14. The King's Men

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Ha Kim sat down across from Daniel and I sat down nervously next to Daniel. The girl with the red long hair sat across from Marissa. Everyone on my side to begin with were seated across from the Fox Fae. "So..to begin.. I would like to state that whatever happened before now isn't relevant at the moment," I spoke up. I then stood up, "Wendy is what we need to focus on right now and taking her down in The Choosing..." Everyone nodded in agreement. "Once I am King there will be a change so no more blood baths will occur in the future..," I explained. Ha Kim glanced at the red haired girl, "Sai told me before that we follow the rules of the Queen of the Light Fae..." Sai the red haired girl glanced at me, "Are you..sure you're capable?? You seem really weak." Daniel growled and pounded his fist on the table making everything jump up a few inches then back down, "Fucking Foxes think you can find a better Heir?!! News flash: THERE IS NO ONE ELSE!!" I glanced at Daniel and swallowed hard a little and looked at Sai. "I'm strong enough on my own..," Sai spoke up. "Sai, if we don't help him out forests will be taken away from us...no blessings will be left at shrines for us either," Jae explained to her. "That's why I asked you all to come here.. Because I know you can help him take back and protect what's ours!!" The twins exchanged glances, and Balthaire spoke up, "Since you all have this figured out.. I have to go. Apparently I'm invited to one of Wendy's meet and greets." As Balthaire walked to the door Aaron stood up, "Wait...Father.." He followed alongside him speaking to him in the hallway. "So... Your Highness.. What do we plan on doing to prepare for The Choosing?," Ha Kim asked as her slender fingers curled up underneath her chin into a fist. "Prepare..?," I started. Ha Kim rolled her eyes, and Sai giggled quietly. Marissa and Thomas growled at them. Daniel slammed his palm on the table, "Enough..of this. We need to focus on what we plan on doing in The Choosing. Our King isn't familiar with our traditions since he just recently became one of us. So...we have to show him the way." Ha Kim nodded once then looked at Jae, "We came on the behalf of Jae.. He trusts you with his life. So...in return we will do whatever you wish." Ha Kim stood slowly and nodded towards the twins and Sai who stood up too. "Ye Jun, Seo Jun, Sai, and myself extend our respect to you on behalf of the fox clans.." Aaron glanced at me and nodded once towards the hallway. I stood up and walked with him out into the hallway. "My father is making a move on Wendy at the meeting," he explained to me. "What do you mean..?," I asked. "I mean, this could be the end of all of it!! No stupid traditional bloodshed just straight legit assassination and boom!! Normal days again for you.." My eyebrows lowered, "You're willing to allow your father to risk his life for this..? Aaron, that's--" "Genius!! And better than countless blood being spilt on both sides..," he cut in. He gripped my shoulders, "Liam, this isn't your lifestyle.. Even though it is a part of mine, I choose the oddity of being normal when I choose to keep you as a friend. And now, you're pulled in and I want to get you out before it's too late. You deserve that normal life..the life you stayed up weeks for studying to major in medicine and being an average everyday nurse practitioner." I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. A small part of me was coming to the realization that I know nothing about this life. And I just became unsure again. Of all of this. "But..Daniel..and Jae..and the wolves and foxes..the light and dark fae...," I began. "This happens all the time. The force between Light and Dark Fae always changes.. And also once Wendy dies things will be much better and there will be another possible elected leader." I shook my head, "How do you know this will work?? If it doesn't it could just make things worse for all of us.." Aaron rolled his eyes, "For once, just listen to me.. Besides, if it doesn't work I am still okay with us doing The Choosing, but because I know it will don't worry about it right now. In fact, don't tell anyone else about this.." I bit my lip and looked down at the floor. There is just so much at stake. Not to mention...him. Calcifer. I..want to save him from her. Who knows what she will do to him or have done to him already. My eyes began to well with tears. I am so..fucked. I walked back in with him, and noticed everyone now conversing peaceful among one another. They all stopped talking and glanced at me, ready to hear what I had to say. Ready for my leadership. Ready for me to be their beacon of hope. I felt a knot in my stomach. I felt like a traitor knowing now what I know about this other plan that will take effect immediately. