Chapter Six

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It seemed as though I had abandoned my moral compass altogether by the time we arrived at the next club. My head was swimming and I had trouble remembering how it was I came to be in Cardan's presence. At the time however, that didn't seem to matter, I was just glad to be with him. He glamoured the bouncer to allow us into the club, we painted ourselves with UV paint and decked out our bodies with glow-sticks. Cardan took one look at me and began to howl, his laughter seemed to reverberate through the speakers, which sent me into a crumbling mess of giggles. I found myself feeling freer with him than I ever had done with anyone else. I took two glow-sticks from my wrists and dangled them over his pointed ears.

Further into the club I noticed podiums, with half naked girls dancing against glimmering poles. It didn't shock me to find Cardan practically licking the stage. I pulled him away and found a booth, the lights were dimmer but the music seemed louder. The seats were sticky with what I hoped was nothing more than a spilled drink, but my conscience told me otherwise.  I looked at Cardan, whose eyes were alight with intrigue. He leaned in to me, his lips against my ear and whispered, "I thought such debauchery was  of Faerie, not of the mortal realm."

"You'd be surprised what we get up to!" I laughed. He didn't move away and neither did I. His lips trailed against my skin, hot and wet. His hand founds its way back to my thigh and, against my better judgement, I allowed him to slide his hand further up.

"I changed my mind," He hissed.  "I don't care if you pity me, Jude Duarte. Because I pity you more." He turned my face to his and kissed me, forcefully. In my drunken stupor I didn't feel like pulling away, instead I insisted that he stayed by thrusting my hands in his hair. His hands explored my body, making me ache for him. His fingers clasped around my throat, instinctively I tried to pull away but when I eyes met his I saw... what was it? Not hate... no not exactly. It was something new. When I started to panic and pulled back, he looked at me hurt as if I had my hand around his throat.
"I want to dance!" I lied over the music. He nodded and followed me into the crowd.
Surrounded by jostling, sweaty bodies his hands found my waist. I turn away and danced against him, at first he seemed to recoil- unsettled by the intimacy, perhaps too used to the way we moved in Elfhame, but after a moment he settled into it and moved with me. He gripped my waist tightly, as if I was his only life jacket in this strange mortal sea. I turned to face him, to see his big black eyes staring down at me. I cocked my head to one side. He leaned down, so close that his lips brush my ear as he spoke, "You should come home." I dragged myself away and stared at him, face on. His liquid irises hardened. Slowly and methodically he said; "You. Should. Come. Back. Home"
In a second my mind reeled. What? He sent me away? He didn't want me? He confessed that he missed me but didn't want to kiss me? Then he's all over me?
Before I knew what I was doing I turned and fled, pushing my way through sweaty, sticky bodies. I had grown weary of his faerie mind games, his trickery had grown tiresome. Of course I had longed to return to Elfhame, to find a riddle in his banishment but how could I ever go home? With the threat of execution or worse hanging over my every step. No. I refused to believe there was any way to escape my plight. Before I knew it I was a block away, panting alone on a street I didn't recognise. My ears rang and from the distance I heard to rhythmic thumping of club music. I looked left and right, but couldn't quite remember the way I had come from... or the way home.
I fumbled in my purse, searching for my phone. I could call a taxi or Vivi or Heather, anyone to take me home. I fought back the tears that stung behind my eyes. Cardan Greenbriar had always been an enigma but this... oh this was worse than anything he'd ever done before.
"Jude!" His voice echoed through the empty streets, it's direction untraceable. "Jude! What did I do? Please, Jude!" He rounded the corner nearest to me.
Startled as he saw me, he rushed over. I raised my hand and swung it towards his face, instead of hearing a sharp slap against his skin, my wrist was caught in his long, slender fingers.
"If you strike me again tonight, I will lose it." He breathed. "Why won't you come home. I know you're smart enough to have figured it out. So what is it Jude Duarte? Is it that you truly hate me as much as you always said? If it is so, then I beg you tell me mortal lies and let me believe you love me."
I clawed my hand away from him, I couldn't bare to look at him. A wounded little boy, abandoned and turned wicked, but wounded nonetheless. His deep black eyes were a golden blaze in the street light, I finally met his gaze. He was hurt and lonely and still so wicked and he could have had me killed or left me to rot in the mortal world and yet I wanted to hold him.
"Why did-" He cut me off with a long, gentle kiss. I tasted no malice on his tongue, his lips were as sweet as the faerie fruit I so desired.
"Please say you love me." He whispered as he pulled away.

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