𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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The morning after the legacy agent returned to Kingsman Manor, the entire HQ was abuzz with talk of her arrival. Every agent who crossed paths with Merlin noticed the change in him—his broad grin, the spring in his step, and a happiness that hadn't graced his face in three long years.

Carrying a stack of case files, Merlin ascended the grand staircase to the very top of the manor, where his daughter's room was located—a spot she had insisted on having since she was four years old.

After a brief conversation with an agent about an upcoming mission, Merlin finally stood outside the galaxy-themed door of his daughter's bedroom. A glance at his watch told him it was 8:30 a.m.—breakfast time. He expected her to be awake, ready to join the agents downstairs before their day began.

Merlin knocked loudly on the door, just in case she had her music playing. As he waited, his eyes wandered down the familiar hallway, memories flooding back. He could almost hear the echoes of his wife chasing their daughter up and down this corridor, their laughter filling the air while he painted the room a vibrant hot pink, decorating it with Disney princesses.

I miss you, my love Merlin thought, his gaze softening as it settled on the doorframe. There, carved into the wood, were the initials he and his wife had etched together, a permanent mark of their love.

Balancing the case files in one arm, Merlin reached out to trace those initials with his fingertips, seeking a brief connection to the past, a moment of closeness to the woman he still adored.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Jupiter had barely drifted into a deep sleep when she was jolted awake by a loud banging on her bedroom door. Groggy, she turned to see Major, her loyal dog, already alert. His ears perked up, and within seconds, he leapt off the bed, barking furiously at the door. The peaceful slumber they both enjoyed just moments ago vanished as Major scratched at the door, determined to defend Jupiter from the intruder.

Rubbing her eyes, Jupiter fumbled for her phone on the bedside table, squinting at the screen. It was just after 4 a.m. Whoever decided to wake her at this ungodly hour would regret it. Her irritation softened slightly when she noticed a message from her soulmate, Eggsy. That little boost in her mood might just spare whoever was on the other side of the door from her wrath.

Still half-asleep, Jupiter shuffled to the door, trying to calm Major as she unlocked it. When she swung it open, she found herself face-to-face with her father, Merlin.

Major immediately backed down, recognizing Merlin as no threat. He returned to his corner of the room, curling up but keeping a watchful eye on Jupiter for any signs of distress.

Jupiter ran her hands over her face, trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep. She gestured for her father to enter, then returned to sit on her bed. Merlin closed the door behind him, taking a seat beside her, leaving a space for Major should he decide to join them.

Merlin studied his daughter's face, noticing the tired frown and the unshed tears in her eyes. His paternal instincts kicked in, and he nudged her gently. "What's wrong, Figlia?" he asked softly.

"Sorry, Padre," Jupiter whispered, her voice thick with exhaustion. "I'm just really tired... thinking about old friends."

Merlin's heart ached as he watched silent tears roll down her cheeks. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close, and began to stroke her hair, just as he did when she was a little girl. Major, sensing Jupiter's distress, hopped onto the bed and nestled beside her, adding his warmth to the comfort Merlin was trying to provide.

For a few moments, the room was filled only with the quiet sound of Merlin humming an old family lullaby, the one that always calmed her as a child. Gradually, Jupiter's tears subsided, and she lifted her head, wiping her face as she did.

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