Chapter 6

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As it neared night, Tubbo gave Tommy the discs, and held his hand while walking down, just like they used to do years ago. 

The smell of smoke lingered the air, but neither acknowledged it, thinking it was someone blowing up something again. 

The smell of cigarette like smoke lingered the air, and it upset Tubbo, thinking of the times where he used to smell that same air when Schlatt, his own father, was still alive. The times where he got so drunk, he couldn't walk. The times where he smoked too much, that the smoke detector went off and water was raining inside. 


Smoke lingered the older goat's room, sometimes Tubbo saw red milk spilling out whenever his father was coughing. Tubbo felt bad for his father, he truly did. His goals always consisted of 'Wish Father good health' or 'Make sure he isn't coughing out red milk!',  how innocent minded he was before. 


Tommy remembers this familiar scent.. hell, he knew the brand of it. Wilbur always used to smoke in Pogtopia to the point where Tommy asked Prime, the goddess of the server, how he didn't die yet of the killing but addicting gas. 


 Smoke. Everywhere. 

There was smoke everywhere in this stupid ravine, and Tommy swore his lungs were going to die tomorrow. 

Tommy ran around the whole ravine, trying to find the depressed and addict Wilbur, and to convince him to stop for today. 

And that was his whole life down there. 

Wake up, convince, plead, beg, for Wilbur to stop smoking. 

A pile of cigarette boxes, and a larger pile of used cigarettes, Tommy can see. 

Wilbur used to hide them, as to not upset Tommy, but days passed and Wilbur just forgot to hide them, eyes blurred by the foggy smoke of addiction. 

The gray gas Tommy used to hate, but now that he sees it everyday, it's more just an inconvenience. An inconvenience to Tommy. An inconvenience to everybody. 

Tommy used to comfort Wilbur, at any time. Tommy was always there for Wilbur, seeing him as his older brother. 

But sadly, Tommy knew, no one would always be there for him. 

Sure, there was Tubbo, but he left frequently. He left Tommy with Wilbur. 

And so Tommy cried in his bed, trying to ignore the smell of smoke and the fire alarm from a house go off. 


Tommy looked at Wilbur as if his face can say a thousand words.  Though, he only thought of one. 


Tommy wished Wilbur would drop the cigarette, but he knew he couldn't convince him anymore. He knew he couldn't plead with him anymore, he couldn't beg for Wilbur to stop. 

And so Wilbur looked down from the blue-gray sky, to Tubbo. 

"Is that..." Wilbur paused, to look at Tubbo, who was conveniently, staring right back at him menacingly. "Tubbo.." Wil said quietly. 

"Tommy?" Wilbur's voice cracked in the middle of it, but all he cared about is 'What happened to you?'

"Wh- why is his hair white?" Wilbur said, confused and concerned, as Tommy had not spoken, not once, during this. 

Everlasting Revival || Eburnean!Tommy AU || Credits to Blublu_by for the AUWhere stories live. Discover now