12. Dark Times

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Aaron was speeding down the road. It was raining heavily, and he was driving like a madman. "FUCK WHERE ARE WE GOING NOW?!," Aaron shouted. I was in the backseat gripping on to Daniel's shirt he was pale. "H-He's not healing..," I choked out. "LIAM, LIAM WHERE DO WE GO--," Aaron shouted. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!! ANYWHERE NOT THE CASTLE NOT THE APARTMENT JUST SOMEWHERE SAFE!!," I cut him off. Aaron nodded, "I got it.." He began driving on the freeway. "We're going to my parent's place then..," he said. We finally arrived going up the hill and Aaron buzzed us in as the gates opened and the car crept inside. Jae had arrived there seconds before we did. He traveled through his fox form because it was much faster. Aaron helped me get Daniel out of the car and we rushed inside of the mansion. "They are not going to like this..," Aaron said quietly. A Butler who looked around our age and had glowing eyes with a weird symbol in them stood on standby. He walked up to us, "Master Aaron..we have guests at this hour??" He seemed weird, emotionless..like he was being controlled or something. His hair was a shoulder length white bowl cut and his face was round and young looking. And his voice seemed soft but reminded me of voice recordings that repeat the same thing over and over with no enthusiasm. "No guests, this is an emergency I have to see my parents..," Aaron said. Just as he did the Butler along with four other clones of himself appeared all had large spears pointed at us. "Fallon, who goes there?," a tall sleek woman asked. She had a kind but stern face and beautiful long blond hair. She was elegantly gorgeous. And I remember her face well even though I barely seen her from when Aaron and I were growing up. She didn't age at all. "Mom!!," Aaron said in surprise. She looked displeased at all of us, "I thought I told you..to never come back here again," she said quietly. "I-I know..but listen we need your help--," Aaron started and one of the Fallon clones knocked him to the floor with the spear. I struggled to keep Daniel up his breathing was labored and he was fading in and out of consciousness. The woman made her way down the stairs silently, "First, you ignore my order of leaving this place, and then..you bring in three disgusting flea riddled hounds. One of which is bleeding on my marble floor.." Aaron got up slowly and glared at her, "J-Just hear me out..I ask for nothing but your healing power to help my friend. You never taught me about Incubus powers.. I barely learned to feed from human lust on my fucking own!!" The woman smirked arrogantly, "You're right..because the moment you choose mortals over Fae I disbanded you from our family." Aaron stood up, "Where is Father?" The woman sighed then glanced at Daniel who was wounded. "He would help me.. Wouldn't he??," Aaron stated. The woman then looked at me, "It's nice to see you again.. Cole..?" Aaron gritted his teeth, "His name is Liam!! And he will be King soon.. One we desperately need right now." The woman began to laugh, "How annoyingly hilarious. You expect this pathetic excuse to be MY King?? Wendy is fine as the Queen of the Dark Fae. And whatever her name is.. As the Queen of the Light Fae." She snapped her fingers, "Escort these drags out immediately.." Fallon's clones began to shove us to the door roughly with their spears. "Salena what's all of the--," a male called from the balcony and then his eyebrows lowered in disappointment. "PLEASE s-sir.. My friend is dying!!," I choked out. He opened his locket and all of the Fallon clones faded away inside of it like a hazy blue mist. He closed it and looked at us displeased. "Father..please just help and I promise we will leave and you don't have to see me again," Aaron swallowed hard. The male sighed, "Come..to the living room."

