8. Witch And The Three

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This chapter is derailing from the story at hand a little to take you a bit in depth with Emuila, Daniel, and Calcifer. It will be through Emuila's eyes. This is about their relationship how they were up until now. I hope you enjoy this little extra addition placed in as there will be points that add up.
"So..it's never a dull moment is it with you??," Daniel smirked gripping my arm firmly. His gaze was alluring dark and vexing. I bit my lip pulling my arm away, "Lycan Prince..oh how you do sway me." Daniel scoffed watching me as if he was reading my mind. He can't because I'm not a wolf, nor am I part of his pack. He thinks he knows but doesn't. So he tempts and tricks as of he does. I'm no fool. "So..if you're here that means your little angelic soldier is too," Daniel's eyes peered within my soul as he was hoping to use his higher manipulative Lycan authority on me. Foolish fool. I adjusted the soft cotton of my dress on my shoulder and avoided his gaze. "Persephone!!," he spat. I flinched at the name. It's been centuries since I heard it. And in such a commanding tone. I gripped his jawline with my slender fingers my eyes fiery and angry. Offended. "Don't. Don't ever..," I began. Snap his jaw. Snap the dog's jaw and break it in half!! Stop his cursed growling for good!! He looked at me not surprised still smirking. He wanted to see THAT part of me. I shouldn't let him. I released him, "He will be here soon.. And he isn't a dog like you. He has his freedom." Daniel chuckled darkly then smoothed his dark brown hair from his eyes back neatly. "Still malevolent as always...," he sighed. I hate his voice. I hate the sarcasm, I hate the deep rasp tone. I hate the annoying allure within it. I HATE HIM. "You two chose to meet up some place quite..odd," came a calm voice. The room was noisy, people were everywhere. Dancing in their finest attire, enjoying their alchohol and the brass percussion jazz band's swing. But..I heard him clearly. He walked forward, his hair pale and smoothed back neatly. He wore a suit just to blend in with the other mortals but he still stood out. Daniel turned to him as we both were sitting at the bar. Daniel scoffed shooting a shot down his throat, "You're late.." Calcifer smiled genuinely, beautifully. "Worried??," he asked. Daniel's jaw tensed up, "What DO YOU think??" Calcifer bit his lip gently, "I..apologize." So they tasted the forbidden fruits. Calcifer's eyes shifted to me. I looked away. "Emuila..," Calcifer smiled. He said my vessel's name. A girl who was obsessed over GREEK Gods and Goddesses. Emuila Valerie. She called upon me, to set her free from the asylum. I wanted to be free from the Underworld. I wanted to hide from Hades. I helped her and she helped me. Our spirits are one now. Oh how I envy her name, and I love that it's now my name. Her body is mine too. Perfect porcelain skin, red hair soft features. Mine. "That's the body you choose??," Calcifer asked. I nodded slowly. "You're both beautiful..," Calcifer smiled. I smiled back, "I think so too." Daniel rolled his eyes, "So..where is she again??" Calcifer looked back at Daniel. "You mean..HER..?," Calcifer asked. I hate her too. I hate her more than anything. She came in, wearing black many mortals noticed her as she glided over to us. She was the reason Calcifer doesn't smile anymore. There was a mortal reporter taking memoirs for the event. He saw the four of us and asked to take a group picture of us for the press. We all stood together, and Wendy leaned against Daniel smiling. "Isn't it beautiful how these mortals like to keep records of things??," she smiled. Her dark red lips curled up into a oddly comfortable smile. Daniel raised an eyebrow, "I agree.. We should do things such as this more often. And stay together. No matter what." Calcifer looked at me. My fingers were burning and I scratched at them looking at the floor my hair covering my face. "Emuila..relax," his soothing voice spoke. He moved my hair behind my ears and I glanced up at him. "You should smile more, it makes us very happy to see you smiling." I looked at the reporter who was taking pictures of us, and my thin lips curled up hesitantly at first but then naturally into a small smile. Calcifer was about to smile, but didn't. Something plagued his consciousness. Something bad. He felt it. He was aware now. He would never smile as genuinely ever again. Not after today. Not after what had just happened. Dark Fae, the side we were against for so long, and now because of one of us deciding to go to the bad side we all decided to. It was her fault. I hate her so much.

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