Tension In The Group

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Everyone was shock to hear what Sirzechs had just suggested. "You want to kill Eren?" Armin asked him, as he nodded his head. "It's the only solution we have" he told them. "No, it's not!" Issei shouted. "Issei, calm down" Rias told him. "No! He just suggested for us to kill my brother, the man who I looked up to for my whole life! You guys don't understand my relationship with Eren, but he's the person I feel safe with out of everyone in the whole world! He's the person who went through hell just for me! Now you guys want to kill him! Why, because he was your enemy!? Well that's bullshit!"

Everyone was surprise by Issei's outburst as Xenovia said "Issei's right. I see Eren as an older brother, I can't just kill him without talking to him first."

"Do you guys really think Eren's going to listen to us? Look outside. Is this the peace all of you wanted?" Sirzechs asked them. "But it's worth of a try to talked to Eren" Mikasa said. "But what if he doesn't agree to what we tell him?" Sirzechs asked them, leaving them speechless. 

"We should kill him" Serafall said as she stood up. "Eren has been nothing but a jerk to all of us. He's not going to change, so what's the point to talking to him" Serafall said. "How can you say that!? After all the time you had with him?" Rossweisse told her. "He's just deceiving you! He's deceiving all of you! He deceived me, but now I see the real him! We're going to kill Eren, wherever you like it, or not."

Issei summon his sacred gear and said "You'll have to go through me."

Everyone was shock and Serafall said "So in order to kill Eren, we're going to have to fight each other? You're not the only one in this room who has sold their life to Eren." Mikasa walked next to Issei and said "So, you want to kill us?" She took out her blades and said "Cause I won't mind killing you." The people in the room had to go to two sides: the side who wants to kill Eren and the side who wants to talk to him.

"Issei, please think of what you're doing" Rias told him. "I am. I don't need someone like you to tell me what to do no more" Issei said. "You want to kill Eren, you're going to have to go through us first" Xenovia said. "Xenovia, Issei, Irina, Rossweisse, we should talk about this. We don't have to kill each other" Kiba told them.

The two sides continue to argue until someone slammed their fist on a table.

"Can you guys stop shouting!?" a person said. They all turn and saw Hange. "Hange!" they all said. "Where's Levi and Erwin?" Armin asked her. "They're in the infirmary. After being attack I was the only one who remain conscious. I had to drag their bodies to a forest and hid there. All of a sudden we receive Eren's message. With the help of the cart titan, we got back here" Hange explained to them. 

"The cart titan?" everyone said. Hange sat down on a chair and said "It seems we're all arguing about what to do about this situation we're in. How about we just settle on one thing. We all want to stop Eren. I think we should start forming a plan on how to stop Eren."

Everyone calm down and agreed with Hange. "We can give you some of our armies to hold Eren back. If I want to, I can teleport right to where Eren is and kill him" Sirzechs said. He turn to Issei and saw his angry looked. "But because of the situation we're in, I won't do that." Issei looked away and Sirzechs continue. "I can give you guys a plane. With that plane, you can jump onto Eren and try to talk to him. If it doesn't go well, let us know and we'll go with our plan and kill him."

Everyone left that room, but none of them trust each other like they did. Issei went to a room and decided to talk to Draig. "Draig, do you think we need to kill Eren?" he asked the red dragon. "I don't know, but I do know we're going to have to fight him if we're going to need to talk to him. It's been like this for generations." Issei remembered what Draig told him, that the Attack Titan had always had to fight the Red Dragon. He thought that it was fake and none of it had to happen. Was it going to happen now?

He heard a knock on the door and Rias came in. "You here to tell me I'm stupid for not wanting to kill my brother?" he asked her. Rias shook her head and said "I just want to talk to you." She walked up to him and said "Issei, do you think this is right? What Eren's doing right now?"

"It doesn't matter, he's doing this for us" Issei told her. "But he's committing genocide. Is committing genocide really worth it just to make sure you're all safe?" Rias asked him. "You wouldn't get it because you've live in a royal family. But Eren and his friends had gone through a lot because of them. He's only getting revenge for what they've done to them" Issei told her. "Millions are dying. People you knew, people you talked to, your own parents don't know what to do. He could kill your parents right now."

Issei looked down as tears came from his eyes. "I don't know what to do. I don't want to kill Eren, but he's causing so much destruction" he said. Rias pulled his head to her chest and said "You don't have to be alone, we'll go through this together. Remember, we're going to talk to him first and try to reason with him." Issei nodded as he continue crying.

Time Skip brought you by the two sides giving out pentions to see who's right

Everyone was standing in front of the jet that Sirzechs asked for. All of them were prepare with gear, all wanting to know how was this going to play out. They were able to talk to Reiner and the others and got them to join them in this battle. Everyone went in, Issei being the last one. 

"Hey Issei, are you scare?" he heard Eren's voice in his head. "Nope, because you're with me!" Issei heard a younger version of himself spoke. 


"Eren, who would win in a fight: me or you?" a young Issie asked his older brother. Eren guessed and said "Well, I don't think we need to think about it."

"Why?" Issei asked him. "Because we would never get in a fight. We're brother, we stick together!" Eren told him. Issei took out his pinky and said "Promise?" Eren smile as he took it, saying "Promise."

End of Flashback

"Will you keep that promise, Eren?" Issei said as he got in the jet.

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