We laid Daniel on the couch and he coughed up blood. "What's wrong with him..?," I asked quietly. "Wolves bane poison..and a lot of it," Jae replied. "He saved you from getting assassinated at the party." I bit my lip, and saw Salena roll her eyes as she looked out of the window not concerned. "This is bad news he isn't going to make it through the night..," Aaron's father said glancing up at us. "What do we do..?," Aaron asked. "...Our healing ability can only work on our own kind." Salena turned to us, "In other words we can't help you.. And I need a new couch set." Aaron stood up glaring at her, "All you ever cared about were materialistic things. No wonder why I hate you.." Daniel's eyes look faded as he glanced at me,"Just leave me..." I shook my head, "No..Daniel that's not an option." Aaron's father then looked at us,
"There is one way..but I'm not sure it will work..." Aaron sighed, "We will do anything. Just tell us." He sighed, "Your friend there will have to use his wolf to heal him. It could work if they are mates. Are they mates..?" Aaron and Jae glanced at me and exchanged expressions. "I..well I don't really know sir," I stammered. He gave a deep sigh and closed his eyes a moment, "If you aren't mates..or don't have some sort of close bond it may not work so well. In fact, you both could inevitably perish." I glanced at Daniel who was taking shallow breaths now. "I have to do this..whatever the case may be," I explained to him. He smiled slightly at me, "Now..I am beginning to see the potential of royalty within you." He grabbed both of my hands and placed them on Daniel's chest. "Close your eyes, and imagine your place of peace." I closed my eyes doing as instructed, and imagined just that before opening my eyes and feeling a familiar breeze across my face. Once I opened them again there before me was the familiar forest where it all started. It was dark and quiet, but I felt it. The still air was something I remember. I walked forward through the trees. The light didn't beam through the trees. As I continued forward I felt someone watching me. "Hello..?," I yelled out into the darkness. I saw something moving in the shadows and felt a little nervous. Just then a familiar shadow moved out of the darkness carefully towards me. 'Liam, follow me..we mustn't waste anymore time,' the voice echoed in my conscious from a beautiful white wolf with shining eyes. The wolf began to trot ahead of me very fast. I immediately began to follow her. She was my wolf. I knew it before she approached me and felt her. I ran faster  practically catching up to her and finally reached a clearing. The ground was covered in snow. The snow reached up to my knees almost as  struggled to continue forward. My wolf trotted along in the snow as if it was nothing. She glanced back at me occasionally as if to rush me along. "I know..I know, I'm coming," I spoke to her. Just as I walked it began to snow lightly.  I looked down and saw a trail of blood within the snow. The blood had hints of a black substance that ate through the snow to the ground. The blood and the substance smelled foul. I covered my nose with my sleeve as I continued and saw the blood trail getting bigger. I tripped and fell into it and almost started to panic, but my wolf was there and she helped nudge me out of the puddle. 'Come on.. He is just up ahead,' she spoke to me. I clinged to my shirt, now drenched in the strange blood fluids and started to feel the cold. Just then the trail ended at the sight of a large beast laying badly wounded on it's side. It's breathing was labored, and it was laying in a puddle of the blood and black fluid. It hacked once and coughed out more of it. I knew then what and who the big black wolf was. "Daniel..," I said quietly. It's ears perked at hearing it's name and it immediately stood up and bared it's fangs at me growling in a low terrifying tone. I tensed up all over as my eyes widened in surprise. "WHO IS THAT?!! WHO DARE SPEAK MY NAME?!!!," he growled. My wolf stood bravely in front of him. She was much smaller than he was, but for some reason I could sense that for right now in Daniel's weakened state she was much more stronger. 'Cease your ramblings.. We are here to help you both,' she spoke confidently. He snarled opening his mouth wide and I feared he would swallow us both whole. His back arched as he hacked out more of the blood and black fluid. "Go.. Leave me be. My destiny is sealed," he growled quietly. His gold eyes showed pain as blood streaked from them. "It doesn't.. h-have to be that way," I said. The wolf looked at me, and I froze up a little. "...W-We need you.. We need both of you." It began to cough and hackle as if to laugh at me, "WHAT GOOD ARE YOU TO ME?? TO US?!!" He coughed more. My wolf glanced at me curiously. She sat upright and her tail swished. "I'm your king," I said. The wolf's eyes widened and it began to growl viciously at me again taking a step towards me. It had an attempt to kill in it's eyes. Even as it stood on it's last legs it was ready to do me in. One final death. "YOU'RE NO KING OF MINE!!!," it bellowed. It slowly crouched down ready to attack. "So..you want to do better..?," I asked. I felt more confidence rise in me. He was weaker no matter how much he was putting it off he won't acknowledge that he has no control here. It's ears twitched as it kept growling at me. It's fur stood on ends. "You will never be better than me.. You're weaker than me. You've given up yourself to death, yet you want to kill me? You won't. You can't," I said. These words made the wolf twitch. It growled louder, "YOU'RE NO KING OF MIIIINNNEEE!! NO KING OF MIIIINNNNEE!!" It stomped its claws into the snow. "Prove it. Come with me. Show me what a real king is capable of," I said. I then turned my heel towards him turning my back to the beast. I started to walk away, clenching my fists and trembling all over from fear I turned my back to it. The wolf grew angrier, "DON'T YOU DARE TURN FROM ME MORTAL!!!! YOU'RE NO KING!!!" It stood trembling all over in anger. It glared holes into me. "I'LL SHOW YOU!!! I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A KING REALLY LOOKS LIKE!!!" I stopped walking only making it five feet from the beast. I heard bones snapping and breaking into place. I heard a howling and growling turn into groans of pain. I turned slowly to look at him. I flinched all over as Daniel stood covered in dirt, and black fluid as well as blood. His muscles flexed slightly as he glared at me. He coughed up the wolve's bane into the palm of his hands and threw it down on the snow. He inhaled and exhaled slowly, then gripped my neck with his claws. I coughed as I struggled against him. His gold eyes watched as the color changed in my face. A small devious smirk formed on his lips, "What was that?? All that shit about being King??" My wolf growled at him as a warning. He glared at her then at me. He shoved me to the ground and stood over me, "Maybe... I--" I couldn't hear or see anything else. There was just silent darkness. It became clear to me that this is what could happen to the world under Wendy's rule. I learned about natural balances in school before. If that order is shifted wrong there could be a great consequence for all. Dark Times. Dark Times ahead that could last for centuries. 

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