Chapter 7

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A/N: This chapter will be more on fluff, and it will most probably be off the storyline Blublu_by made. 


It was a month after Tubbo saw this new Tommy and practically took him in, and Tommy was still the same. 

Tubbo tried to make him laugh. 

Techno tried to make him laugh. 

Phil, at least, tried to make Tommy react to something.. anything. 

But none of those tactics worked. 

Techno was getting furious about this. 

Where.. and how.. did his brother turn to this stranger? 

Techno tried his hardest to ignore the guilt he felt when he looked at Tommy, but he knew that Tommy heard the quiet sobs from his room the night Tommy went to his house. 


Tommy felt emotionless. 

A month, since he subconsciously walked to Snowchester. 

A month of pity, was all he could think. 

Why would they care now? 

Why didn't they care about him before? 

Why now do they care, when they know they should've cared before?

For sure, not many know that Tommy is this. 

He only talked to Tubbo, Ghostboo, Phil, Techno and Wilbur. No one else. 

But why does he, himself, the person who should be pitied, be feeling guilty? 

It's not his fault he didn't reach to Phil on time. 

It's not his fault he didn't run faster. 

It's not his fault he kept dying over and over again. 

"Tommy, could you come here?" Phil said. 

He froze. 

Was he calling him? 

Why is Phil calling him Tommy..? 

He's nothing like the Tommy from before. 

He doesn't even know if he's Tommy anymore. 

The sliver-head closed his eyes, one that he managed to relearn while in his sleep. 

"Tommy?" Phil called, again, and then looked at Tommy.

The silver-head flinched. 

Eyes were on him.

Eyes were on him.

Everlasting Revival || Eburnean!Tommy AU || Credits to Blublu_by for the AUWhere stories live. Discover now