2. Unfortunate Fate

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I sat in Physics today trying to focus on the lecture at hand, but that..vampire and what he said kept surfacing in my consciousness. Yeah..he did mindfuck me a little, but I can't help to think he would possibly help me. I bit on my pencil a little and stared off. Let's just think..in theory he DID save my life. As much as I wanted to avoid that truth makes it no better. I did get attacked by vampires yesterday and he did help me. The one fact that remains unknown..is if I really am a wolf or not. I squinted at the chalk board, and the words became blurry. I removed my reading glasses and wiped them off then noticed I could see the board fine without them. I put them on then removed them again and the results didn't change. Now isn't the time..to think too irrational. I placed them on my desk and continue to finish up my notes. The bell rung and I grabbed up all my books and hurried out. I bit on my lower lip as I walked past everyone in the hall leaving their classes as well. The noise was loud..louder than normal. I heard someone swallowing down an energy drink, each gulp making me cringe as it sounded so close. I could hear everyone's conversation perfectly. I continued onward outside, and that's when things got weird. I could hear a girl speaking on the phone miles away as she was walking to her car. I could hear a group of people talking who were over by the water fountain and they weren't within proximity of me at all. Don't panic, this could be fear induced impulse.. Man did I really want to believe that. I felt the heat of someone's hand on my shoulder before feeling them touch me and I flinched. "Hey..are you okay??," Aaron asked as he raised an eyebrow at me. I nodded slowly and swallowed hard, "Y-Yeah..I think I was having a panic attack but I'm fine now." Aaron gave a shrug then pulled a curly brunette girl close to him, "Oh Nat, this is my best bro Liam.. Liam this is Nat." Natalie smiled slightly at me. "Hey Liam there is this new girl who is so cool..she is a ginger she seems like your type I mean she is smart," Aaron stated. "She is in one of the math classes I am in," Natalie said. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, "I..I'm going home." I pushed past them and hurried off campus and down the street to my house. My heart pouded loudly in my ears and I felt like I was going to die. I walked inside as sweat began to bead up all over me. It's so hot.. I threw my books on the couch and began to take off my shirt. "Liam..," came that familiar voice. It was Calcifer. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!," I growled at him. He froze where he stood. I tiredly and lazily started to remove my belt. I then felt a cold hand grip my wrist, "We have to bring down your temperature.." Everything was spinning and I felt like I was loosing it. I chuckled darkly at him, "Oh is that what YOU know??" I stumbled and almost fell but he helped me up and we went to the bathroom. He began pouring a bag of ice into the tub and I sat down in it. He poured more bags of ice over me until nothing but my head was shown. Steam rose up at first from me and I looked up at the bathroom light as my blurred vision was subsiding. I looked down noticing my pants and shoes and turned my head to look at Calcifer who stood over me. "This..won't always work..," he explained. "Noted. Genius," I replied. "What the hell is happening to me?" Calcifer shrugged and sarcastically stated, "Maybe it is puberty all over again." I squinted at him and he was smiling internally. "..On a serious note it isn't puberty..you are becoming a wolf. But..your personality is so different from the wolf shift you may become it is taking a while to balance out," he explained. "What are you..saying?," I asked. "You..could become dark..," he said slowly. "And if you're a Dark Fae--" I sat up a little as some pieces of ice fell of the floor, "Dark..Fae?? Isn't that some sort of mythical bull crap?" He gave a shrug, "Mythical yes but not bull shit..the realm of good and evil exists. Just as I do..just as you will. Given your unfortunate forced pull into it all.." I looked around me completely set aback by it all. Why me?? Why am I stuck in this? I rather be stuck in a world were Fae.. dark or light were just children tales. I have too much to pursue to worry about good or evil forces. "Seems like.. you owe me so much. I have told you a little about our world so you owe me..so much more," he replied. A hint of excitement in his tone. "I don't owe you ANYTHING!!! I don't want this!! This isn't my world..," I shouted. I was starting to freak out but I quickly calmed again when I felt my body warming up. "Unfortunately, Liam..it is," he replied calmly. His reply was so calm I kind of cooled down about it a little. As much as I hate to admit it..this was going to be who I am now. I..am no longer average. And this world of dark and light exists. I..exist in it now. "..So..do you know what I should do?," I asked. "I'm not a wolf Liam, only you have to accept yourself..if not..if you go dark I have the right to kill you," he stated rather coldly. I looked at the ice and grew quiet. Just then I noticed him staring at me. I'm not sure what he is thinking right now to be honest. Now that I think about it, Calcifer is hard to read. "Okay you can go now..," I mumbled. I couldn't take any second longer of his gaze. It felt like he had pity for me and I didn't like that at all. "I..will dismiss myself thanks," he replied. He smoothed his fingers through his hair and gave a small smirk. I decided to stare up at the ceiling instead now. My thoughts calmed down and no longer were running crazy through my head. My eyes started to grow a little heavy. "Liam..things will get tricky now..," I heard Calcifer say before drifting to sleep.