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Let's move into the other room to start our training," Aaron spoke up for me. Everyone got up still conversating to one another normally. Sai smiled and jumped past everyone ready to show what she was capable of. Ha Kim, and Marissa were talking and so was Thomas. I felt a familiar grip on my arm. The grip that I used to fear and get annoyed by, now felt like a tug to stop me from jumping off a cliff and into my doom. I glanced up at him. Daniel's eyebrows lowered, and his expression was composed and strong, "What's wrong??" His voice was an order and I shuddered a little snapping back to reality. "Nothing...," I answered. I followed the others into the hallway as they followed Aaron down the hall to the training room. His grip tightened and I winced, "Don't lie to me..I hate it when you lie to me..because I can smell the guilt on you." I gritted my teeth, agitated now. I jerked my arm from him until Daniel let go, "LEAVE ME ALONE!! I'M NOT YOUR MATE SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE I AM!!!" Everyone stopped and turned back looking at me. Daniel's eyes widened and then he looked furious as his eyes glowed gold. Marissa and Thomas moved in front of him as his mouth was inches from my face. His teeth were bared and it was almost like he was seconds away from ripping the flesh from my face. They had pushed him against the wall as he thrashed around glaring at me and growling ferociously. "YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHIT DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT TO ME!!!," he shouted. "Daniel, PLEASE!! Calm down!! We won't be able to stop you if you go completely wild on him!!," Thomas begged.  Ha Kim scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Wolves.." Jae and Aaron looked at me, and I gestured them it was okay. "Get everyone else inside and started.. Time is wasting," I said. "Okay, so um inside here we have--," Aaron started but Sai shoved past him giggling. I looked at Thomas and Marissa as they were struggling to keep Daniel pinned. Finally he threw them off and gripped my neck. Jae growled as he took a step forward. I held my hand up to him, "N-No..d-don't.." I couldn't breathe and all I saw was the fury in his eyes. I gripped his hand over my neck, "Da..el.." His eyes softened and he realized what he was doing, and he released the grip on my neck completely. I began coughing and Jae and Aaron rushed over to me. He took a step back, and looked around at Marissa and Thomas and then at Jae and Aaron. Jae bared his fangs at him, "See, he can't control himself.. Just another Dark Fae ready to serve his Queen." He stormed off past everyone without a word. I stood up and rubbed my neck and tried to speak but my voice was gone. "It's strained, don't try talking just yet..," Aaron said. "Come on we have to focus on our plan." I walked with them inside, and frowned. I stood over against the wall and stared at the floor. "You okay..?," Aaron asked. "He's a fucking..asshole. Why do you even trust him??" I glared at Aaron and he shrugged and walked away. I watched as Sai was practicing with a spear her height. She moved so smoothly with it. She moved swiftly too, it almost looked like she was dancing. Ha Kim used two chain scythes and she moved swiftly making heavy but fast strikes. Her movement was mesmerizing like that of a cobra. Watching them, calmed me down and I could now think straight. I wondered what came over Daniel. That wasn't his typical behavior. He does get angry and can be very much like that, but this..it seemed like it was triggered and wasn't his usual impulse. 

