13. into the unknown

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LIGHT SHINED THROUGH THE CRACK of the door as it creaked open, all and every Glader apprehensive of what to do, looking to Thomas for direction

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LIGHT SHINED THROUGH THE CRACK of the door as it creaked open, all and every Glader apprehensive of what to do, looking to Thomas for direction.

Andie sighed, her eyes naturally rolling as she stepped forward, opening the door another inch, slipping through. The others followed, being met with a long, dark, seemingly endless corridor.

Thomas took his place beside her, straining his neck to see through the darkness. His neck however, snapped over his shoulder at the sound of a click, numerous lights flicking on all the way down the hall.

They all kept quiet, none uttering a word even as Thomas stepped forward, beginning their onset down the passageway.

The lights flickered as they walked, the only sound amongst the quiet corridor being their steps, unfortunately allowing them all to think of the resent events, and loosing loved ones.

Michael. Chris. Jeff.

Andie tried diverting her thoughts from the deceased, looking instead from side to side, pipes lining the walls and nothing much else. There wasn't a lot to distract oneself with, her heart instead throbbing pitifully.

Once they came to a halt however, stopping by a door, a green light shining beside it, her and everyone else's attention was peaked.

Their heads tilted back, noticing a sign that read exit above the door. They shared anxious glances from being trepidatious, of course rightfully so.

"Seriously?" Fry asked, eyebrows raised in a 'are you serious?' manner. It was understandable, but what else do they have to go one, and what else did they have to lose.

Thomas looked to Andie, meeting her eyes. She tilted her head to the side, silently asking if he dared. When he took a step forward, reaching for the metal handle, he proved he did.

𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐄𝐓¹ - THOMASWhere stories live. Discover now