15. The Choosing Rite

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I didn't get any sleep at all. I tossed and turned next to Calcifer who was holding me the whole time. He looked at me and noticed I wasn't resting. "Sorry..I can't sleep..," I told him. He sat up as well and turned on the lamp, "You will need it for tomorrow..." I laid my head on his shoulder and intertwined his fingers with mine. "I'm terrified..," I told him. "I know..," he answered. I exhaled quietly, and then found something funny. "What..?," he asked. "You know..just weeks ago. Months ago.. I was worried about finals and passing them. And now.. I'm worried about dying," I answered and laughed a little more. "I doubt that will happen," came a voice from the door way. He walked standing closer into the middle of the big bedroom where the moonlight shown through the window and shed light on his face. The perfect flawless rough structure I remember all too well. The person who I loved and hated. Daniel. He stood with a serious expression looking at us. He was dripping in sweat from running and wearing an open white button down and slacks. "Daniel, you came back..," I said to him. "Yeah, and you owe me one for helping him escape," he said glaring over at Calcifer then he smirked as his eyes glowed. "What are you talking about..?," I asked and looked at Calcifer. Calcifer got out of the bed and rushed over standing face to face in front of Daniel. "Get out," Calcifer said through gritted teeth. Daniel smirked, "Is that how you are going to repay me?? I kept your little boyfriend safe this whole time because you had your head too far up your ass.." Calcifer's jaw tensed, "What are you expecting an award?" Daniel smirked at him, "All these years..and you still think you're over me?? Did you forget everything we did together? How you.. used to purr my name when I gave you what you wanted. Where you wanted..?" Calcifer hissed and crouched slightly ready to pounce on him. Daniel grabbed Calcifer's wrists and pinned him to the floor. I got out of bed quickly unsure of what to do. Daniel chuckled as Calcifer was still too weak from his recovery to fight back at full strength against Daniel. Daniel glanced at me, "Have you ever heard his moans..?" I swallowed hard as my face turned red. Calcifer looked at me, "Don't listen to him. He's just a mangy mutt.." Daniel sneered, "Oh..? Is that so.. I wonder.." Calcifer struggled more as Daniel took the belt that wasn't fastened around his waist and wrapped Calcifer's wrists together. He then used one arm to force Calcifer's tied wrists above his head. His other hand moved slowly down Calcifer's abdomen as if it were touching a familiar favorite surface. Calcifer froze completely once Daniel touched him. Daniel's hand went into Calcifer's pants and be chuckled, "You're already slightly aroused and I haven't even started. Maybe..you need a little more blood." Daniel bit into his wrist and held it over Calcifer's mouth. As soon as the first drop hit Calcifer's lips and tongue his fangs were noticeable and his face flushed light pink. He almost looked more human. "S..Stop..," Calcifer breathed. He was aroused from it. "What? Afraid he will see that other side of you??," Daniel edged. "Man does this being back memories... I'm afraid I won't be able to stop." Daniel grinned as his teeth seemed to look sharp he leaned down and bit Calcifer in his abdomen. Calcifer jerked as a loud moan escaped his lips. Daniel smirked up at him as he sat up and moved his dark brown hair from his eyes. "Mmm.. That sound is so familiar. Nostalgic even..," Daniel said. Calcifer twitched a little as his cock was standing up completely. Calcifer looked embarrassed in his eyes, and he looked away from me. Daniel looked over at me, "Don't you want him??" I shook my head, "Daniel..stop.. Let him go." Daniel stood up, "But your Majesty.. Did you not hear me when I said you both would be mine??" He went over to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me over to Calcifer. "How..would it make you feel seeing him like this??," Daniel asked. He then grabbed Calcifer's cock and rubbed his thumb roughly against the tip a little. Calcifer trembled a little and bit his lip trying not to moan or anything. "Calcifer don't hold it in.. Show Liam, show our Majesty how much you like being teased and tortured..," Daniel replied. Daniel gave him a few more gulps of his blood before the wound completely healed. Once he gave him his blood Calcifer's expression changed. He looked weak in Daniel's hands. Daniel continued stroking him and then took out his cock rubbing both of them together as he bit Calcifer in different places. Calcifer began moaning instantly. Daniel stopped stroking and Calcifer looked at me. My face was still hot, and I grabbed Daniel's shirt, "Daniel..sto--" Daniel smirked and took the belt that tied Calcifer's hands a loose. Calcifer's eyes looked dark he looked like he was in a sort of trance. "Your Majesty it looks like he wants you..," Daniel replied. I stood up and moved to leave the room but Calcifer shut the door and locked it. He walked towards me and I backed up and almost tripped. He grabbed me and pinned me down on the bed. "Liam.. Maybe I should stop holding back with you..," he breathed. Daniel smirked as he went over to us. "I agree..," Daniel said. They both have me some of their blood and as soon as my taste buds met with their warm liquid my head was spinning. I was in a drunken state. I felt like that one time I went to this exotic club with Aaron and he gave me Ecstasy for the first time. I feel ten times more than that. It felt more like a natural attraction. A normal attraction amplified for both of them. I don't remember what happened I just remember locking lips with Daniel and Calcifer. I remember both of them taking me. I could feel their hands on my body as if they knew where everything was that made me feel good. That made me feel whole.

