Chapter 1

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3rd POV

Tubbo was walking down his usual path, one where he used to walk with his best mates, Ranboo and Tommy. He really wonders, where has Tommy gone? Ranboo's back at the mansion with Michael, but where is Tommy?

He should not have gone that far. So where is he?  

Tubbo sighed, and ignored it for now, as he walked. "Man, what a long day." He groaned, now lazily walking. "I wonder what is there to eat.." He groaned, still walking to the mansion, until he heard a crunch behind him. "Oh, Ranboo?" He questioned, "Is that you--" He said, before widening his eyes. 

A white haired man, with a face that held up the emotions of shock and fear, with Tommy's clothing. 

Tubbo's head gears started turning, and then realized it was Tommy. "T-Tommy!?" He screamed, out of shock. "What the hell happened to you??" Tubbo said, examining his best friend. 

Him and the Tommy he knew didn't look alike at all, except for his clothing. He didn't see the talkative, funny, always shouting and laughing best friend he first met. 

The Tommy infront of him had white hair, a face of shock and fear, ripped clothes, and blood all over him. He was a mess, to say the least. 

"Are you okay?" Tubbo asked one last time, feeling paranoia because Tommy wasn't answering any questions. 

Tommy didn't answer any question. Instead, he looked away. Tubbo took this as a way of saying he wasn't comfortable, and sighed. "Well, it's fine. You can tell me sometime else when you are comfortable." He said, and then held his hand. "Wanna come to the Mansion for lunch?" Tubbo asked, and Tommy nodded. He only nodded because he wanted to spend time with Tubbo and Ranboo, his best pals. 


Lunch was settled, and Tommy didn't feel like eating, Dream's voice inside his head. The sound of his pure laughter, the porcelain mask he wore with a smile, the bright green eyes that haunted the void, all startled him. 

"Tommy, what's going o--" Tubbo said, after Tommy had stood up. 

"Tommy?" Ranboo asked, getting worried of his mate, but Tommy just walked away, not knowing how to tell them his vocal chord broke.

Tommy wanted to blink away the tears in his eyes, seeing Dream's evil smile in his eyes. 

But he couldn't. 

His eyelids felt heavy. He didn't know if he could close it, at all. 

Tubbo sensed the tension between them, and looked at Ranboo. "Ranboo, could you take Michael back to their room? I can talk to Tommy for you!" Tubbo said, and Ranboo, after a few seconds, understood what he meant, and took Michael back to his room. 

Tommy hated everything in this mansion. 

The happy giggles of their adopted child, or their close bonds to each other, he hated it. 

He felt several eyes on him, and he didn't feel right.

He didn't feel right. 

He didn't feel like he belonged in the room. 

He didn't feel like he belonged in the mansion. 

He didn't feel like he belonged with them. 

He jumped, feeling a warm sensation on his body. His best mate, his right hand man, his Tubbo, was hugging him. 

He hugged back, and ruffled Tubbo's hair, Tubbo being shorter than Tommy. 

Everlasting Revival || Eburnean!Tommy AU || Credits to Blublu_by for the AUWhere stories live. Discover now