IV. Friends Day

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Chapter 4, Friends Day

" People who willingly sleep with the door open scare me. "

~Natalie James's POV ~

"Since I saved your life like the hero I am, we should get to know each other more."

Jayla looked at me and nodded, we were sitting at the dining room eating some left over baked cookies with a glass of milk.
After we ate, we did our dishes and let my mom know we were going out once more to get to know each other better.

"Call me if anything, I love you!"

"I love you too mama, don't worry my phone's charged and ringer is on!"

I shout as I walk out of the house, Jayla was waiting for me, she seemed like she was on the phone so I stood quiet for a moment to give her some peace, privacy and quietness.
After a couple of minutes she hung up with a smile on her face.

"Since I met your mom, you're going to meet my parents!"

She said happily, I looked at her shockingly, I've never met anyone's parents except for my two great best friends, Ryleigh and Delilah but I haven't spoke to them since they left.

"Woah, at least buy me dinner first."

We both laughed before we began our walk to her house and I'm not going to lie, I was quite nervous.
Meeting someone's parents are so different, especially if it's your friends or significant other.

"Relax, they're not scary!"

She joked around and soon enough we made it to her house which really wasn't that far, it surprised me a lot.
She unlocked the door and stepped aside to let me go in first which I declined.

"I can't do this, I am a stranger from the streets, what if they dislike me and-"

"I've known you for two hours and I can tell you're a good person, so stop freaking out and get inside."

She grabbed my forearm and brought me inside, closing the door behind us.
There stood a very muscle man with a beautiful lady, my heart dropped when the man walked up to me.

"DJ Walton, Jayla's father."

I shook his hand and smiled at him, I was trying to get my breathing and heart rate normal before saying anything but it was no use.
My nerves are acting up and there was no way I could hide it.

"It's okay, I'm not going to be so tough on you, Jayla told me that you helped her out with the two men."

I let go of my breath, I had no idea I was holding it anyways but that was some good reassurance.
I calmed down a bit and smiled calmly, he was good that this stuff.

"Natalie James Arthur, you can call me NJ or Nat for short. If- if you'd like, sir."

He chuckled and nodded slowly, his wife came to his side and she was radiating calm energy.
My nerves were calmed and I was finally relax.

"I'm Jessica Walton, it's so nice to meet the girl who potentially saved my daughter's life."

I chuckled a bit and smiled at her, I told them about myself, every good detail and made sure that I made a good first impression.
They told me about Jayla and how she had three other siblings, all boys which made me smile.

After having a conversation, a little boy who looked around five or six came running downstairs.
He walked slowly to his mom and stood by her side, but his focus was on me.

"Hey there, I'm Natalie James, you can call me NJ."

I cooed at the young one, he smiled at me and looked up at his mom.

"I'm Daelo."

My heart melted, his voice was so cute and he gave me such an adorable.
He was just the definition of cuteness.

"Mr and Mrs Walton, is it alright if Jayla and I hang out for the day and get to know each other? I'll bring her back in peace, fed and happy by ten?"

I wasn't sure they would let a stranger take their daughter out for the day but I mean I gave them my mother's phone number, our landline number and my phone number.
That should mean I meant business right?

"Sounds good, if anything give us a call Jayla, Nat shoot us a text if you're in danger alright?"

We both nodded and as we went off to go to the door, Daelo came running to me and held onto my arm.
I looked up at Jayla who looked at her mom and dad, they gave us a thumbs up and we took Daelo with us.

He was good company, he gave us his opinions when we needed it and was an easy tie breaker whenever Jayla and I couldn't make a decision.

After some hours, we were at Subways, ordering some lunch when we began to discuss our greatest fears.

" People who willingly sleep with the door open scare me. "

Jayla couldn't help but laugh at me as we paid for our sandwiches and left the restaurant, I rolled my eyes playfully and began to laugh with her.
We sat down at a park bench, Daelo got a ham, cheese and mayo sandwich.

He was wolfing it down because we told him if he ate he can play, soon we had to tell him to slow down that we weren't going anywhere.
Jayla and ate slowly, drinking our sodas and conversing.

"So you're the only girl in the family?"

I asked as I watched Daelo run off to play on the slides.

"Yeah and I'm also the oldest so it's just a fun life for me."

I chuckled quietly and looked at her, she smiled back at me.

"Well if it makes you feel better, I have an older brother. Only boy, so funny and helpful, you'd like him."

She looked at me and smiled, we took a couple of photos together and soon went to join Daelo.
I helped Daelo get onto the swings and pushed him until he got the hang of it before I sat beside Jayla and continued our conversation.

This was a fun way to meet someone, she seemed chill and funny.
Her brother though was a different story, he was sweet, funny and sassy.

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