Chapter 2

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A/N: Oh my goodness, 200+ views already!? Thank you so much! Now, enjoy! 

3rd person Ph1lza 

Philza had gone out, hearing a familiar voice. "Tommy don't be so scared, it's Philza Minecraft we are talking about!" Tubbo said, and then silence occurred. 

A bit too quiet, Phil had thought, and eyed the property, somewhat like a bird. 

He spotted the brown-haired indivdual, and a person he only wished wasn't Tommy. 

Phil looked down at his own hands, to see that they were slightly shaking, but he didn't mind that, as he waved his hand over to the two figures. 

The difference between the two individuals were quite.. unnatural. 

The boy, horns on his head, and a wide smile, waves joyfully at Phil. Phil had smiled at the happy boy. 

The other one though.. the person had been carrying a shocked face for a while, and sometimes, fear. Silky White had covered their hair, making Phil quite curious as to how they got it. Hair dye? Philza had thought. The person had waved, somewhat awkwardly. 

"Hello Tubbo! Who's this?" Tubbo bright smile had turned into a neutral, kind of saddening face. Phil put his hands in his pockets, awkwardly. He had thought that Tubbo would introduce the new face, or the new member to introduce himself. Rather, silence entered the atmosphere, and made an uncomfortable tension rise. 

Tubbo only sighed, grabbed a tiny notebook and pen, and gave it to his friend. 

'I'm Tommy' Written quickly, and Philza shot his head up after he had read it. 

'That's Tommy!?' Philza thought, and nearly let out a gasp, but instead, choked.

"Phil-!?" Tubbo said, worried about the man, but Phil only nodded as a reply, indicating he was well and okay. 

"Why didn't he just say it?" Phil said, confused, while looking at Tommy. 

Bruises everywhere, the stubbornly curious and annoying facade disappearing every time he looked at Tommy. He felt his heart shatter a piece, and he frowned. 

The boy had stayed silent, and looked down on the ground. Phil could only sigh, and let them in. "Come inside, mate. It's freezing out here." 

Tommy and Tubbo went inside, along with Phil, and unluckily, Technoblade was inside. 

Tommy didn't even know what he was doing. 

'A staring contest?' Tubbo had thought, and silently cheered for Tommy to win. 'He hasn't blinked since yesterday when I first saw him.. like that.'

Instead, it wasn't a staring contest. It was just that Tommy couldn't move. He felt eyes on him.. everywhere. Techno's wide eyes, seeing a new person. A new member. Tommy? Oh, he had left ages ago. This was.. 

This was.. 

The silky white hair boy finally remembered he was being stared at, and sat down. 

"Hey Phil, Hey Tubbo, who's this?" Techno had responded, almost sounding sarcastic. 

No, he was not sarcastic, he didn't even know why he sounded sarcastic. He just wanted to know the new fellow. 

"Oh- uh.. This- this here is Tommy." Tubbo said, nervously waiting for Technoblade's reaction. 

Both 'Tommy' and Technoblade's worlds seemed to have stopped. 

The word 'Tommy' just.. didn't belong to 'Tommy.' Tommy was a chaotic, a loud and annoying and stubborn kid. Who was this fellow, who was quiet, and waiting for the green man's arrival, to kill him over and over and over again? 

The paranoia that Tommy felt was ridiculously stupid. He felt eyes all around him. He felt Dream's stupid aura everywhere he looked and everywhere he went. He felt.. hopeless. 

Meanwhile, Technoblade was.. stunned, to say the least.

This was Theseus? 

As if Tubbo and Phil had realized the tension between the two, they had went outside, to talk about their own. 

"Theseus..?" Technoblade said quietly, shocked and utterly confused. 

He couldn't get it. The loud child, the kid who was exiled twice, the war-causing Tommy, and the stubbornly annoying kid, had turned into this. 

He was still in his late teen phase. What happened? 

As if time had paused while Technoblade was thinking, he saw Theseus crack a small smile, and nodded, rather slowly. 

They will have the loudest conversation of their lifetime. 


"Did he explain anything to you?" Philza had asked, hands on the railings. 

Tubbo had bit his lip, "Well, not entirely. Only a little." Philza widened his eyes. 

Tommy, and Tubbo, keeping secrets!? No way- that was impossible. 

That was truly impossible, especially for the both of them. 

Tommy had a loud-mouth, always telling secrets to the other, no matter the cost. 

Phil shut his eyes for a while, and muttered out, "How come?" 

Tubbo had thought of it as well, during the walk here. He sighed, and frowned. 

I'm gonna kill that some of a bitch when I see him, Tubbo thought.

"Tubbo?" Phil had nudged him with his elbow, awakening Tubbo from his daydream. Which, the little boy thought, was Dream's worst nightmare. 

"Right right, uh.." Tubbo said, carefully. How the fuck am I gonna explain this?

"Okay so uh- Phil, Dream-" Tubbo stopped, and took a deep breath, "Tommy told me that Dream did it to him." Tubbo finally said, and never, had Phil's blood boil as hot as right now. 

But Philza took a deep breath, seeing Tubbo's almost begging face, and looked back, to see the Technoblade, hugging Tommy like he could disappear at any moment. 

"Well, thank you." The Philza Minecraft, a man who was adored by many, as a savior, as a brave fighter, was out of words. 

He felt.. speechless. 

"Why isn't he talking, then?" The blonde man asked, as he heard only Techno speaking inside. 

"Oh, oh uh- I kind of.. forgot?" Tubbo had chuckled out, quite awkwardly, fiddling with his fingers.

"It's fine mate," Philza said, holding Tubbo's hands comfortably. 


The young Blonde would feel a bit bad to say he shut Techno down, and instead eavesdropped on Phil and Tubbo. Who were talking about him. But he can't speak. And he also can't feel much anymore. 

He felt.. relaxed, to say the least. 

Seeing them look at each other like they were going to fall apart, felt kind of relaxing. 

He's been feeling like that for the whole of his life, it felt amazing seeing others have the same. 

"Tommy were you even listening to me?" The blade had asked nicely, and the blonde froze. 

He nodded, and Techno sighed. 

Suddenly, a warm and tight hug had filled the uncomfortable tension, Techno being the one who initiated it, instead of Tommy. 

The Blonde felt his insides warm up of Techno's brotherly hug, and embraced him the same way his brother had. 


A/N: Should I make shorter chapters (I can update more frequently, and more cliffhangers), or longer chapters? (Less updates) 

Words: 1112

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