Chapter Ten - Spirt of the Jedi

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3rd person-

Rose and Finn had been betrayed by the hacker DJ, he cut a deal with them revealing that there were cloaked transporters plan and endangering the life of the remaining resistance. Hut gave the order to fire at will on them. Leia, Poe and Holdo watched as the plan was compromised and one for the transporters was taken out, then another and another.

Holdo, tried her best to distract them and give more advantage back to the Resistance but their eyes had been shifted the the tiny ships carrying the last of their opposition. DJ looked over his payment and exchanged his last word with Finn before leaving.


I dropped to the ground groaning and grasping in pain. My head shifted back to look at Ben who remanned kneeled and un-helping. Despite that I refused to give up on him again. Even though Snoke had gotten inside my head.

"Well, Well. I did not expect Skywalker to be so wise. We will give him and the Jedi order the death he desires. After the rebels are gone we will go to his planet and obliterate the entire island. Then to end before she can start, turn the heart of your offspring like I did her father, two generations, a more valuable mind." I jumped up and held out my hand of the lightsaber, it flew and went past me then round to hit me on the he'd before Snoke took it back.

"Such spunk. Look here now." Smoke moved me to a magnifier. "The entire resistance on those transports" he showed me the small ships that were fleeing.

"Soon they will all be gone." I thought of my Mom being on one of them. Losing her, felt losing a part of me. "For you, all is lost." I turned sharply and summoned Ben's saber to my hand igniting it, ready to fight my way come hell or high-water.

"Ooh. And still that fiery bit of hope. You have the spirit of a true Jedi!" I ran to attack him but with the move of a finger he threw me away. I hit the floor letting go of the saber  wincing  "And because of that, you must die." I was forced onto my knee's and turned around to face the man i loved.

"My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader. Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve. Where there was weakness, strength. Complete your training and fulfil your destiny." Snoke ordered him. Ben picked up his sabre and rose to his feet.

"I know what I have to do." he stated looking at me

"Ben." I whisper as Snoke laughed

"You think you can turn him? Pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed, I cannot be beaten. I see his mind, I see his every intent. Yes. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true. And now foolish child he ignites it and kills his true enemy!"

"I. love. you." I mimed above the gloating voice, maybe this was how I helped him return home, maybe my death breaks the hold and if that's true I welcomed it. I heard a lightsaber igniting but it wasn't Ben's it was mine. It went through snoke and released me from his hold. Then the cut him in half flying toward me and i grabbed it. I felt his hand taken mine and pull me up, we stared at one another for a moment. But broke it as Snokes guard went into attack.

The two of us fought in sync against the guards, for the first time in a long time  we moved as one even as we moved to separate sides of the room. Screaming out twisting my lightsaber taking on another smoke guard. he caught my arm as his weapon split in two. He almost got me but I dropped my sabre removed my arm the caught it again, swing it around and beheading my opponent.

"Ben!" I yell seeing he was in trouble. I threw my sabre too him he caught it switching it on then off disabling his last opponent. "The fleet." I came back to my senses

"Order them to stop firing. There's still time to save them." I ran over to the magnifier. I looked back at him. Ben stepped slowly towards his fallen former master.  "Ben?" I ask edging closer to him

"it's time to let old things die. Snoke, Skywalker. The sith, the Jedi, the rebels. Let it all die." He made his way over to me. "Rory. I want you to join me, you and our child." he held out his hand to me as my heart broke once more.

"We can rule together and bring a new order to the galaxy."

"Please don't do this Ben. Don't go down this path." I begged him "Don't leave me again."

"No, no. You're still holding on! Let go!" he yelled as tears began to pool in my eyes "Do you want to know the truth about your parents? Or have you always know, and you've just hidden it away? You know the truth. Say it...say it." he insisted I speak and free my self of my thoughts.

"My parents....they abandoned me." I stated

"They didn't love you....they didn't protect you, not like I will. They did it to you and your sister, worse they sold her for drinking money and are nobody's buried in a paupers  desert grave. You were nothing to them. But not to me. Join me." he offered his hand to me "Please." My hand lifted slowly like I was going to take his, but in that moment I realised something. He wasn't ready, he would come home someday but today was not that day. I summoned my lightsaber but it got stuck between us as Ben quickly caught on.

The two of us fought with the force to get it, so much so that it pushed us apart in a bright light

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