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Arriving at the plaza. I land scaring a few citizens. Looking around I spot the news people and Vlad. He was speaking. Walking over I listen being sure to stay hidden from him.

"I'm sorry Daniel. For everything I've ever done. I didn't mean- I don't." He sighs using his hand to wipe away a few tears." I know you don't want to see me. And thats fine. I wouldn't either. I just came to let you know I'm sorry and that you won't find me again."

I walk up behind him." Fruitloop." He freezes. Not moving an inch. It takes a whole minute before he slowly turns around. His eyes meet my own and widen." Danial I'm sor-" I cut him off by pulling him into a hug. I hear sobs rack through his body as he holds me tightly.

"Its ok Vlad. I forgive you. A lot has changed in the last few years. More so in the last few months. It's also made me realize that even if your not my favorite person. Your still part of my family and I don't want to lose you." He holds me closer." That means a lot to me Daniel." I smile. He pulls away wiping his face." What will you do now that your the king?" I sigh looking up at the stary sky.

"I'm going to remain here in Japan. I've made new friends and a new family. I can't abandon them. My obsession won't let me." He nods." Where will you go?".

"I'm going to go home and try to rebuild for the time being. Almost nothing of my old residence remains. It was destroyed." I wince thinking of how much money that's going to cost. Then I remember vlad is a billionaire. I still feel bad, but less bad knowing he has the money to build like 10 mansions on a wim if he so wanted to.

"Just be careful Daniel. There's many ghosts and humans that still want you gone and will do everything they can to make that happen." I nod.

I hug him one last time before jumping up and flying back to the school. Vlad would be ok. If anyone decided to harm anyone else I cared for I will deal with them accordingly.

I land in the livingroom. Aizawa was still there, but Hizashi was there as well. Hizashi was laying his head on Aizawas shoulder. They both jump apart as if this was an issue.

I smirk watching both there faces go bright red." Not a word problem child 2, not a world." I throw my hands in defense." Not judging at all." I smirk watching as he roles his eyes.

"Ok we have good news and bad news. Good news is the police are retracting the warrent for your arrest, even though they don't want to. Bad news is your stuck with me for much longer. And because of all the work you've given me. I'm going to work you to the bone."

I gulp looking away shuddering. Damn this guy's scary when he's mad.

For the rest on the night I wonder around the city. Now that I don't need sleep anymore, it was kinda boring. But I guess it give me time to study and get some things done such as organizing my now castle in the GZ. Pandora was ecstatic when she asked if she could redesign the castle. Of course she already knew my answer, which was yes.

Things slowly started going back to normal. Well as normal as things could with all the lives lost during the battle. Classes resumed slowly, but surely. Midnight suggested that since I was already in the hero class that I should go ahead and go for my hero liscence since I wasn't going to stop any time soon. It actualy pissed the police and some heros off that I kept interfering and helping rescue civilians. Not like they could lock me up or anything. Everything was going great.

I was getting my grades up. My mental health was getting a lot better. Which the steady and constant sessions eith midnight and righting in my journal. I couldnt completely say I was fine, nobody really is. But the point is I was getting better.

Everything was coming into place. Pandora said after months of work the renovations for the castle would be completed. I still haven't figured out if I want to live there yet. I mean of course I'll visit as much as I can to settle matter in the ghost zone as I am the new king. But all the ghosts who do support me have verbally told me that they know of my obsession and will never make me chosses between them and the humans.

In their own words they described it as cruel. Most of them have been ghosts for quite some time and have lost some touch in the way humans feel, but as for me. I've only recently become a full ghost and my emotions, memories and feeling towards them are still extremely strong.

That's something that scares me. Am I going to live forever knowing that no matter what, I'm going to have to watch as the people I've come to care about slowly grow old and die? I can't do it again. And I promised Sam and my family they would see me again one day. Whether it be in this life, the next or another.

I sigh floating next to kirishima in the gym." Danny bro, what's up? You've been spacing out all day and u would hate for you to accidently get hurt with bakubro throwing his explosions around." Looking to the side I see bakugo training. Small spark from his explosions going off in random directions. Yah he sure is right about that.

"Sorry kiri I'm just distracted. I'm worried about the future. I-Im afraid that whatever comes won't be good." He stands from the floor wiping his face with his towl. Don't worry Danny. We may not know what's going to happen in the future, but that's what helps us grow stronger. The harder the obstacle you have to overcome, the easier things become. Just look at all we've been through. Can you honestly look back and tell me you haven't gotten stronger from those experiences."

I think back to all that's happened in the last few months, and he's right. I have gotten through a lot of things. Trauma I know I wouldn't have made it through without having a complete break down without my new family and friends.

They've helped me in so many ways. And as much as it still scares me, with this revelation I'm now looking forward to the future!

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