4: Assistant

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"Fine, you're gonna be my assistant" she huffed.

Assistant? That sounds so easy maybe this isn't so bad after all. I told her alright and hung up the phone. Being an assistant sounds really easy and I'd be willing to be some little assistant to stay in this amazing apartment.

I walked back into my huge room and opened the closet to see clothes already there for me and they were exactly my style too. I could never afford these type of clothes due to my situation.

I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom that looked absolutely amazing, there were even body washes and everything in there waiting for me. This girl had to be apart of the mafia or something she was filthy rich and only at 18.

I turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot. I stuck my hand in it and it felt hot. I made a little noise of excitement. I hadn't taken a hot shower in ages. Before I got in I looked in the cabinet to see curly hair products and I've never felt more happier.

I got into the shower and the hot water hit my back and it felt so nice. Maybe god is real and he gave me this as a sign that he exist. After getting out the shower and trying every body wash I could find, I dried my hair and put some leave in conditioner in it, brushed it out and let it air dry.

I left the bathroom that was inside the bedroom and I turned on the TV. The TV in here was a little smaller then the one in the living room but I'd never complain this is the best day of my life.

I let the TV play for awhile and sooner or later I drifted asleep and woke up to the sun beaming down on my face. The sheets and blankets felt so nice I never slept so good. I checked the time and it was 2pm I slept for 13 god damn hours.

I rushed up and turned on my phone to see I had 11 missed calls from Billie. I was extremely scared knowing what she did to that front desk lady. I clicked her contact and started calling her.

"Hello? What took you so long? come down stairs and meet me in the lobby in 30 minutes. Any later and you're dead" she said hanging up.

I got up quickly and put some of the clothes in the closet on. I looked in the mirror and I've never looked this good, my hair looked silky and soft and my face was even glowing.

I left the room and headed towards the elevator. This elevator had golden doors it was amazing the whole complex gave off this golden vibe. A lot of things here were either golden, black, white or tan.

I made it to the lobby floor and I saw Billie sitting on a seat. She looked up from her phone and noticed me. She sprinted up and grabbed me by my arm and it hurt a bit.

"Ow, chill." I said yanking my arm back but following her.

"You overslept" she said shoving her hands in my face.

"You didn't give me a direct time to wake up." I said mocking her and doing the same hand gesture she did.

"Whatever get in the passenger side I need you to do something for me." She said hopping into the car.

I wondered what I'll have to do first as an assistant. The worst thing she could do is make me rub her feet or something right?

We arrived at a warehouse that looked terrifying and I started rethinking my life choices.

"Here take this" she said as she handed me a gun.

Dear god what did I just get myself into.

We walked into the warehouse that was pitch black but then she flicked a couple of light switches on and I saw a man in the middle of the huge warehouse. He was tied up to a chair trying to scream but he had a piece of tape covering his mouth.

"Ok. Shoot him." She said as my eyes went wide.

"What?? Repeat that" I said trembling.

"I said shoot him y/n do what I tell you or you lose this job and the apartment. You're getting paid 6k an hour." She said looking at her nails as if this was normal.

6 fucking k. An hour. I'll be filthy rich within a week. How much god damn money does this girl have.

"Ok I'll shoot him, but why is he getting shot." I said with my hand shaking due to me never holding a gun before.

"He raped 20+ women Including 4 children so he deserves to die." She said staring at the man who was crying desperately and shaking.

Wow what a sick fuck now I honestly wanna kill him. I walked up to the man and pointed the gun towards his head.

"Die you sick fuck." I said as the gun went off.

Blood splattered everywhere it was so gross to a point where I vomited all over his body. I dropped the gun and ran out the warehouse. When she said assistant I didn't think I'd be shooting rapists in the head. I just pictured me getting her coffee or some shit.

"Are you ok?" She said walking out the warehouse with the man's body making me gag.

"Oh yeah totally fine, definitely not because I saw someone's brains get blasted." I said trying to avoid looking at the body.

"You're gonna have to do stuff like this a lot, get use to it." She said dropping the body and lighting it on fire.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted a poser who walked into that shitty ass store I worked at. This was all a mistake I was contemplating on whether I should quit knowing I had to see people die.

"You could quit y/n but you'll go back to living on the streets. You know since the owner of the store you worked at...died." She said suspiciously.

"Wait how did you know-" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"Um...word got around?" She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah ok" I said squinting my eyes and getting into the passenger side of the car. I watched as the body burned and I was on the verge of vomiting again.

She then grabbed my chin and told me to stop looking at it and that gesture for some reason made my entire stomach swarm with butterflies. I've never liked anyone before, I honestly thought I was asexual. But I'm not gonna sit here and fall for someone who kills people for a living.

She started to drive off and said we were going to her house. Last night I was actually imaging what her house looked like not that I was thinking about her or anything. Just the house.

"Also y/n you're still my assistant you're gonna do normal assistant stuff too, not just killing bad people." She said looking at me for a second then back at the road.

"Oh thank god." I said pretending to wipe sweat off my forehead making her chuckle.

"Your laugh is cute." I said on accident making the whole car grow silent. Damn I really fucked up didn't I.

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