Chapter 8

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"Tommy." An echoey voice giggled.

Theseus paused.

"Oh, Tommy~." It echoed again.

Silence occured.

"Theseus." Hands gripped Theseus' shoulders as he was slammed down onto the floor by a certain manipulator.

He waa slammed particularly hard, then, because his ear began ringing as Dream lifted him back up and spun him around as if he were a doll.

Was it him intentionally saying that he was easily manipulated? Is that a coincidence?

"Oh, Tommy, you don't know how MUCH I miss you." Dream spoke, poison in his tone.

But Tommy accepted it.

He knew there was danger, but who cares about him now?

He's done more chaos than Dream himself.

What's the worse Dream can do? Kill him?

"Not responding as usual." Dream replied casually. "Good." He kicked Tommy down, the heel of his boot on Tommy's neck.

It was suffocating for him. But he's already done this before. Several times.

Theseus stared dead at Dream.

"I'm giving you a decision. I'll revive Ranboo, but you have to stay with me. If you don't stay with me, expect your discs to be burnt as well as Ghostboo fading away. "

Tommy's eyebrows perked up slightly.

Michael can't live without a parental figure.

"I know you can talk, Tommy."

Theseus' throat ran dry.

"I.. just want you embarrassed, because I'm not answering. You sick homeless wanted teletubby." Tommy spoke in a soft whisper. As if the wind can blow away his voice.

"Stop with the insults. State your choice." Dream went straight to the point.

◇ ------------------------------------------ ◇

"No.. you did not."

"I did."

"Why would you do that?!"

"For everyone."

"Please tell me you're lying, Tommy."

"... "

"No, you're kidding." 

"You all like Ranboo more, anyway."

"But.. but then you'll be with Dream! Isn't that your worst nightmare?!"

"I've been with Dream longer than I have with you, Tubbo. When you put me to exile, he was sick and evil. But he visited me. You didn't."

Tubbo was shocked, thinking that this was the only reason why Tommy would stay with Dream.

"You don't get it! I was forced to exile you!-" 

"You could've visited."

Tommy stared coldly, at Tubbo.

"That doesn't answer why you want to be with Dream!"

" I'm used to his psychotic behavior, Tubs. If being with Dream means peace in this server, so be it."

Tubbo was stunned to say the least. 

"Tommy, don't act like a hero. You're on your last life." 

"Do I care?" 


Dream said, as he took out his shiny netherite axe.

"I'll say this one last time. State your choice. "

◇ ------------------------------------------ ◇

Damn it, it's so hard writing when you aren't updated with lore and nearly 50 assignments crawling behind you.

Well, I could explain why I haven't uploaded.

I had (still do) unmotivation to update, and to watch Dream SMP in general.

I have more interest in other things, such as Genshin Impact or Spy X Family, or Business Proposal.

But if you do want me updating this story, I'll gladly do it. I don't want this story to end unfinished.

That's all for me, folks. Sorry for the short chapter again. (read the 4th paragraph of Author's Notes) I'll see you all next time!

~ Your unmotivated Author, Rae.

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