The Secret Meeting

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"I know that you did it because of the future you saw with the Attack Titan's power, but did you have to beat me to a pulp" Issei said as he and Eren were standing in an empty space. "I'm sorry for doing that, but at least you know who would win in a fight" Eren told him. 

"Why do all of that? Why do the rumbling and become a monster? Was it so your friends can be seen as heroes?" Issei asked him. "That's right, and for you to grow" Eren told him. "But Eren, about 80 percent of the world was killed during the rumbling. Was it really necessary to go that far?"

Eren walked away and said "Let me tell you about the founder, Ymir." The landscape change and there was river of lave in front of them as a volcano was erupting in the background. Eren then told Issei about the story of Ymir and how she still stayed with King Fritz was because she loved him. "That was has been binding Ymir for over two thousand years" Eren said. 

The landscape then turn into more of a Antarctica setting as Eren continue speaking. "I cannot understand what hides deep in our ancestor Ymir's heart. But I known for a fact that she is suffering and that she wants to be free."

"For two thousand years, she has suffered and kept searching for someone to free her from it. That person is my friend: Mikasa" Eren said. "Mikasa? Why her?" Issei asked. "Only the founder Ymir knows that" Eren said. "I don't know what'll Mikasa do in order to set her free."

The landscape then turn to the beach as Eren and Issei were standing in the water. "So, what do you think will happen to us?" Issei asked him. "You'll all live peaceful lives, while I'll be killed in order to protect you all" Eren said. After he said that, Issei punched him in the face. He fell down and Issei shouted "Why the hell would you say!? None of this is your responsibility, so why risk all of this!? We all care about you Eren! There are four girls who are in love with you Eren, and you're just going to shove it away just so you can commit genocide!?"

Eren didn't say anything as Issei said "I hope that they'll find someone else and be happy with them. I actually think it won't be too hard for them to find a nice guy." 

"No" Eren said. "What?" Issei asked. "I don't want that! I want them to only think of me for the rest of their lives! I don't want some other guys to have them! I want them to long for me after I'm dead-For another ten years at least!"

 "I don't want that! I want them to only think of me for the rest of their lives! I don't want some other guys to have them! I want them to long for me after I'm dead-For another ten years at least!"

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"Oh, is that right? To think you'll say something as shitty at that" Issei said. "For now, please don't tell them. I want them to be happy. Really, I do. But also... Fuck!" Eren said. "I don't want to die. I want to be with those four, with everyone."

Issei stood there shock as he said "Eren, let's not give up and keep looking! Is there really no other way!?"

"There is none, at least I think their isn't" Eren said. "Everyone else didn't want to die as much as I don't. There is no way I can ever be forgiven." They look up and saw the footsteps of the Colossal titans after the rumbling. "Even without knowing if you all can stop it in the end or not, I know I would still flatten this world until nothing is left."

"Why?" Issei asked. "I don't know why, but I wanted to do it. No matter what" Eren said. He looked around him and said "Issei, it's time. I will erase all the memories of what happened to you here. Next time we meet, we will be facing off as enemies. But still, when it's all over you'll remember all of this."

"Eren, thank you. For becoming a mass murder, just for us. I swear I won't let this be in vain" Issei said. The two brothers hugged and Issei said "Even if I don't remember any of this, I know I'll have a feeling that I must find a way to make sure you won't die. I promise."

Eren nodded and said "Don't stress to much about it then."

Issei woke up as everything was shacking. He could see Sirzechs fighting Eren's titan form as he was beaten very badly. He saw Xenovia and Irina arguing with Rias about to fight Eren or not. "Eren, I'm sorry" he said as tears came down his eyes. "It's not your fault Issei, it's not your fault" Asia told him. His friends continue to argue as he said "Stop fighting."

"Please, save Eren" he said. 'We have to save Eren, we have to make sure he lives' Issei said in his head, but he couldn't say the rest out loud. A couple of days after that incident, Issei saw Rias looking at something. "What you looking at?" Issei asked her. "I just receive another knight piece. I don't know where it came from because I just use my last one on Xenovia."

"Maybe we should keep it and use for later down the line" Issei told her. "I guess so" Rias said. After the rumbling, Issei got his memories back about what happen with his talk with Eren. 'That's why I said save Eren after he beat me up. Because I knew he was going to die!' he said in his head. Eren saw him with his face shock, knowing what was happening. "So you remember?" he asked him.

"Yeah, everything" Issei told him. "So it was all connected from the very beginning. We didn't even knew who Rossweisse was and that she was going to fall in love you, but because of your titan ability we did during that time." Eren nodded and said "And it all worked out in the end." 

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