7. The Wolf and The Fox

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We heard something and I could barely see it but as we raced towards it and I could see what it seemed like Daniel his dark fur and glowing eyes surrounding Jared the frightened fox as an auburn wolf who was Thomas and a silver wolf who was Marissa flanked Daniel's side. I watched in horror as Daniel lashed out at Jared but Jared stood his ground. His eyes looked at me and I knew what to do instinctively. I howled as loud as I could and Daniel, Marissa, and Thomas looked at me and barked a warning at me to stop. Nigel's dark gray wolf appeared and both Daniel and Nigel began fighting. Marissa and Thomas began to chase me as they were desiring to be near my wolf and to mate with her. I ran I was faster than them and even as they tried flanking me I kept going. Marissa and Thomas finally caught up and tackled me. I was knocked unconscious.
When I woke up the sun beamed on me and I stretched and yawned. Marissa laid on me as well as Thomas. A satisfied flushed look was on her face as well as Thomas'. Oh god. Did we..? I sat up slowly as to not disturb them. And got to my feet. I hugged myself feeling ache all over and also shame for being naked in the woods. I hurried back to the bondfire set up and the ashes were cold but the scent was fresh. I heard a twig snapped and saw it was Jared. Jared had tears in his eyes as he stood there wounded. "Jared..are you--," I started but he limped slightly over to a tree and leaned against it. "Nigel..is dead..," Jared whispered. What??! "H-How..what happened..?," I asked. His eyes narrowed, "Daniel. They were going to kill me first then Nigel...but you called Nigel to come sooner and Daniel snapped Nigel's neck." I shook my head. This is all wrong so wrong. "Why would Daniel even..?," I asked. Jared looked at the ground and swallowed, "Sick bastard knew Nigel and I had changed over to being Light Fae..but he made this moon gathering a cover up for a slaughter. I tried to warn Nigel...that something was off. About everything." I picked up my clothes and Jared glanced down at Nigel's clothes and he broke down. I can't believe Daniel would do this.. "Thank you..for leading the others away...but I just wish Nigel would have lived instead of me," Jared cried. "I tried to jump in to save Nigel but he kept pushing me back behind him..." Jared stopped talking and looked up and I looked in the sane direction in which he looked. It was Daniel before he even walked up the smell of wolf death radiated from him. Daniel smirked fiendishly and then winked at Jared. "You sly little fox...I thought you were dead too..," Daniel said. I moved to stand in front of Jared. "Leave him alone..," I glared at him. Daniel tilted his head upward and chuckled, "Look who's wild now..? Good thing you embraced your wolf. I would have killed you too..also that was smart leading Marissa and Thomas away with your scent." I began putting my clothes on. I handed Jared his clothes and gathered up Nigel's clothes too. "This is wrong...," I said. "Aw, come on Liam they are traitors I had my orders. If you're a Dark Fae and turned Light that's a no go now. Your punishment is DEATH for betrayal..," he explained. After Jared got dressed Marissa and Thomas walked up and stood by Daniel's side. "He made it so Thomas and I mated with each other instead of with him..his wolf is smart and so us he Daniel," she said to him and looked at me. "I agree he has a value..," Thomas added. I glared at all three of them. "Don't bother taking me home...," I growled at Daniel and grabbed Jared's hand and walked with him out of the forest as I began calling Calcifer but he was waiting at the roadside in his red Lamborghini. "Get in..," he said. I got in and so did Jared. He sped off and his has tensed he was obviously pissed off. "I knew something was up..you shouldn't have went...," he said as he began accelerating. "If I didn't go I wouldn't have been able to witness Daniel's true nature...," I replied quietly. "Exactly, I rather you be ignorant of his capabilities," Calcifer remarked. I looked back at Jared who was hugging Nigel's clothes close to him and staring off. "So..Jared..you are Light Fae now. You should have known this wasn't a good idea...," Calcifer' said coldly as he glanced back at him through the rear view mirror. Jared looked away. "Leave him alone..it wasn't his fault," I growled. Calcifer glared at me, "You could have been killed..." I gave a shrug. "It was worth the risk..," I mumbled. As we arrived at my home I helped Jared out of the car. "I shouldn't be here...I will just cause more trouble for you both," Jared said quietly. I shook my head, "This is apparently a part of my life style now.." We got inside and Calcifer folded his arms looking sternly at me. I wrapped Jared's leg wound and the one on his side. "You font gave to worry anymore Calcifer and I will protect you," I smiled. "Calcifer will do no such thing..," Calcifer said sharply and headed into his room and slammed the door shut. "You will get used to it..," I said. He looked down at Nigel's clothes again. "It isn't fair..," he said quietly. "I know..," I replied. "I suggest you stay here for a while..until the situation dies down." He rolled his eyes and sighed, "I shouldn't have switched sides..." He looked at the book shelf I had in the living room. "Its a good thing you read a lot..not many do these days," Jared replied as he stood and walked over to the shelf. I stood next to him and scanned the shelf, "Yeah..its okay I suppose." Jared then looked at me, "I am greatful for your help..and your invitation to stay but I must decline..." He limped over grabbing