Temporary Pause

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You saw that correctly.

I will be putting this story on a temporary pause due to the recent event, which is, Technoblade's death. 

Even if I don't update often, I still write. And it pains me to even be on here writing Techno's lines in this, when he's already passed. Which is why I'm putting this on temporary pause. It hurts to think of continuing this, with Technoblade, my childhood hero, being part of the main plot. 

No, I will not discontinue the ''Everlasting Revival,, book. I'll just not be updating here, at least, for a few weeks. 

You'll probably see my next chapter within 1-2 weeks, and see it not upload at all after that, because Technoblade was one of the many reasons why I'm here in this fandom. 

I'm really sorry for saying all of this. 

I'm sorry again, and thank you for reading. See you soon. 

From your dear author, Rae.

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