30: Happier Than Ever

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A week went by quickly and Billie couldn't stop smiling. When we left Athena's house she started ranting about all the stuff she wanted to do with me. She kept including me in all these things she wanted to do it made me really happy because I was never really included in anything fun.

Right now we were on our way to see Billies family. She was smiling really hard and talking about going to a waterpark with me. Since a week passed and the soul fully became hers, she's able to do whatever she wants now.

"Y/N I have a very important question before you meet my family." She said in a serious tone.

I gulped nervously not even knowing what the question was.

"What are we?" She said as she slowly parked her car in her families driveway.

I sat there with my mind completely staticky wondering the same thing.

"Girlfriends?" I murmured while shrugging my shoulders.

"You don't sound sure." Billie said saddened.

"Well I basically killed people for you and got you your soul back willingly. I think I might wanna spend a long while with you. Yes Billie we are officially dating and I love you." I said.

She smiled even wider, tearing up a little bit then she held my face kissing all over it.

"I love you too." She said hugging me as I slowly hugged back never wanting to let go.

I saw a very kind looking middle aged women walk out the house. Billie basically flung out the car running to hug her. I slowly opened the car door and waved awkwardly.

The lady started to tear up and ran up to hug me. I hugged her back in confusion then she started to thank me saying I saved her daughter.

"I may have told them about you already." Billie said looking to the side blushing.

"My names Maggie. I'm Billies mom, come in, come in we have so much to talk about." She said pulling my arm into the house.

I walked in to see Billies brother, his girlfriend and a man in the kitchen who I assumed was her dad.

They all greeted me and Billie told them we were dating. I blushed and they all supported with no further thoughts. We all talked for awhile and ate. They were vegan so they didn't eat any animal products but their food tasted amazing.

After awhile it was getting late and Finneas and his girlfriend left out because they had work. Billie hugged her parents for a long while then we headed to the car. We didn't need jobs Billie was rich she managed to keep all the money the Devil gave her, for some reason he couldn't take it back so now it's all her.

We had already quickly moved out the mansion 4 days into her getting her soul. We're in the middle of decorating our house. It costed 3mil and the Devil basically gave her 20omil but we'd be able to grow old with no jobs if we saved our money better.

Billie drove us to a restaurant and when we got our seats she kept staring at me in this way. A look that said "I'm in love with you". I didn't necessarily think I was in love with her. When she looked at me like that it made me overthink.

I stared at her back and I felt butterflies causing me to look away. She just kept the stare on me, smiling until our food came. My face felt warm I was definitely blushing slightly.

"Stop staring at me weird ass." I said crossing my arms and looking off to the side.

"How could I not you're so pretty." She said making my whole stomach erupt with butterflies. She's never willingly called me pretty. I started to stutter out and mumble words then she put her hand on top of mine and I felt like I was gonna faint.

"We're young but I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. You saved me, you're my guardian angel." She said as my brain was lagging trying to process what was going on.

She was being all sweet. I've never had someone act this way towards me and I looked up at her and she smiled at me. Yeah maybe I am in love with her and I wouldn't admit it after all the things that's happened but in that journal I basically wrote a whole life I wanted with her. Utterly embarrassing, I know she read it when she stole it that one time.

She started snapping at me asking if I was ok and I nodded my head and put my head in my hand and smiled at her.

"Yeah I wanna spend the rest of my life with you too. We've went through so much together. Let's help heal each others wounds of the past and start a new life." I said amazed at how I managed to get that out.

Billie grabbed my face and kissed my forehead. I let out a giggle then covered my mouth quickly out of embarrassment. There's no way I just did that. She laughed and patted my head. I melted at the touch then realized what she was doing so I sucked my teeth and told her I'm not a dog.

"Ok but you like it don't you baby?" She said making me almost bash my head on the table from the word baby.

We had finished eating and we went into the car. She drove us home and we walked in as I stared at the boxes on the ground from the stuff from the apartment and her mansion that we quickly stole.

"Y/N I wanna fuck you." Billie said out of the blue hanging her keys up not even turned in my direction. I blushed and mumbled some words.

She then took my hand and dragged me to the room. I got a little bold when she closed the door. I lifted my shirt up revealing my boobs and she bit her lip walking closer to me. She pushed me onto the bed and sat on my lap.

Her dick was rubbing up against my stomach she was already really hard just from seeing my tits. I slowly rubbed the print then pulled her pants down as it hit her stomach. I slowly stroked it as her head went back. She grabbed my hair and forcefully made me suck it.

We established that I was into her forcing me to do it and we already created a safe word.

She pushed my head up and down till I felt her cum go down my throat. I swallowed the whole thing and she sat there for a second trying to get her energy back. Then I pulled my pants down and told her to lick.

She blew on my clit making me flinch up and groan. I begged for her to hurry up then she slapped my thigh telling me to shut up and stop being a slut.

She sucked on my clit making me moan loudly. She then stuck two fingers in me and I tried to close my legs but she forced them open.

"Fuck daddy." I said making me slap a hand over my mouth. Did I just call her daddy?

This clearly provoked her because she stopped sucking and took her fingers out. She stood over me and you could see the long shadow of her dick on my stomach.

"Say it again princess." She said darkly making me get even wetter then before.

"Daddy..." I mumbled.

She pushed my hands down then slowly shoved her penis in me making my eyes roll back. She started slow then sped up the pace and I was in my own world literally with my eyes rolled back the entire time.

She quickly flipped me over making me snap out of it. She shoved her penis back inside me and started to slap my ass. I felt the stinging but it just made me moan louder.

"Fuck I'm cumming, let's cum at the same time slut." She said shoving her penis in and out faster then pushing it upward making me squirt and I stared in disbelief because that has never happened before.

"Don't worry I'll clean it." Billie said getting up and taking my hand to help me off. She took off the sheets and put on a clean one throwing the other one in the washing machine.

She laid on the bed and dimmed the lights telling me to come over here and cuddle with her. I scooted in as she held me and I felt that warmth again.

I could get use to this.

                                  The end.

A/N: This is the last chapter of The Devils Daughter. Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed my book.

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