I don't see many townspeople. But the ones I do sit in corners holding their friends and family. I pass a few children crying in corners holding their siblings.

A solo feeling fills my chest as I spot a young ghost child crying over her father's fading body.

This was horrible. Nobody could have prepared me for this. These were lives that had been unnecessarily taken and for what. Knowledge, hatred. Did the GIW have any humanity left in them? Didn't they realize that we were people too? We had lives, families, and friends. We don't all come to the ghost zone, but those that do are given a second chance in a way. Some call it a miserable existence but others enjoy it.

This those. Nobody deserved this. This was supposed to be these ghosts' second chance and now. It's been taken from them.

Fright night takes me upstairs to dora's chambers. The guards at the sight of me and Fright night open the doors without hesitation. There on the bed, I see a fading dora. Running Ober a gasp at her. I couldn't believe how frail and beaten up she looked. I hadn't seen her like this since she dethroned her abusive brother.

Grabbing her hand she looks up giving me a weak smile." Lord Danny. It's so good to see you safe. I thought for sure they had gotten to you!" I shake my head getting on my knees grabbing her hand in mine." No dora. I am safe. You make me proud. You protected the people when I wasn't here. She smiles." It's a queen's duty to protect her people despite the cost." She says smiling. A sad smile spreads across her face." I did what I could for the people." She says making me look down. A few stray tears fall from my eyes.

"I will not let you die dora!" Grabbing both her hands I force pure raw ectoplasm into her body. Her body stops fading and slowly starts gaining its color again." I will protect this place. I will protect the people. Humans be damned. You guys are my family as well. This won't happen again."

After making sure dora was out of immediate danger I go to the town's folk helping in any way I can. They were grateful to me, but the whole time they thanked me I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't deserve their praise. It was my fault this had happened. I was their king. If I hadn't neglected my duties this would have happened. This wouldn't happen again. That much I could promise them.

Leaving dora's kingdom I head to clockworks tower. Ever since All for one had been locked up. Clockworks sight had been restored and has faced no issues or that's what said the last time I spoke to him, which was a week ago.

Landing in front of the tower. I waste no time going in. As expected the time master stood in front of his screens watching the monitors intensely.

"I know why you've come, Daniel. Please you must refrain from what you'r planning!" I stare at him." What am I thinking clockwork? What am I planning?" He sighs." You wish to force the humans government to hand over the GIW organization. If they disagree, you will declare war on them. Danny this can't be a worse decision. You must remember our worlds are the same. If earth goes, so dies the ghost zone." I glare at him.

"Even more reason. If they kill the ghost zone, the earth dies." He sighs looking at the monitors again." If your so afraid of making the wrong decision, tell me what I'm supposed to do. Tell me clockwork!"

"YOU KNOW I CAN'T DANIEL! Im supposed to be the third party in all of this. My interference in the timeline a few months ago has not only put me on thin ice with the new council but could have had dire consequences. It's not just this timeline I need to monitor. I have others as well." He sighs switching to his middle-aged form." I'm telling you not just as the time master, but as a friend that you need to find another way. You've been getting lucky with these split-second decisions. There will come a point in time that if you rush into something there will be no coming back from it." I stare at clockwork. I was still pissed, but I could see where he was coming from.

"I will speak to Aizawa first then make my decision." He turns without another word.

Fine be a dick then!

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