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"I believe most of you have met him before but-"" get the fuck out of the way vlad!" Bakugo says pushing me out of the way and slamming the door open." Bakugo wait." I say about to grab his arm when my hand slips right through his body. I hollow feeling fills my chest as I watch the boys arms become transparent before going back to normal." Actually, wait for us?"

I stare at the time master who was watching a bunch of strange t.vs. are you the Time master? The blue ghost wearing the purple cloak turns around." I am. You must be bakugo and his fellow classmates!" We nod." Tell me what's wrong with Danny, now! So.ethi g wrong with him. Danny does just turn on his friend and family!" The blue ghost changes to an older man. He sighs." Very well. I shall tell you only because it doesn't affect the timeliness. In fact it makes things easier. But to explain what is going on, we must go back to the very first king of the ghost zone."

He waves a hand in front of one of the screens. "Halfas, a mix between human and ghost. Not many ghosts know of their history, but the few who do tend to stay far away from. Halfas are the strongest and most powerful ghosts before and after a full death. It's not clear as to why, but it continues without fail.

Long ago, a human met a ghost. The human was a simple peasant who had everything taken from him. The king had killed his wife and soon to be child over a simple misunderstanding. The man found himself wondering through the town eventually leaving having nothing left. He traveled from town to town. A growing rage filled him. He stumbled upon a tomb. On the tomb, he read a passage that awoke a sleeping evil. A ghost. The ghost awoke, and upon his release said he would grant the human 1 wish. Anything he wished. Money, power, anything except the dead being brought back. Seeing the power this ghost possessed he thought long and hard before making his wish. He wished to merge with the ghost and take his revenge of the king who had taken his family from him.

He got his revenge laying waste to not only the kingdom but to half a continent. Back then, there were multiple time masters. They banded together, sacrificing their afterlives to split his power into two objects. The Crown of fire. And the ring of rage. The halfa couldn't be killed because the ghost he merged with was the grim reaper himself. A being who has perceived through everything. Who feeds on death itself. The grim reaper power helps fuel the ghost zone. The ring of rage and the crown of fire are deadly objects. Bit they are a must for the king to rule the ghost zone." The time master says, waving his hand across the screen. It goes black.

"So you're telling me my boyfriend is being possessed by another halfa who just doesn't know when to give up?" He sighs." You're correct. The ring of rage and crown of fire were never intended to be worn together. But both are needed to control the ghost zone."

"But how did the ghost possess Danny?" Kirishima asks, stepping forward." Rage. Once rage is detected. The ring inhances it until it gets to a certain point. But the person can't be possessed if their only wearing one item." So how do we get Danny back to normal?" The time master sighs.

"That I can not tell you. This is the dividing factor. Dani has given you the answer already." I state at clockwork until it hits me." Love, that mushy, gushy bullshit. There's no way that's going to work!" He states down at me." How do you know, you haven't tried!" He says making me look down.

"Blaaa. Fuck you time master. Fine, I'll try it your way. Then it's my turn." I say storming back outside.

I look back at the time master so many questions, but now was not the time for it. I'm about to walk out when I feel a cold hand on my shoulder." Midoriya, I wish to speak with you about some things before you go." I nod walking back into the room. Vlad stares at him." I'll be outside." He says walking outside closing the door. The way he said it made me nervous.

Turning back around I see him still floating there." Let's get right down to it. You don't have much time to decide. The very near future looks very grim for not just your friends, but for you as well. One For All as you is the deciding factor in all of this. You will learn very soon what that entails and meet strange people. One of which you already know. One thing you must know and you must not speak of this moment to anyone. I'm erasing this moment from history itself. The quirk theory is correct. There will come a period in time where quirks begin killing theor holders because like you they simply can't be contained in the human body. Not just this. But you have a big decision to make for not just your friends and family but for the futures as well."

My mind races a hundreds miles an hour as u think of what he just asked me. I couldnt process this. It was too much, but I had to. This was my job as the currant holder of one for All. I need time to think on this. I-I can't just decide something like this. But if it meant I could protect everyone. I run my face almost tripping on a rock." Hay nerd get your fucken head out of the clouds and get in the fucken magic school bus!" That immediately makes me snicker thinking back on childhood memories." Be right there kacchan!" I'll figure everything out later. Right now it was time to save Danny!

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