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A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first published book, criticism and comments will be much appreciated. All credits to Blublu_By  on both Instagram and YouTube for the wonderful AU and if  he/she/they are uncomfortable with this story, I will not hesitate to delete it immediately. Anyways, enjoy! 


3rd POV

The sun had rose, making the blood shine in the sunlight. There in exile laid Tommy, slowly dying, as Dream sat down beside him. "Oh Tommy, thank you so much for this." He started, as he stared into Tommy's nearly white hair.

One more strand.

"But.. one last." Dream said, as he held his bow tight, his left hand reaching for an arrow. "Let's end this how we started." He said, aiming to his neck.

He let go, and saw blood drip from the arrow to the ground. He smiled. "Tommy, I can't thank you enough for this wonderful.." He paused, as he forcefully grabbed Tommy by the cheek, blood on his hands, "This wonderful time." Dream finished his sentence, seeing Tommy slowly turning into ashes, signifying that he died, and was sent to the afterlife.

He sighed, as he put the bow back into his inventory. He replayed each and every time Tommy has died, and smiled. The sound of his screams each and every time was painfully annoying, and so he stepped on his neck during his 38th death, and broke his vocal chord.

He had memorized the revival book, which made him happy. Each death gave him serotonin. Each scream gave him serotonin. He really didn't know why, maybe he was just born psychotic.

As he chanted the words for revival, ash in his hand, Tommy's ghost in the afterlife was quietly sobbing with Tommy.

His hair fully white, face numb. He put his hand on his neck, and felt a small bump. Must have been where Dream shot him. He took a deep breath, and stared into his ghost, hair golden blonde, just like him when he was younger.

The train had arrived into the dark void Tommy and his ghost had stayed in, and they waved each other goodbye, seeing that both their vocal chords broke.

He tried to memorize what his ghost looked like. Blonde hair. So did they just switch hair colors?

He let out a shaky breath, imagining everyone's reactions to his sudden change. He didn't even remember most people, only his closest, like Technoblade or Tubbo.

Tommy covered his face with his hands, breath out of control. He tried to calm down, but the memories of when Wilbur calmed him down made him even more worried.

One beep.

Two beeps.

The train stopped, for the 47th time for Tommy. He stepped out of the train for the 47th time, and hoped it would be his last.

The door shined white, and Tommy winced, but still went through.


Words: 498

Everlasting Revival || Eburnean!Tommy AU || Credits to Blublu_by for the AUWhere stories live. Discover now