The Devil Titan

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An explosion happened at where Issei stood and Zeke was watching in horror. Eren finally woke up and he got on his knees. He looked at the big dust cloud as a titan ran to him. His eyes widen as Rossweisse slammed him to a wall with her spear. "Eren, get up!" she shouted as she was holding Issei back. 'What happened when I was unconscious? What is that titan?' he said in his head. He turned to Takashi and thought 'Wait, another titan?'

"Issei!!!" Zeke shouted as tears were coming down his eyes. Takashi threw him to the side as he hit his head, knocking him out. "Zeke!" Eren shouted. Takashi started walking to Rossweisse as she was holding Issei back. "That's enough!" he shouted as he slash at her. She was able to pull Issei away before the slash hit her. "Why risk your life for people like these!? People who are making this world a curse!" Takashi shouted. 

'Is he, talking?' Eren said in his head as he finally found a way to untie himself. He kicked Issei as both him and Rossweisse headed to a wall. They both hit it and they fell. Rossweisse fell of Issei as a rock fell on Issei's leg, making him unable to move. Takashi grabbed Rossweisse as he pulled her to his face. "Now, you're going to die, without ever experiencing the glories of life" Takashi said as he started opening his mouth.

'He's right, I never did experience life the way I wanted. I never had the time do things I wanted to do. I never even got the chance, to have a boyfriend' she said in her head. "Let her go!" Eren shouted as he stopped. "Rosweisse is a great person, someone who I wouldn't want to get involve with this! She's kind, beautiful, brave, and a warrior! Someone like you doesn't understand what she has gone through. And she has something that you don't have: Freedom!!!" 

It was quiet for a moment as Takashi began laughing. "What a generic heroic speech, do you give to any of your friends that are in danger?" Takashi asked him. "My friends are the most important people to me, so that means Rossweisse is important to me as well!"

"That so nice Eren" Irina said as she was standing behind him. He turn around and saw the others behind him. "You guys... What the hell where you doing while all of this was happening!?" he shouted at them. "We just got here! But what's going on!? Where's Issei!?" Rias asked. "Over there" Eren said, pointing at the titan Issei about to escape. 

"That's Issei!?" everyone said. "Takashi forced Zeke to turn Issei into a titan in order for him to eat me. After that, I don't know what he's planning afterwards" Eren said. "But I have a plan to turn Issei back, we just need him to eat Takashi, and get his powers!" The others agreed as they said "We'll hold him back until you beat Takashi." Eren nodded as he bit his hand. 

He transformed into his titan form as he rush at Takashi. He crystalize his knuckles as he punched Takashi. Takashi slice his chest as he slice one of his eyes. Eren turn to him as grabbed his head before slamming it to a wall before dragging it across the wall. 

Issei was able to be free from the rock as he started looking for people to eat. "Issei, over here!" someone shouted. He turn and saw Xenovia. He started running towards her as Kiba jumped on his head. "Sorry buddy" he said as he stabbed his head. Issei roared as he tried to grabbed him off of his head. "Make sure he doesn't eat you!" Rias shouted as she turn to Eren and Takashi's fight for a sec.

Takashi's face was almost gone, leaving some skull reveal. He slash upwards to Eren as he grabbed his neck. He slammed him to the ground as he was about to punch him. Eren summon crystal spikes from the ground, impaling Takashi's body. Takashi began trying to get up as he turn to others. He roar as they stopped. Irina began looking at them and said "What's wrong!?"

"I can't move!" Rias said. "That... Did something to us!" Akeno shouted. "It must only affects devils because I can still move" Irina said as she ran to Issei. Eren stood up and grabbed his head. He lifted it up but was blasted away. He crashed to a wall as Takashi slowly began walking to him. He grabbed him and he spread his wings. He flew up in the air before sending Eren to the ground. 'I'm very injured! I need to run away and let them kill each other!' Takashi said in his head.

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