3. Emuila

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The ride on the elevator felt longer than it seemed. When we got out of it, there was a long hall and a door at the end. The walls looked older than the building we walked into initially. I was starting to wonder if this was part of the building or not. "There are a few things..you should know about the Oracle..," he stated. "She is an Angel at the best of times...she loves all living creatures and they in turn love her. Don't kill anything you see in her room or trust me you will regret doing so." I started to feel nervous. I don't know who this is, or what she is capable of. I am pushed off a cliff into this world I know so little about...and I am going to meet someone of sheer importance. I bit on my lower lip..afraid now. I then noticed Calcifer had stopped walking and was looking directly at me. His wide eyes unblinking, "I won't just toss you into the fire just yet..don't worry." That's very encouraging coming from someone like him. We had reached the door and the locks clicked open and a huge wall seemed to shift and rise right in front of us. A bright light almost blinded me and I covered my eyes a little squinting to see through it. Once we walked in the doors closed and seemed to disappear.There was an open space of clouds and the clear sky. There in the center of the beautiful scenery was a white bed and on it slept a bright curly auburn haired girl. Possibly around Calcifer and my age. She was beautiful. He face had light freckles and it was round. Her lips were a light peachy shade, they were round and cute. "Emuila..," Calcifer said as he still shielded his eyes a little from the sun in the background. The girl groaned a little then sat up slowly eyes still half closed her messy auburn curls fell in her face. She pushed her hair back, and rubbed her eyes. She opened them slowly and the scenery changed to a more forest like setting. There were animals and plants all around. "Is this real??," I asked and reached out to a bird that perched near a branch near me. She stood up in a flowing sheer white dress and walked over to Calcifer. "Son of Lilith..," she spoke in an unsually mature clear tone. Calcifer bowed halfway looking up at her still. A snake crawled over my foot and I cringed. "Why have you disturbed me?," she asked. "Oracle..I want you to meet another Fae..," he exclaimed. "Liam..my mate," he replied. Mate?! ...MATE?? "I-I'm not his mate," I stammered. "But you are Liam??," she asked. "Y-Yeah..but--," I started. "Then you are his mate..," she said. I..think I just got tricked somewhere. Calcifer once again looked amused inside, "Anyway, he was bitten by a wolf and now he is a Fae like us..unfortunately he doesn't know who bit him and he didn't ask for this lifestyle..is there a way to turn him back?" She turned her back to us and looked at the floor, "That is for him to decide..he is..a wolf..but this is his test. " She turned back to us, "He must neglect his old views and become something more now..only then will he have the chance to become mortal again.." I frowned at this, "But..I don't want this.." Emuila smiled slightly at me and placed her hands together, "It..is never about what anyone wants. Only your fate is what matters." She then spoke again, "Maybe he should meet Daniel.." Calcifer scoffed, "He won't help him..he is a selfish bastard." Emuila shrugged, "But..well there was a time where you two were really close. Besides he is a wolf Fae too..and on the sure of the Light..if I'm not mistaken." Calcifer started to have a slight look of agitation on his face, but it faded quickly. "Fine..Daniel it is..," he replied. "What cruel irony...." He gripped my wrist again and turned his back to Emuila. "Calcifer, does this mean you are the dominant force now?," she asked curiously. The door reappeared and opened up slowly revealing the familiar hallway. "Not..exactly..," Calcifer replied quietly. As soon as we left the doors closed and we walked into the elevator. Calcifer looked tense. I wonder who was this Daniel person to him that now sort of upset him. The silence was becoming annoying, and he didn't seem to want to speak anytime soon. "So..are we going back home?," I asked finally. He then glanced at me as if he was snapped out of a trance, "I will drop you off..." We left the elevator and there were now crowds of people in the club. Music blared loudly and there were all manners of oddly fashionable beautiful people dancing around. I had a feeling that none of them were human however. Calcifer moved easily through the crowd and finally we reached the exit. It had gotten so late in the night. We walked in when the sun was still out which was basically around three in the afternoon only to leave around eleven at night. It felt like time had stopped where we were. I sat in the Lamborghini and no sooner than I did Calcifer did too and he pulled off. He sped on the street like he had absolutely nothing