vii. Blood

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She couldn't comprehend about why they were so invested in her life_

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She couldn't comprehend about why they were so invested in her life

In the circle, Taylor sat inbetween Tom and blonde slytherin who looked to be much older than her. Taylor assumed she was a seventh year. The game started out seemingly fun with light questions and silly dares. The further along in the circle the more chaotic the dares got and the more serious the questions got. From what she could tell they only had enough time for each person to go once so they were trying to make it memorable.

" Druelle, truth or dare? " Abraxas asked sloppily, since he had just been dared to drink an entire cup of firewhiskey.

" Dare. " She quickly answered.

Taylor and Tom both took note of how panicked she looked whenever he said truth. She had to be hiding something. Although Tom already had an idea as of what.

Abraxas scanned the crowd before his eyes fell on Orion. A sickening smirk fell on his face. " I dare you to kiss Orion Black. "

Druelle's face visibly paled before her eyes glanced nervously over the Walburga. The witch didn't even dare to hide her glare. Nonetheless the Rosier witch gave him a quick speck on the cheek before sitting back in her normal spot. Taylor noticed the relaxation that suddenly overcame Walburga.

She hoped her thoughts weren't right. Her stomached churned at the very idea.

Druelle then looked over to her supposed best friend Walburga Black. " Truth or dare? "

The raven haired witch thought for a moment before settling with her safest option. " Dare. "

The purebloods held too many secrets.

Druelle pondered before laughing outloud at her very own idea. " I dare you to compliment Rabastan. "

To everyone who didn't know them it seemed pretty tame. But for those who knew they knew it was going to be hard for Walburga. The Black girl and the Lestrange boy loathed eachother. Her more so than him. The duo would constantly poke fun at eachother to the point one ends up hexing the other. Usually him starting it and her finishing it.

Rabastan grinned ear to ear eager for what she would have to say. Whatever it was he would use against her for the next few weeks and possibly even over break. This was his golden ticket.

Walburga grimanced and glared him down. She wouldn't dare compliment him on his looks or personality. He was a slacking student that got answers from others. The only thing he was significantly good at was flirting with girls and partying.

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