9. Wendy

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I didn't get any sleep. I had nightmares of running aimlessly in the forest. I was always lost. And then just when I thought I was safe a woman with black eyes and sharp teeth moves her long slender nailed fingers around my chin and snaps my neck. I always wake up then in a cold sweat. "Is it the dream again??," Jae asked. Jae started becoming a new addition to this house of weirdos. He does occasionally leave for days on end being a fox and all, but he comes back always to make sure things are alright. I just..kinda miss Calcifer doing that. I don't see him much anymore at all. It's been quite a long time since he saved Jae and I from Daniel. After that day he stayed around a while coming and going as usual, and now he is just gone. I feel empty without him coddling over me. I looked at Jae tiredly, "No..it's nothing Jae." He could see my bags, and my pale sweat covered face and wasn't at all convinced. Jae placed the back of his hand against my forehead. His hand felt cool, like a nice breeze. "You're burning up..which means you're lying," Jae said rather sternly. "Want me to keep searching for Calcifer??" I flinched at the name. Calcifer. Why isn't he here?? A knot was in my throat and it made me uncomfortable. I began shaking all over as I felt like I was going to loose it and burst into tears. I covered my mouth as tears overflowed causing me to shake violently. It's my fault. Everything is my fault. Why?? Why did I allow myself to fall for him?? Why did I get attached?? Why am I still here?? Jae's arms wrapped around me as he sat in bed in front of me. "Liam.. Liam..," he said repeatedly. I was embarrassed of breaking down in front of Jae. "I-I'm sorry.. I-I-I..," I stammered but only groans and tears spat out. My chest felt like it was on fire, and it was starting to piss me off. Jae held me close to his chest and I continued shaking and crying helplessly. He left me FEELING this way!! Jae frowned, and he was quiet and just kept holding me. I started to slowly calm down. I started to relax as I could hear his heartbeat. I fell silent and limp in Jae's arms. Jae smiled, "Why do you do that?" I gave a shrug. "You didn't want me to see you hurting.. You didn't want anyone to see..," he said quietly. "But I still did." I sat up rubbing my swallow eyes and looked away from Jared, "I'm fine now. Thanks." Jae's eyes kept looking at me. I sat up and went to go shower and clean myself up. Just then I heard a revving of that familiar Lamborghini. I looked out my window to see Calcifer hurrying inside. Perfect timing. Perfect timing to scold him and everything. I rushed out of my room just as Calcifer walked inside. Calcifer stood still as he looked at me. Those beautiful eyes, and tense concerned expression. I felt like I was melting on the inside. No. I got to stay firm. "Where were YOU??," I said sharply. Calcifer's jaw tensed as his eyes shifted to the door. A tall slender looking woman walked in wearing black heels. Her hair was jet black and in a messy bun. Her dress looked really revealing, as if she was some sort of high class prostitute. I was radiating with anger. "This is..Wendy, she's the Queen of the Dark Fae," Calcifer said to me. I glared at her swallowing hard as I began shaking all over. Jae growled under his breath as he glared at her his hair began to static a little. Wendy giggled quietly, "It seems I'm not welcomed here Cal.." Cal?? Calcifer sighed a moment, "He's new to our life your majesty forgive him.." Wendy smiled placing her thin slender fingers together, "So cute..he's your new mate isn't he?? Does he know? Does he know of our many exploits together??" I was trying to control my angry my wolf was stirring like mad within me. "YOU BITCH!!," Jae roared loungely at her with his claws half shifted. Wendy gripped Jae by the neck with her fingers and Jae began to tense up as veins appeared through his flesh and his eyes turned black. Jae fell to the floor crippled with pain as he gagged and spat up blood. I immediately went to his side as sudden fear struck me. What did she do to him?! "Please, let him go!!," I shouted. Wendy smiled bending to face me, and it was then I remembered that horrible dream I had. She was the woman with the long nails and dark eyes. My wolf grew more and more anxious and scared. I was trembling in fear now. She stretched her long fingers gently across my face and I tensed up afraid of what she would do to me. "He's so pretty..I see why you love him so much..," Wendy spoke quietly. "Please, don't. Take me instead as I promised I let you see him..but he wasn't part of the deal you want me!!," Calcifer spoke up. She watched me her wide doll eyes and round petite face peering through my soul. She sat up and wrapped her arms around Calcifer's right arm snuggling her face into it. "My Cal..my dear sweet Cal you're so right..so right..," she purred against him. He stood tensely looking at me with his serious expression that was slightly apathetic as if to say 'I'm sorry.' "I just wanted to see him..and now that I have.. I want to go..," she smiled at him. "Please, let Jae go!!," I spat out. She glanced at Jae and Jae gasped for breath as he was released from whatever that spell was. Wendy grabbed Calcifer's hand pulling him to the door. "I'm sorry..I'm so sorry..," Calcifer said quietly. I glared at him holding Jae close, "No..you're not." Wendy giggled, "He hates you now.." They both left and I heard the door slam and felt the emptiness of the room. I hugged Jae close to me, "I'm sorry Jae.." Jae sat up forcing himself to move, "It's fine..but we have to stop that evil witch." I nodded, "I agree..she killed me in my dreams too many that I can count she is definitely dangerous." Jae wiped the blood from his chin, "She..killed my family. She slaughtered all of them for amusement..." It upset me seeing Calcifer let her grab on to him and touch him. I trembled all over in anger. Just then the phone rung, and I picked it up. A loud buzzing unclear noise was heard and I held the phone from my ear a little. "*buuuzzz* Li..*buzz* am.. *ffttttzz buuzzz*," the voice sounded familiar. "Emuila..?," I asked. "*buuuuzzz* Y..es..*buzz*," she answered. "Where are you the signal is really weak..," I asked trying to make out what she was saying. "Is this better..?," Emuila asked as she randomly appeared in the living room. She was all glowly, and bright I had to squint at her. "Yeeaahh..," I replied slowly. She then stopped glowing so much, "I'm too late aren't I..?" I glanced at Jae who had sat down on the couch and was doubled over in after effects of pain. "I..think so if you were looking to stop Wendy she already did some damage," I said quietly as I also clenched my chest. It ached, it ached so much and I knew I was heartbroken. Jae stood up adjusting his trinkets on his wrist, "I'm fine now..what are we going to do about her?" Emuila smiled nervously, "That's why I'm here..gentlemen."

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