to loose. He barely zoomed by a sixteen wheeled truck with cargo on the highway his jaw tensing. "H-HEY IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED I'M NOT DEAD YET!!," I shouted. "I DON'T PLAN ON DYING ANYTIME SOON..!" He pressed down on the accelerator more and squinted at the road ahead. I gripped on to my seatbelt tightly and looked at him then the road. He finally turned off the highway and I felt so much better. He drove less tensely, and stopped at the red light. "Relax..I like this car I don't plan on wrecking it anytime soon," he said finally. This guy..is driving me insane. A light smirk appeared on the side of his mouth. "Right..what was all of that about me being your mate?," I asked glaring at him. "That's your debt to me..," he explained. No..he can't be serious. I NEVER agreed to that. "Yeah..that isn't going to happen, " I replied. He pushed hard on the break and I jerked forward a little. "You whine to much..walk the rest of the way home...," he sighed. Are you..kidding me??! "I'm not walking home..the building is at least three blocks down," I stated rather irritated at his behavior. "You walk to your classes..this is no different," as he explained this he had his attention still on the road ahead. There were no other cars and I knew it had to be later than eleven now. I scoffed and rolled my eyes getting out of the car, "You're an asshole.." He sighed and finally glanced at me before speeding off. I walked back to my home and then thunder was heard and I sped up my movements. "I swear if it rains on--," I started but as I jinxed myself the rain poured down on me violently. I finally reached the door and unlocked it. As soon as I walked in I saw Aaron and Natalie making out on the couch. Natalie stopped kissing Aaron and looked at me a little embarrassed. "Oh..Liam..," Aaron said in surprise. "Can you guys do that in your room??," I grumbled. "O-Oh yeah..no we were just uhh watching this movie..," Aaron replied as he fixed himself up. She did as well and they both turned their attention to the movie. "Why are you drenched in rain??," Natalie asked. I closed my eyes a moment trying to process what happened,"Calcifer..." I walked towards my room slowly only to sense Aaron and Natalie making out again. I slammed my door and looked in my dresser for clean clothes. I grabbed a tank and pants and changed into them. "You keep yourself in shape..," came that familiar voice. I turned to glare at him but Calcifer's red eyes made me jump. He also looked a little roughed up. His face had bruises that seemed to heal awfully slowly. "Are you okay?," I asked. I walked into my bathroom to look for a first aid kit. Wait..would that stuff even work on him?? He peeked in to look at me, "Yeaah I'm fine.." I moved past him, "Shouldn't uhh..vampires be able to you know..regenerate??" I pointed to my bed and he looked at it then at me. "Sit down!," I snapped at him. He rolled his eyes and sat down at the edge of it removing his jacket. So..he has a great physique as well. I took out one of the cooling packs and shook it as it became cold. I placed it where one of the bruises were. "You don't seem to have any swelling...," I replied looking his face over. He didn't say anything just watched me. "You..can talk if you want..," I replied slowly. "Who is that girl on your dresser..with the long black hair?," he asked. I pinned my lips tightly together before answering, "Mitzy..she was my girlfriend." He blinked then looked at the picture, "What happened to her??" I gave a sigh. I never spoke to anyone else about her except Aaron. It was hard to talk about it. "She..died in a car accident..I was driving and..she and I got into an argument," I started and swallowed a knot in my throat. The corner of his lips twitched but his expression didn't change. "She was the only girl I ever loved...not like you care. I used to only date guys but she was the one I fell for..," I said. Why am I doing this?? Why am I talking to him..about this?? He grabbed my hand holding the cold compress and put it down. He kept staring at me again. Just..staring. He pulled me closer and kissed me. His cold lips moved with mine slowly. I flinched at the sudden reaction but it felt so soothing after a while. He pinned me down on my bed and moved hovering over me. "I'm starving...," he breathed. I cringed and pushed him a little, "N-No.." He stared down at me his tongue moved over his fangs and he was starting to look at me as if I were food. "C-Calcifer don't..," I stammered. He moved down and kissed me again a little deeper and stopped sitting up slowly. "I'm..going to leave now..you have exams tomorrow," he replied. He walked to the window after grabbing his coat. I laid there a moment unsure of what just happened. I don't know if it was the spur of the moment or anything but things may be awkward between us for a while. Why?? Why the hell did I just do that!?

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