It lasted all night until that morning.

I woke up as the curtain was opened and the sun beamed through the window. I stretched a little but couldn't stretch far because Daniel was all over the right side of my body and Calcifer was on the left side of me. My eyes widened and I blushed deeply before struggling to get from entangled with one of them. But it was to no avail. The more I tried to move the tighter they clinged to me. So embarrassing...extremely embarrassing. I looked over at Daniel his expression looked relaxed aside from his arrogant smirk or serious and or annoyed face. His thick wavy dark brown hair covered his eyes and thick brows. Somehow seeing him sleeping calmly made me feel relaxed. I looked over at Calcifer who's face I admit I missed the most. His usual calm expression made me feel complete. I noticed the sheets and drapes that were over the bed were ripped up. The pillows too feathers were all around us. I moved from underneath Calcifer and Daniel finally just as a knock was at the door. I got up and began getting dressed just as Calcifer and Daniel started sitting up. "Your Highness.. It is time for another meet up before we go to the Colosseum for the Choosing Rite ceremony..," Ha Kim said. "Ah..yeah we'll be down-- I-I mean I will be down soon," I stammered. Daniel got up sluggishly as we all started to get ready. Calcifer wrapped his arms around my waist, "I feel so much more closer to you now..." I smiled a little, "Okay let me go.. We can't let everyone know we are um--" Calcifer kissed me gently down my neck. Daniel rolled his eyes and walked up to us and Calcifer glared at him. "I'm going to go out first since you two are too embarrassed..," Daniel mocked. He opened the door and Calcifer and I froze up. "We will be downstairs momentarily..is everyone else ready to go??," Daniel asked. Ha Kim saw us and didn't look at all surprised or cared, "Yeah, you're both actually the late ones." After hearing that I hurried to shower and change first. Calcifer knocked steadily on the door and he joined me in getting ready. Daniel got ready after us but somehow he managed to be the one waiting downstairs with the rest of them. Once I managed to reach the front door, I stood in front of everyone. My eyes met them all. They all looked eager to fight for the cause that I stood for. I fiddled with my fingers before beginning my speech. "Some of you...may not come back after today. But regardless of this I give you my best wishes and luck. I would love it if we all were to celebrate on good terms even after this is over. Wendy is an ancient cruel bitch. She thinks we are weak she thinks this is too easy. Let's make her see otherwise!! Let's make her see fear in us!! Let's...give her HELL!!," I shouted. Everyone cheered and I pushed open the doors as light shown in brightly. It blinded me and I couldn't see. Once the light died down we appeared staring up at a huge arena. It was old and nothing I have ever seen before. I swallowed hard intimidated by its corkscrew odd art structure. "Guess who helped design this arena?? My mom...," Aaron whispered to me. We all began to walk towards the entrance, but the rest of the team split off from me and I stood alone. "We have to go straight inside...we won't see each other until later," Calcifer said to me. And my heartbeat drummed loudly in my ear. Seeing Daniel and Calcifer turn their backs to me to face death made me stir. I then noticed Wendy with her followers walking up. I quickly collected myself as I stood before her. She looked my armor over. Then a thin smile curled up at the corners of her lips. "Well, well... what a beautiful piece," she said. She barely had any armor on and mainly looked like she would be attending a fashion show rather than a death match. "Thanks..," I said. She leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "Good luck.." I proceeded to go inside as they lead me up to the top seats where my throne for the Light was. I sat down awkwardly on it. It was very comfortable though, but I was anything but that. She sat opposite to me on the other side of the arena on her own throne that matched her black elegant attire. She wore her smile still as if she had already won and that in itself made me uncomfortable. A light beam shown and out of the blue next to me. And it was Emuila. She smiled at me and I was so glad to see her and have someone by my side. "I knew she would pick this world as the arena...," Emuila said to me. "What is this place??," I asked as I saw rows and rows of Fae cheering Light and Dark Fae alike. "This is the arena for the Gods...it's so fitting right?," Emuila asked excitedly. "It also means she sees you as a huge threat." Thunder was heard above as the clouds were over us seemed to move around as no sun was seen. It definitely looked unnatural. Wendy stood up and held her arms out as the loud cheering went silent. "We are here on this marvelous day to witness a new chapter in our history!! Light versus Dark to gain full control over both sides for a few more centuries!!" She stood at what seemed like a podium. I felt a lump in my stomach as I listened to her. This may be it. This may be the last time I ever see my friends again. My thoughts stirred as I only wished I could have said goodbye.

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