I had a strange dream of walking alone through a forest there was nothing but moonlight peeking through the trees and it was fairly cold. "Hello?!," I shouted as I felt I was being watched. My voice echoed in what it seemed like a empty space. But..I felt someone or something watching me. I swallowed hard and kept looking around me. A low growl was heard then and I stumbled a little in surprise. The growl came from all directions. "H-Hey..listen..I don't have time for this!!," I stammered. Weaarrkklll... The growl sounded like it was trying to call out words. Yourrrlll...weeaarrkklll. It was saying words to me, it was talking to me. "I'm..NOT weak!!," I shouted back. There was a silence then something moved in the trees. Youuurrrlll neeverrrlll beeee strroonnggll.. I looked to see two gold eyes glaring angrily at me from the darkness of the trees. Yourrrll MIINNNEELL!!! I saw it leap towards me with its mouth open full of sharp teeth and then I woke up in cold sweat. I was in my room..wrapped in towels in nothing but my boxers. I sat up shivering a little now. I turned on my lamp and noticed the time. Luckily, I only had one class to attend to today otherwise I would be in trouble. I rubbed my eyes and stood up to find something to change into. "Guess who is home with fooooodd?!!," Aaron shouted. I changed into a tank and sweats and walked out. Maybe talking to him about his normal day would help me feel less like crap. "Tadaa~ Chinese food!!," Aaron smiled and sat down grabbing chopsticks and his own box of noodles. "On my day to bring in the food I pick the darnest places right??" I gave a shrug and started warring on one of the teriyaki chicken sticks. "....Hey are you sure you're okay?," Aaron asked leaning forward a little. "You were breaking out in cold sweat and everything.." I nodded, "As I said..panic attack." He shrugged and slurped up a few of his noodles. "So..tell me about your day..," I stated rather blandly. I didn't care to know but anything that doesn't have to do with my life sounds great right now. "Well..Nat and I had frozen yogurt today. She also told me she thought you were pretty cute. I think we both agreed on trying to hook you up with Nat's best friend Lee Min Ki," he said. "Lee Min Ki is Korean and she likes some of the sane stuff you do if I am not mistaken." I rubbed my temple, for some reason I was starting to get annoyed. "I swear dude if you don't bang Min Ki..she just might end up mine. She also has a cute round face too, isn't that your type?? Well..last I checked it was..I mean Mitzy had a cute round face too--" I slammed my hands on the table and almost put a hole in it. "Don't say her name..don't EVER say her name again," I growled. Aaron looked at me in surprise as he chewed slowly, "I'm sorry dude..I mean you should be over your grieving period now right?" I am angry. I glared at him, "I'm..not..grieving. Not anymore..." Just then, the front door closed slowly. It was Calcifer his jaw tensed a little and he looked at me in a displeased manner. "Oh, sup Cal..," Aaron said turning his attention to him. Calcifer walked over to me grabbing my arm, "I'm going to borrow him for a moment." His voice sounded slightly playful, but at the same time sounded like bad news for me. He pulled me towards the door. "Oh but I brought take-out..," Aaron replied. We both left the house and he grabbed my arm all the way to his car which was a Lambo that looked pretty new. "What kind of..funds do you have??," I asked a little surprised. "Just get in..we are going somewhere..," he stated. I frowned a little wondering if this was a good or bad thing. I got in and fastened up. He drove off without putting on his seatbelt. I guess the perks of being already dead is he possibly can risk his life at any given turn which I mean..makes some sense. I may be a wolf but at least I am living and breathing still. "Try to stop thinking so much?," he sighed then glanced at me. "You..can read what I'm thinking??," I asked. "No..just your face tends to look confused of bewildered when you're in deep thought..," he replied rather casually. This is why I don't consider him my favorite person. He just says and does things. He doesn't seem to feel or have feeling towards his words or actions. I..don't get him. "You know..you're a real sociopath..," I said. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, "I am anything but." He slowed the car down to a stop in front of a club. A club? "I'm not dressed to go clubbing in fact I think we should go back--," I started but he had already clicked my seatbelt off for me. "We are not here to club..," he stated and got out. I gave a shrug and left too. "Time to see..her..," he gave a sigh. As we walked inside a bouncer flared at us, and Calcifer flashed a symbol on his wrist to him. "He is with me..," Calcifer said. The bouncer moved out of the way and we walked in. There was no music in fact no one was there. I was starting to think we shouldn't be there after hours like this. He walked to an elevator and we went on it as an old fashioned gate closed after the doors did. Calcifer had pressed the upper level number. "It's about time you met her..I mean you would have to anyway. I just rather it be on good terms," he said to me as he placed his hands in his pockets.

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