5: Accidents Happen

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The whole ride to her house was really awkward all because of that little comment I made and when I turned to her, her eyes flashed that red again and I swear I wasn't seeing things this time.

She pulled up into her driveway and her house was so humongous I had to break my neck looking up at it. It had to be the biggest house on the block and these were one of those really rich neighborhoods too. It looked like one of those futuristic houses you'd see online.

Didn't think I'd be seeing one in real life nor going inside one and as I was staring at the house in awe she flicked my head and told me to get out the car and you know how a certain area has a certain smell? This area smelt expensive, like fresh air and freshly cut grass.

I hopped out billies car and she started walking towards her double doors. I followed her, walking happily because I got to go into this huge house. As we walked in the entire house smelt like...pussy and just as the smell hit my nose a girl with only a bra on and no panties on came running down the huge steps.

The girl then ran towards Billie to hug her with her bare vagina just hanging out. She was a very gorgeous girl. She looked like a famous model or something.

"Ew, what is that" she said pointing at me.

"Listen here you hooker bitch-" I said getting cut off by Billie putting her hand on my mouth and squeezing my cheeks to a point where they hurt.

"Oh she's just my assistant. Just some random junky I found on the streets so I took her in cause I felt sorry for her." She said smirking at the women.

For some reason those words stabbed me. It hurt being called some junky from the streets even though that was kind of what I was but I know if anyone else called me that I wouldn't give a fuck but her saying it hurt for some reason.

"Oh well can she go get me a soda from the fridge" she said looking at me and smiling.

Billie removed her hand from my mouth and it stung when she did. Im pretty sure she bruised the side of my cheek from how hard she squeezed it. I don't think this stripper realizes I'm billies assistant not her fucking maid.

"Go get her a soda you dirty bitch." She said harshly while walking off with the girl.

And there it was again that flash of red in her eyes as if she wasn't human. I barely even knew where anything was in this house and she expected me to just grab her whore a god damn soda.

As they walked up those steps laughing with each other I explored the house and eventually found the kitchen that was through a door by the living room.

This kitchen looked amazing. Every room I went in looked extremely expensive. I opened the fridge and saw a lot of vegan stuff like almond milk, veggie Patties and some other

I found an orange soda and I started to find my way back to the front in this big ass mansion. When I eventually made my way back I went up the stairs and I searched for which room they could be in.

But I didn't have to search at all. All I had to do was listen to the loud moans coming from down the hall. I wasn't even fazed at this point and swung the door open.

"Heres your soda-" I stopped mid sentence with wide eyes to see Billie turned towards the door and a penis just out in the open.

That had to be some type of realistic dildo. I knew I was seeing things maybe after shooting that man it caused me to have hallucinations. I was in such shock I couldn't move and still had that soda in my hand staring.

"Um? Put the soda on the nightstand and then leave. Go find a guest room around here or something." She said pointing to the nightstand.

I slowly walked to the night stand with my mouth wide open still staring at it then I saw it inch up and my eyes got wider. She clearly did that on purpose cause she laughed when my eyes got wider.

"HEres the SodA." My voice cracked. Oh my fucking god.

I speed walked out the room shut the door practically running through the hallway and down the steps. First her eyes flash red and now she has a penis? what is going on. Not to mention the voice crack that shits gonna haunt me for the rest of my life.

I walked in the living room and laid down on the huge couch lost in my thoughts. I had so many questions, this girl was literally insane and had a penis but she had huge ass boobs so I was so confused.

After about 40 minutes I heard Billie come down the stairs so I lifted half my body up from the couch so I was in a sitting position and when I saw her she had a whole new outfit on.

"Hey.. I'm gonna take you back to the apartment." She said trying to make this not awkward.

I nodded my head not wanting to say anything. She walked to the door and grabbed her car keys. I followed behind her as she opened the front door and walked towards the car. I hopped into the passenger seat still not saying a word because this bitch invited me to her house and casually started fucking a girl instead of showing me around.

"Could've at least showed me around first.." I mumbled.

"Are you jealous you couldn't get fucked by my big ass cock?" She said boldly.

My face turned a bright red. How dare she.

"You probably have multiple STIs from fucking so many girls, as if I wanna fuck you." I said crossing my arms.

We were at a red light and she turned to look at my bright red face.

"Awww cute. You're blushing." She said gripping my chin to look at her.

I looked down at her pants and this whole interaction was turning her on she literally had a boner.

"Really, really? A boner from me blushing?" I said harshly.

"No not from you blushing it's from you being so fucking sexy." She said speeding off as the light changed to green.

My face got even redder and I saw her penis throbbing through her pants. I was literally praying that she'd hurry up and take me to the apartment so she doesn't try to fuck me.

"I thought you didn't like me I thought I was a junky?" I said making eye contact to avoid looking at her bulge.

She finally pulled up to the complex but before I could get out she grabbed my hand and made me rub on her bulge. I literally flung out the car and ran into the complex to get to my apartment.

"Not today satan." I said speed walking towards the elevator.

The only way I'd ever fuck her is if I was offered 5 million bucks.

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