I left as everyone was preoccupied with their training. "It seems like we bored the 'would be king' ," Ha Kim said as she shook her head a little. I sniffed the air a little as I walked in the hallway, and I found Daniel walking outside of the mansion. I followed right behind him, "Da..el!! DAN..DANIEL!!" He stopped and turned to me and I grabbed on to him. "Let me go...," he said quietly. "Don't leave..it wasn't you I know it," I said. "It was me, I am wild. I am a Dark Fae through and through. Everyone sees it but you!!," he shouted angrily. "...I tried. I tried doing the good thing. But it's not in my nature. It's not in my blood.." I blinked a little and looked down, "Are you doing this because of me..?" He nodded, "You really are naive.. Of course now..after everything I am doing this for you." I then looked at him, "Well, stop. Stop trying to control your wildness. Stop trying to control yourself for me. I'm not.. delicate or weak so stop trying to be my prince charming." He then smirked slightly, "Is that it..? You think I'm your Calcifer? I can never be him. Nor do I want to." He placed his arm firmly around my waist glaring deeply into my eyes. "You need a force...," he said. He placed both hands on my waist still locking me in his gaze. He thrusted his torso against mine roughly and placed his forehead against mine. His smirk widened slightly, as I took a few steps back a little but he thrusted me against him again. Our torsos were together our frames were together. My heart pounded loudly in my ears and my face was hot. "You need the heat..you need..my control," he said. "Without it..." He let me go, and without realizing it my legs were trembling and I fell down off balance. "You're weak." I stood up slowly and looked at him. "I'm fine with Calcifer having a piece of you...but that doesn't mean I don't get my share as well..," he replied. He shoved past me and chuckled darkly as he shifted and took off. I stood a bit confused at what had happened. Did Daniel just put me in a polyamorous relationship?? I decided to give thought to it later and returned inside. I took one of the spears and Jae was teaching me the advanced fast techniques. I wasn't doing good at all. "Excuse me..I may be able to help..," came a familiar voice. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at who it was. It was Calcifer. He looked a little different. His hair was slightly longer, and he had a ugly burn scar on his left eye and neck. He walked forward and the wolves and Foxes quickly stepped forward cautiously and growled. A part of me ached seeing what was done to him. Mainly seeing the scars almost made me want to kill Wendy myself. "Relax..," I said to everyone. Calcifer smiled at me, and he went over grabbing one of the spears. He sounded it around elegantly and easily in his left hand that also had a scar on it. "Everyone resume your training," I told them. And the tense and surprised air from before disappeared as everyone went back to training. Calcifer stood in front of me holding on to the spear. He was still smiling at me. His smile looked somehow kinder and gentler than before. My angry at him left completely. "What are you..doing here..," I asked him. Calcifer sighed a moment, "As you can see the scars.. Wendy knew I was trying to see you while I was around you and even when you didn't see me. I was watching you. Sneaking out to watch you.." I pursed my lips, "So..that day at the event at her mansion.." He nodded, "Wendy had tortured me. In fact throughout most of the time I was with her she was torturing me. The witch even skinned me with a sharp blade. I literally had spent a few days in pain as my skin was growing back while she placed me in the humid sun." He shoved the spear in my direction and I dodged it. And stood up. We started sparing instantly with the weapons. We continued and we were evenly matched as I was able to pin him down with one of the spears. "Good job..," he smiled at me and I let him sit up. He pushed his hair behind his ear. He stared at me like he used to. And I looked at him but couldn't look at the marks on his face for so long. A part of me was hurting seeing him like that. "Liam...," he said my name in that calm sweet voice that I remember so well. I finally looked at him, and he placed my fingers underneath my chin then moved his hands down on my shoulders. "I'm here for you now, and I won't leave you alone again...," he said. And I felt weak inside like paper. I realized how much of an effect he had on me and how it never left as fast as I thought it did. It was always there. He was always there. I smiled a little and looked down, "You..have a lot to make up for." He smirked and grabbed my arm, "Trust me.. I know. And I'm ready."

The sun began to set on a successful day. The Wolves and Foxes actually had started to sort of get along. They all saw each other as respectful equals. And I had a plan. We had a plan. And tomorrow will be the end of Wendy and everything she has done.

((The picture uploaded are the twins. Ye Jun left, and Seo Jun right who has a tattoo on his neck and seems to be the oldest twin. More about these two will be shown later on hopefully.))

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