Nigel's clothes and began walking to the door. "Wait..at least stay for a day or so until you heal..," I suggested. Jared shrugged, "I am not sure your friends will find comfort in my stay.." I rolled my eyes, "Calcifer barely stays here.. And I haven't heard anything from Aaron lately..." Aaron hasn't shown his face since that awkward moment we had and he stormed out. I hope he us okay too. I'm not sure which side he is on to be honest. So far the Dark and the Light Fae are not desirable for me in the least. Jared walked back to the couch and sat down. I sat next to him and he laid his head on my shoulder. His messy black hair falling in his face. If I didn't know any better I would have mistaken Jared for a girl his features were soft and beautiful and his figure looked small and slender. I tensed up as my heart beat pounded in my ears. Holy fuck he is so.. attractive. He was. My wolf erged me to take advantage of him but I caught the idea away. Jared was drifted to sleep, and I noticed Calcifer standing in the room now and it almost made me jump. "Jesus.. Calcifer don't do that..," I sighed. "Jesus isn't here..," Calcifer said. He then noticed Jared sleeping on me and his jaw tensed. "Tell him to move," he ordered. He looked at me sharply his eyes glowing silver. "He's comfortable and so am I..let him sleep for a while he is tired and been through a lot today," I whispered. "I don't care if he is Light Fae or not..I dislike him..and he shouldn't touch you," Calcifer narrowed his eyes at Jared. "Well he isn't harming anyone just relax," I said casually. Jared adjusted his head slowly and slept peacefully. Calcifer walked over to the door, "Well I am not going to be here for this..." I gave a shrug, "Fine." He slammed it shut and Jared jumped lightly instinctively as he still slept. I felt an obligation now to protect Jared. I don't have time to deal with Calcifer's selfish needs. I stood up slowly and laid Jared's head gently on the pillow. I placed a blanket over him as well. A long not so productive day. I have to squeeze a bit of studying in or I won't be getting anywhere soon. I then recalled the deal I made with Daniel and I smacked my palm against my forehead. "Ahh..that money..that stupid deal I regret making it now," I sighed. No matter though, I have other important things to focus on. I grabbed my book on history and began quickly jotting down notes as I made myself comfortable in my room. Randomly cramming information isn't the best idea but its the only one right now. I began dosing off in the middle of writing notes but I sensed someone watching me and sat up looking Jared in the eyes. I jumped a little startled at not noticing earlier. "Sorry..," he smiled nervously. "No..no it's fine," I swallowed. He walked around and looked at different things in my room. I then noticed the weird trinkets around his neck and his wrists. "What are those??," I asked. He looked at me,"Unlike you I don't go between worlds. I did a long long time ago but not anymore... " He pointed to the one around his neck, "Hidden in spirit from mortals." He patted his chest then showed the ones around his wrists, "Hidden with mind and body from them as well." I nodded slowly, "They look pretty cool..I like them." He smiled, "I made them myself." He looked more at the shelves then reached behind the book case and pulled out a box that I stashed my savings in. "Oooh~ money," he said and I jumped up and snatched it from him. "Can you not be a thief I did just save your life!!," I shouted. "I am sorry its in my nature to be promiscuous..and a klepto..," he replied quietly. "I get bored fairly easily..and being indoors too long makes me agitated..." I looked around,"Well come with me to the living room..we can play a few videogames." I went into the living room and he stared at my movements as I plugged in my PS4 and put in a random racing game. I handed him a controller and sat down with my own controller too. "Okay so its pretty simple just press the triangle button to accelerate and you move this stick to move," I explained as I showed him. He watched and imitated. "I will play one round with you..and the rest you can do yourself I have to study.." He nodded and before I knew it he was totally enjoying the game. His eyes darted about the screen and he was in a trance. I played a round or two with him and he won twice. After that I went back to studying for another hour or so. When I finished Aaron had came home and he looked pale and just terribly. He looked like he hadn't slept I'm days or like he was starving or both. "....Who is he?," he asked glaring over at Jared who was still focused on the game. "Better question..what is wrong with you??," I asked and placed my hand on his forehead. He weakly pushed my hand away. "Like you care now..all you think about is Cal and or Daniel..," he spat. "That's not true..," I stated slowly. "You're my friend I care about you too..." He shook his head, "I doubt it. I doubt you would care. Now leave me alone." He shoved past me and into his room slamming the door shut. What is going on here?? Has everyone lost their minds?? "He likes you..," Jared replied. I rolled my eyes, "I know..and I am unsure how to handle him. Or just all this attention in general..." I sighed, "You know when I was human..I never liked anyone. Or cared to have a relationship. But here I am in some sort or weird hexagon.." Jared laughed, "Well just be careful whoever you choose your fates are sealed..also.." He turned to look at me as he paused the game, "Whoever you choose you may end up dead if you be with them.." I hope he is saying this to scare me.

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