Chapter 2.5

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A/N: This is happening right after the prologue, if anyone is confused! Anyways, let's begin! 

Dream scoffed, as he grabbed what was supposed to be his green hoodie, but it was red. Bloody red. Tommy's bloody red. 

He sighed, and put it in a basket. 'What tricks could I do to mess him up?' Dream thought, as he grabbed, another hoodie from his closet. 

Technoblade, and his irrational brain that had thought he was homeless. 

He was partly right though. Dream was homeless at the start of the server. 

He sighed, and stared at the board filled with ideas for power. 

Dream was power hungry, he just didn't want to admit it. He covered it up quickly, by saying that he just wanted to feel like the owner of this trauma-filled, destroyed, and amazing world of DreamSMP. A server he made, all by himself. 

He stared at the camera that always made him motivated, and played the video. 

Then, immediately after, a bloody red body was seen in the camera, and screams of pain and misery and the loss of freedom had shot from the boy in the video, whom was named Tommy. 

He was great, he was brilliant. Tommy was never a regret. He never regretted inviting Tommy in the server, as it had made him realize everything. 

Power felt glorious when it was in your hands. 

Dream felt like a psychopath, but he didn't care. Had he recorded every time Tommy died? Yes. Although, he did want to record that time where he saw Tommy's body, lifeless. Completely lifeless. 

He was completely dead, and Dream Wastaken felt relieved. Relaxed, even. 

Screams were no longer heard, and Dream ruffled his hair, not caring about what he'd look like in another person's eye. 

He needed Tommy to see how powerful he was, how great he was with all the power in the server. 

Dream Wastaken can revive people from the dead, and he smiled. He smiled without the mask, revealing the crazy smile he had been hiding every second of the day with control in his hands. He had memorized the content in the revival book, front and back. The crazy smile had creeped the life out of Tommy (no pun intended), and he felt the need to leave the second he saw it again. 

Dream was a insane human-being. Well, he looked like it. 

A green sweater, black pants, and a mask that featured his signature smile and hid his own, he felt like a sort of god. 

With the strings attached to everyone on the Dream SMP, except they let loose. 

Tommy had quickly cut them off once he left the prison, but Dream knew there was a way to tie it all together again. 

Slowly but surely, he'll find his way back up to the top. Dream will be much more superior than his idiotic brother, DreamXD. 

He will find his way back, and make sure to hug Tommy a nice nap for the last time. 


Words: 501 

A/N: I am so sorry this chapter is so short!! It's because I have no idea on what to do after last chapter, but felt like I needed to update it for you guys. Anyways, thank you so much for 300 views!! My goodness- that's so many people! Thank you. Now, peace! ^^ 

Everlasting Revival || Eburnean!Tommy AU || Credits to Blublu_by for the AUWhere stories live. Discover now