2: Phone Call

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The day went by slow but I finally got off work and I was heading towards the complex. I had taken the morning shift so it was the afternoon right now. I felt bad for the poor girl my age that had to work the night shift. The night shifts were always horrible with my boss.

I took out my key to unlock the door leading into the complex and walked inside only to get a whiff of cigarettes and shit. One of the grosses things about this complex is that some people actually took shits right near the steps, it was absolutely disgusting.

I hated the days where I'd come home and see a human turd lying right in the walk way. Do that shit outside for gods sake.

As I walked up the steps and to the beat up looking elevator that looked like it could collapse at any second, I pressed the up button and waited for one of the elevator to ding indicating it was opening.

When one finally opened I saw a normal looking man in it and didn't think anything of it so I went in.

"Good evening." The man said joyfully.

Who the fuck is joyful living in this shitty place.

"Good evening..." I said pulling out my phone not wanting to make small talk.

Clearly the man didn't get my hint and slowly started asking me questions and then I realized the elevator wasn't even moving I was wondering why it was taking so damn long.

"What floor you live on?" The man said smirking.

"Eat a dick you middle aged fuck." I said harshly.

While living here I learned to be harsh to these kind of people. They always made small talk then slowly started asking personal questions and in the end you'd probably wind up getting stalked.

"Well that's not a way to speak to adults is it?" He said lowly.

"Do I look five to you? why don't you go suck off one of the crackheads by the front entrance." I said with my eye twitching.

"Listen here you little-" *ding* the elevator went cutting off his sentence and as soon as the elevator opened all the way I bolted out and ran to my apartment.

I shoved my key into the door and ran in slamming my door and locking it. I hated these creeps. I had to deal with this almost everyday it was exhausting.

I put my stuff on my side table that was right next to the kitchen. Everything here was right next to each other. There wasn't even an actual bedroom here I had a bed in the corner of the room near the couch.

I went to the basket where I keep all my clothes, I didn't have many so I never really needed a dresser. I grabbed some clean underwear, a bra, and some pajamas and I headed to the shower.

I walked in and turned the water on waiting for it to get hot for about 3 minutes and then I took my clothes off and got in only to feel stinging on my back from how freezing the water was. The hot water wasn't working again.

Now I had to take a cold shower and freeze. I lathered up in the cheap ass bath and body works, body wash I got on sale. It smelt so good I'd take this over any expensive body wash.

I stepped out and dried my hair and myself. I hated having this curly hair I couldn't even afford the right products I looked like a homeless junky kind of like rue off euphoria.

I put my clothes on and went to the kitchen to make a pack of noodles and I couldn't shake this feeling that I was missing something. Like I was suppose to do something but it slipped my mind.

I sat on my bed and turned on my extremely small tv and one thing I loved was how cheap netflix was. I put my bowl on the table next to me and I laid down to finish watching my show and before I knew it I drifted asleep and it was already the next morning.

"Damn it." I said as I rubbed my eyes and got up from my bed.

I fell asleep on accident and now I have to go to work again. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I put on the same clothes I had on yesterday. I couldn't wash my clothes until I got my pay check. I didn't have the quarters for the laundromat.

I got all my stuff together and started heading out like usual but something felt off. I walked out the complex and started walking towards the store. It was locked which was unusual so I had to take out my spare key to unlock it.

I walked inside and it was dark. I flicked the light switches on and looked around for a bit, checking the back for my boss but no one was here. I thought maybe he over slept or something. He lived on the upper floor so I could easily just knock on his door to wake him up.

I walked up the steps leading to his apartment and I knocked while getting no answer so I went downstairs and waited a good 20 minutes but no one appeared.

That's when I went outside to ask the people who lived nearby if they seen him.

"Oh the owner of this store? He passed away last night. Crazy. They couldn't even find a reason. The only thing they knew was that he stopped breathing." The man said casually.

"What." I said shocked.

I then grabbed all my stuff out the store, turned the lights off and locked it back up. There's no way the man that gave me a job and money just randomly died last night. Dear god I'm gonna be homeless. I was on the verge of tears.

But then I put my hand in my pocket and felt something, a card to be exact. I pulled it out and looked at it remembering that poser from yesterday.

"Why. Why." I said staring at the card.

I pulled out my phone and dialed the number. it rang a few times and then I heard a voice on the other line.

"Hello?" The girl said.

"Um...it's the girl from yesterday I'm asking about the job and apartment or whatever." I said sniffling.

"Are you ok?" She asked sympathetically.

"Mind your god damn business, can I get the job or not?" I said wiping the snot from my nose.

"Yeah, yeah. Tell me where you live I'll pick you up, start packing your stuff." She said as if she was sorry for me.

"I live on ******* **** **, I'll text you when I pack my shit." I said hanging up.

I walked back to the complex unlocking the door and there it was, a human turd. This day could not get any worse.

When I finally made it to my apartment I took the huge suitcase I had stored in my closet and put all my stuff in it.

I didn't have many things so the suitcase wasn't even full when I was done. I was leaving some things behind like my towels, blankets etc. I texted her asking if the apartment already had everything I needed and she said yes.

I opened the front door and I dragged the suitcase out. You could hear the rolling echoing throughout the entire hallway. I know my neighbors were pissed but it's better then hearing those crackheads screaming and singing outside.

I made my way down to the front of the complex, waiting for her to show up and I realized I didn't know her name so I decided I'd ask her when she got here. I was letting this rich stranger just take me away, I was probably gonna get kidnapped and brutally murdered with my parts scattered around LA.

She pulled up in this really, really nice car. It looked so expensive and not beat up like every other car around here. So of course everyone around was staring at it.

I hopped in the passenger seat and I looked over at her and she was already staring at me.

"What are you looking at you blue eyed bitch go drive us to the place." I said crossing my arms and looking out the window at the complex I once called home.

Yeah right I didn't call that place home it was more like hell and a mental asylum mixed. She looked straight ahead and started to drive off.

"What's your name?" I said still not looking at her.

"Billie. Billie Eilish." She said looking straight at the road.

"My names Y/N" I said still looking out the window and watching as we pass the complex.

"Ok eyelash you aren't gonna murder me right?" I said with a serious tone.

"I won't, I promise princess."

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